Check out these photos

chore boy

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Not sure I've seen as encouraging photos before (provided they're genuine, of course). I think we can all agree that the gentleman in the top set is likely way past the "30 month window" and the bottom photo is straight hairline... kinda hard to not get excited, ya know?


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WOW! Agreed, if these are legit photos then these are awesome results considering how far gone his hair was as well as his age.


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What's the fuzz all about? The third picture is another guy than the first two pictures and compared to the first picture, the second picture is a whole different lightning and angle. Hairs are a little longer, but still thin.

Nothing there to see iyam.

BTW, what a terrible website


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Is posting a link to some no name website with some bad quality pictures really a new treatment, study or discovery?


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I would say it is a very new treatment since it's not even been released yet. This is the Telomerase yogurt topical that will cost $2000 a bottle. It's been discussed a few times over the boards in the last couple of years.

Chore Boy, didn't you speak to Dr Joe Fox about this topical about a year ago? I think Dr fox seems a little eccentric from what people have said.

Last time I contacted him I was told it would be available in approx 2 weeks after the final tests by the university had been complete. That was over a year ago.

I think it's an interesting new approach but I wont be getting my hopes up or spending $2000 on a yogurt until I see solid proof of it working, of course if it did work as well as the Doctor claims I would have no problem giving him the money tomorrow!


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$2,000 for some peach fuzz?
This is better than Minoxidil how?

I can't say I'm impressed. At least, not by the evidence of those pictures...


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Anyone that buys that stuff talk to me. I have a VERY good deal on some land in Michigan I would like to sell you.

somone uk

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the hair in photo 1 and 2 has grown faster than a NW1 would in 18 days
the "new" hairs in the 3rd photo are dormant therefore don't matter because male pattern baldness regresses hair to a dormant state (get a halogen light and look all over your skin if you don't believe me)
they made this arbitrary claim without showing any effort into testing it into hair growth, they have not tested any theory on PEOPLE, fur and hair have a completely different anatomy, mice proof is not human proof and i am sick of having to say that, put it this way i am sure the mice trial to use warfarin to treat thrombosis didn't go very well but it's still prescribed

this guy is charging 2 grand to sell a product yet he hasn't shown any real statistically proven trial nor doesn't have a real website that doesn't look like a glorified geocities sight

so this wins somone uk's snake oil prize

Brains Expel Hair

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Telomerase is implicated in 90% of tumors. The human body shuts off activation of this enzyme in maturity for good reason, when the enzyme gets switched back on again cancer runs amuck. So basically for 2 grand you can pay someone for yogurt that if it actually does contain what it proposes, it'll most likely give you brain cancer or at least scalp cancer long before it gives you a full head of hair.

chore boy

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Am I in the right place... is this where the clown convention is being held?

Awful lot of speculation going on in this thread, eh? I expected it from certain forums but not this one. Not a single one of you have taken the time to investigate the validity of this product... I suppose cracking lame-*** jokes about Michigan takes crazy planning and wouldn't leave you guys ample time for proper research.

Give dude a jingle sometime... you'll see that he knows his sh*t.

Brains Expel Hair

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Ignoring the fact that the before pictures already show active hairs on the man's head and for the most part just appear to show that he didn't receive a haircut in between the two photos, and ignoring that they're also trying to claim their product cures skin blemishes even though its just a different lighting setup between the two shots, I still think the primary concern is there's a possibility this stuff could induce or at least feed tumors.

This is very dangerous ground you're treading on here considering long term tests on this stuff haven't been done to see if: A) the stuff actually works, B) the stuff grows huge tumors on your scalp instead.

Here's some more info from Scientific America.
Interesting point from ^ article:
"The precise makeup of the enzyme can differ from species to species, but each version possesses a species-specific RNA template for building telomeric repeats."

So, if the stuff contains telomerase and it's being produced by a bacteria, why would it be the human species specific enzyme?

Some points in favor of the telomere hypothesis towards hair loss:
"After all, cells can usually divide more times than is required in a human life span....Further, it is known that atherosclerosis typically develops where blood vessel walls have been damaged. It is conceivable that cells at repeatedly injured sites could finally "use up" their replicative capacity, so that the vessels ultimately fail to replace lost cells. Then damage would persist, and atherosclerosis would set in."

But back to the cancer problem:
"In theory, a lack of telomerase would retard the growth of tumors by causing continually dividing cells to lose their telomeres and to succumb before they did much damage. If cancer cells made telomerase, they would retain their telomeres and would potentially survive indefinitely."

And from the *always trustworthy Wikipedia:
"Some experiments have raised questions on whether telomerase can be used as an anti-aging therapy, namely, the fact mice with elevated levels of telomerase have higher cancer incidence and hence do not live longer. In addition, although certain premature aging syndromes have been associated with telomere shortening, mice without active telomerase do not appear to suffer from premature aging. Telomerase also favors tumorogenesis, leading to questions about its potential as an anti-aging therapy.[9] On the other hand, one study showed that activating telomerase in cancer-resistant mice by overexpressing its catalytic subunit extended lifespan.[10] The potential remains for telomerase activators to contribute to the development of cancer."

It seems like a neat avenue for treatment of hair loss but considering the application area's proximity to the brain I'd be very wary of anything that could boost cancer formation and growth especially when, if you get it, the chances of you being dead within 5 years after detection of brain cancer is around 70%.

Brains Expel Hair

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As for the credibility of the company... The company website used to be the president's Myspace page. Joe Fox, the person who's the company president and chief researcher has obtained the high scholastic achievement of actually enrolling in community college for an associates degree but possibly not even finishing it. Apparently he's one of those garage inventors who also "invented" a microwave chamber that he claims cures ALL diseases by inducing a fever and a bicycle that goes from 0-60 in 2 seconds:

I don't think this guy has the education or clarity of mind required to completely reprogram the yogurt's dna to produce human telomerase instead of bacterial telomerase. If he doesn't then all he's simply selling is yogurt who's bacteria produce telomerase, something that ALL bacteria already do, making this simply a $2000 small bottle of regular yogurt. Although to his credit, maybe its vanilla flavored.

chore boy

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I'm 10 days into a bottle of said yogurt. I suppose we'll know soon enough.


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I think you all underestimate Chore Boy, I am sure he did not pay a dime to test it. :whistle:


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DoctorHouse said:
I think you all underestimate Chore Boy, I am sure he did not pay a dime to test it. :whistle:

hey Doctor....u still use that hairchi foam??... whats your verdict on that?

awaiting your response my man.

chore boy

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I wish I were able to say that I didn't pay for it. Lookin' like I may need to chalk this one up to the loss column...


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chore, i have been reading your post for a while now..and i just wanted to get your input about any product that you feel is WORTH spending money. any product with a benefit that I would be able to notice and not just the theory. Im trying to find one last product to add to my regimen and i know u have mowed down a quite a few products. Sooo, anything you think might have helped (and maybe u dropped it and didnt give it enough time) you and that you sort of believe in would help as Im not sure what avenue to take.
