Checking Back After A While--this Is Depressing


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Don't be so sure about that. Central banks can print their way out of anything until they can't. There's no way to know when that game of musical chairs will end. We only know that this crisis has brought us that much closer. As long as there is money to pay people's bills and get businesses running again then unemployment will go back to 10% or less very quickly. We are not currently facing another Great Depression. Thanks to modern technology things are unlikely to get that bad ever again because productivity is far too high. What you can expect to happen is UBI. We are not going to have another deflationary crisis, the problem now is inflation and then eventually war with China. It's inevitable, but likely still a decade away. Another 5.2 million just filed for unemployment, but Dow futures are currently up 844 points lol That alone should tell you that deflation is not going to be allowed to happen.

The banking system’s private money creation is interest-bearing debt. The size of that interest-bearing debt grows exponentially, soaking up and extracting income from industry and labor. The end result is debt deflation. And all of the productivity gains since 1980 have gone to the superrichest few percent. The neoliberal shamans in either party will prescribe more self defeating austerity. Kind of like bloodletting to treat a patient whose dying. Neoliberalism doesn't work, but that's all they know in either party.
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Races are mainly based on the continents were people evolved separately. A better term for “whites” should be Europeans, just like Asians are named for their continent.

Ethnicities are sub groups within a race.

Jews are an ethnicity from the Mid East, not from Europe. They are not European ( I.e, white). They had no country of their for a long time and lived in Europe, but often stood apart, and were often kicked out for their subversive ways.

They've been pissing off lots of people for thousands of years.
Trump is not a jew and he is pissing off lots of people for the past 3 and half years. Pelosi is not a jew and she is pissing off every small business owner who is going to lose their business because she would rather stay in her California mansion and eat ice cream and chocolate until May 4th. History is history. I live in the now. And right now the Chinese communists who are not jews are pissing off the whole world. It's seems to me that everyone is capable of pissing off lots of people.

Are you "That Guy" using an alternate screen name as you answered for him?


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Obviously Europeans. Specifically Germanic and Slavic people.

Jews are not white. "White" is not about skin color. A tanned Norwegian woman isn't suddenly not white. Easy.

Also, it's 4/20. Happy Hitler's Birthday, guys!
Hitler considered Slavs to be Untermenschen, though


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Obviously Europeans. Specifically Germanic and Slavic people.

Jews are not white. "White" is not about skin color. A tanned Norwegian woman isn't suddenly not white. Easy.

Also, it's 4/20. Happy Hitler's Birthday, guys!
You forget the Celtic people, Nazi. Are Italians white?


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if you got pink nipples you are white. Its a good indication.

Italians have brown/black nipples so they aren't white if going with my definition. Same with many slavs have brownish nipples.
Pink nipple brotherhood...pretty hilarious post, I like it.
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if you got pink nipples you are white. Its a good indication.

Italians have brown/black nipples so they aren't white if going with my definition. Same with many slavs have brownish nipples.

Can I dm you my nipples and you tell me what race I am


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what the f***

there are plenty of incel sites people can go for this sh*t

where are the moderators?

C.mon man. half the world is confined to their homes at the moment, people are bound to start babbling about anything & everything to pass the time. But I get your point


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Theres no such thing as a "white" race
Yes very true. There is actually very little scientific basis for the concept of biological race. While there are some differences in the frequencies of certain genes between different human populations, there is no one gene which is unique to any one group. Human beings as a whole show surprisingly little genetic variation across our species relative to other mammals, and it has been proven that the genetic variation that exists within any particular race of humans is much greater than that which exists between races. Also, genetic variation among us varies along a smooth geographical continuum across the globe, making it entirely arbitrary where we decide to draw the racial dividing lines. Add to this all the intermarrying and mixing of genes that takes place nowadays between people from all over the world. So basically, we are all much more alike than different.

Anyway, I know this is a hair loss forum, so I don't want to get off topic too much. But I did want to explain these points to those on here who hold racist views.
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That guy is an American.
You don't seem to know everything that's wrong with american universities. They're either insanely right-wing about everything, or crazily politically correct.

That Guy

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Yes very true. There is actually very little scientific basis for the concept of biological race. While there are some differences in the frequencies of certain genes between different human populations, there is no one gene which is unique to any one group. Human beings as a whole show surprisingly little genetic variation across our species relative to other mammals, and it has been proven that the genetic variation that exists within any particular race of humans is much greater than that which exists between races. Also, genetic variation among us varies along a smooth geographical continuum across the globe, making it entirely arbitrary where we decide to draw the racial dividing lines. Add to this all the intermarrying and mixing of genes that takes place nowadays between people from all over the world. So basically, we are all much more alike than different.

Anyway, I know this is a hair loss forum, so I don't want to get off topic too much. But I did want to explain these points to those on here who hold racist views.

Right, that's why you can just swap races and get the exact same results, right? That's why we even all look the same, right?

That's why you can just put a bunch of black people in Haiti and they start building like the Europeans and Chinese, right? That's why genetic diseases and such never disproportionately or exclusively affect certain ethnic groups and not others! That's why Australian Aborgines are an advanced culture.

That's why trans-racial adoptions studies showed that it's all just about who raises you and not any genetic factors, right?

I mean, this


Is no different from this


It's all just appearances. There's no such thing as race, goy — but white people are evil and you need to fight white supremacy and oppression!

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Right, that's why you can just swap races and get the exact same results, right? That's why we even all look the same, right?

That's why you can just put a bunch of black people in Haiti and they start building like the Europeans and Chinese, right? That's why genetic diseases and such never disproportionately or exclusively affect certain ethnic groups and not others! That's why Australian Aborgines are an advanced culture.

That's why trans-racial adoptions studies showed that it's all just about who raises you and not any genetic factors, right?

I mean, this

View attachment 141369

Is no different from this

View attachment 141370

It's all just appearances. There's no such thing as race, goy — but white people are evil and you need to fight white supremacy and oppression!

View attachment 141371
LOL, these posts seem awfully familiar. It's like deja vu all over again. How is your hair doing? What Norwood level are you at and what are you using now for treatments.
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Wow! Obviously there are racial differences. To say otherwise is to ignore science and reality. That doesn't mean one race is superior, it just means they are different. There are trade-offs all around. White people are more susceptible to skin cancer, and black people are more susceptible to diabetes. I don't get what the point is of posting a picture of a beautiful blonde girl next to an ugly black girl? It proves nothing. I could easily post a picture of a hideous white girl and a beautiful black girl.
Covid-19 is attacking/killing more black people than any other race( due to risk factors: metabolic syndrome). Most people are now saying it's a racist virus. A Chinese virus that is racist? Irony at it's finest. And now Missouri is suing the Chinese government for pain and suffering and economic disaster. And now Iran just launched it's first military satellite. Tornados hitting Texas and other neighboring states. @That Guy, you would think this was the end of the world coming but your favorite people have not built the Third Temple yet so it's not.


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I wasn't trying to say that there are no differences at all between races. I was just making the point that the differences that exist are fairly small. Different genes do occur at different frequencies between different human populations, which accounts for the various visual and other differences that exist, but there isn't any one gene that is unique to any particular group, and there is vastly more genetic variation within each race than there is between races. And as I also mentioned, genetic variation among humans varies along a smooth geographical continuum across the world, meaning that it is largely arbitrary where we decide to draw the racial dividing lines.

So in view of these facts, I think there is a case for saying that maybe we shouldn't consider our race to be a major part of who we are. The fact that we are human beings is a major part of who we are, but not necessarily the fact that we are each a particular "type of human being".


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There actually are genes that are exclusive to different groups. A variation of EDAR that gives east Asians good hair is one of them. The differences are more than skin deep, but that's ok. It makes the world a more interesting place. What I don't agree with is putting people down because of their race. There are good and bad people of all kinds.
I guess my point that there are no genes at all that are race-specific wasn't entirely accurate. There do exist many rare variants of genes that only happen to occur in individuals of one racial group, and this commonly occurs in individuals that exist within a specific small geographical area (e.g. the 5ar type 2 deficiency gene variant that is found in the "pseudohermaphrodites" in a small area of the Dominican Republic). But any gene that shows up commonly in any broader socially defined racial grouping would almost certainly exist to some extent in other broad racial groupings too. The variation of EDAR that is common in Asians and is linked to having good hair does also occur in Europeans and other races too, just more rarely.


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American conservatism was born in the deep south. It was based on religious revivalism and racism. - Michael Lind, former William F Buckley protege in his book, 'Up From Conservatism: Why the Right is Wrong For America'.

It's a good read and gives us some insight into the pseudoscientific racist views of political conservatives. The inferior intellect is plainly evident when we see the covidiots and preppers protesting in the streets after getting riled up on facebook memes. Meanwhile, nurses and doctors try to fend off their stupidity with scientific facts. Racism is a leftover of the brutal colonizations that occurred over centuries. Convincing mainly illiterate peasants that certain ethnic groups were less human than white people was easily done and highly profitable for a long time. In the last century, IBM helped the Nazis to keep track of ethnic and political slave labour for accounting purposes. They were supposed to beat the inferior Slavs and occupy the Kremlin six weeks from the start of Operation Barbarossa. And thanks to their insanely racist fuhrer who fancied himself a Roman battleline tactician, the white supremacists lost Hitler's war of annihilation against people as ordinary as themselves. The "inferior" Rooskis laid heavy-gauge rail every step of the way in liberating Russia and Eastern Europe of what was supposed to be a superior corporate-sponsored military machine. They were beaten all the way back to Berlin, and the hammer and sickle was hoisted above the Reichstag for good measure.
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I guess my point that there are no genes at all that are race-specific wasn't entirely accurate.

Humans and chimpanzees are more than 98.3 percent identical wrt nuclear noncoding DNA and more than 99.5 percent identical in the active coding nucleotide sequences of their functional nuclear genes (Goodman et al., 1989, 1990). For comparison, we share 97.5% of our DNA with mice. And the differences between ethnic groups of people based on geography are even less significant. Physical differences in skin colour, hair colour, nostril flare etc are minuscule changes that occurred in just the last 36000 years or so and probably due to environmental factors. That's like yesterday in the evolutionary scheme of things.
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By the way, it's good Hitler lost, but it is not good that the Russians took Eastern Europe. They are barbarians, and communism is just as bad as fascism. America made a huge mistake making a deal with Stalin.

Uncle Sam has used socialism in the past numerous times to save the economy. Social Security is the most successful socialist program in US history. And there are many more examples. Washington still uses soft budget constraints typical of the former Eastern block nations. The cold war was a mind-f***, a totally unnecessary and colossal waste of time and resources to benefit the Dulles brothers and a few oil companies. And that's all it was.