Chester716's Story - (24/finasteride and minoxidil started on Sep8 2009)


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deadlocks said:
How come this isn't in the Succes Stories section yet? Great regrowth man!

i dont really consider it a success story... like my hair hasnt really gotten better since i started finasteride two years ago... maybe even slightly worse?

i donno... those pics up top were taken same day.. it just LOOKS better when dry.. the wet ones you can clearly see my scalp.. also when dry under light its kinda rough... i sometiems use nanogen when i go out.. that stuff is pretty amazing for the look and i guess the confidence...

but yea.... i guess if i still have hair... its sorta a success story...

I JUST started RU yesterday and dropped finasteride three days ago.

I got the RU from OntarioChemicals

you can get info in the Share your experience with RU thread.

but i live about 40 mins from where they make it so i got it a day after ordering... ill see how it helps if at all.

one day on it so far... applied with minoxidil.. and it went on exactly the same as the minoxidil always does... messy and sloppy and takes forever to dry.. i apply it a few hours before bed so its dry before i sleep...


Senior Member
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A dry pic from your first picture, and a dry pic from your most recent photo. How can you say that there's no improvement!?!?!!!?! I think it looks like a pretty damn good improvement.


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hmm i see your point.... maybe i didnt notice... its possible though i had flash on in the old pic.. i didnt for the recent one...

i meant to also include this pic of my hairline when i was a kid... its always been quite high so its hard for me to tell if my hairline is getting worse or not.


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so it sbeen about three weeks....... no postives yet.

Seems like im losing a LOT more hair now than I used to... I think im gonna start on finasteride again....maybe every other day as well as continue RU.... sex drive is back pretty strong again... still not 100% sure if its the drug or not.....

I'll post some pics at a month.. so next week....


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this is off finasteride for a month and ONLY on RU mixed with minoxidil 5%.... gonna add s5 cream i think and try and stay off finasteride......

these are all dry, taken today...


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Experienced Member
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You maintained well and regrew some, well done :)

What products do you use to style your hair?


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I sprinkle some nanogen on then spray some got2b blasting freeze spray
not tons but a bit... wait about 40 sec.. then spike it up....when its on the verge of drying....

works quite well.. since i have fine hair.. most products just weigh it down and it flattens out.. that combined with the nanogen, makes me look like im not even close to thinning at all..... really helps with the confidence and even the strongest light or sun doesnt show scalp... nanogen stuff is pretty wicked.... that being said even without it i dont look like im balding in normal light or anything but up close or a light above me and can see my scalp pretty clear...

basically... shower at night, (revovogen shampoo/cond)..... wait half hour... RU and minoxidil apply 2ml.... go to bed...... .. that stuff makes yur hair kinda dry but also feels a bit thicker.. morning... nanogen (if im going out after work) then hairspray... style.. and im good.

if you have fine or soft hair ... its tough.. ive tried ev CREW product, gel, foam, wax, mousse... etc.. most weigh hair down flat and gross... mousse does nothing at all.... my hair just absorbs it like its nothing.... hairspray is the only thing that seems to work for me well...number 5 pantene or freezing blast.. its important not to use TONS tho....


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Product I use for styling is v05 fibre putty blue plastic tub with darker blue lid.

Stronger then gel but not waxy.

Iput it in my hair, if ive put too much simply ruffle with towel as if I was drying it and it takes excess out, but leaves enough in there to style and hold for a night out.

I get home and a simple run of the shower over my head and it just runs out.

Gel was never strong enough to hold my hair up an wax made it clumpy. I style mine in the messed up spiked up look.


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quick update....

so im losing like a TON of hair each night.. i can comb it forward and hair just falls off. i know you're supposed to lose some each day.. but this seems like a estimate 50 to 100.. i got bored combing them out.. and just stopped....

my hair when wet is looking absolutely terrible.....VERY terrible.... im going to go back on finasteride..... its that or lose it all I think.... doesnt really seem like minoxidil and RU is doing anything other than being a hassle each night....

*sigh*... im so depressed now.

i am losing this battle..


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Try giving yourself a buzz cut. Shorter hairs so it's not as easy to see them falling out. Less worrying for you. It's not like worrying about stuff is going to do you any good at all. It's just gonna cause you to lose sleep.

At some point in time you have to make the decision on if you're just gonna shave it and forget it. This could be a good time for a trial run. I'm maintaining mine pretty well, but my dad and my mom's brothers are all I know that I will most likely be headed down that road sooner or later....I just try not to think about it too much right now.


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I'm still holding on... not ready to make that decision yet... i will look terrible bald..........

anyway... here are some updated pics. I've been on RU for two months.
I stopped finasteride for one.... and i was thinning again.. im back on finasteride and RU.

I use both about 5 times a week.

i think im getting a bit better now... normally the scalp is extremely visible near the crown... this is looking and feeling better lately...


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My Regimen
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Wait, so do you think ru is even helping you? Where do you get your ru btw?

So when you quit finasteride your got bad, then when you got back on, its getter better

So in other words ru has had no positive effect at all


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honestly its hard to say....

I think the finasteride hasnt helped in terms of regrowth AT ALL but def helps maintain...

I've onl ybeen using RU for two months now..... the first month I ha given up finasteride.... def got worse... am on finasteride now and after a month.. i feel better about how it looks.. you can see the pics up there are from the other day.. so ..

I'll post an update at about 6 months .. good time frame to see if RU has helped at all.. keeping in mind RU is mixed with minoxidil... so they could both be helping.. i never used to use minoxidil that much in the past....I go tthe ru from ontario chemicals.... its about 30 mins from me.. so shipping was free and it arrived the next day....


Established Member
My Regimen
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Do me a favor, can you when you have free time go viait the lab too make sure its a real lab and not just an office,



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Ya I can sure. I pass it weekly when I visit my rental property in Waterloo.

I can pop by.

But even if it is just an office. Theres nothing to say that they dont manufacture somewhere else and just handle corporate stuff from there.

i attached a pic of the building they are supposedly at. From google maps.

I'll swing by this week and check it out.


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