Christian Bale


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I heard a bit of the tape and it's disturbing. Christian Bale is a brilliant actor, he's under a great stress and the director of photography may have been unprofessional, but Bale's reaction was just crazy. He really is an American Psycho. :)


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Flavio said:
He really is an American Psycho. :)

Except that he's British.

What I don't get is his accent. It starts off American, descends slowly into British, then goes back to American....what a weirdo.


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squeegee said:,,20213900,00.html Batman's Christian Bale was arrested in London on Tuesday, following assault allegations reportedly made by his own mother and sister.

HAHAHA the guy is on something..Too much testosterone make you just like him..or is just plain a**hole and full of himself. Anyways still like him as an actor can cannot wait to watch the last Terminator. ... =1&index=3

Could be roid rage!


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Episodes like this shouldn't be put up for public commentary.

People get pissed off "Meh"


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Eureka said:
Episodes like this shouldn't be put up for public commentary.

People get pissed off "Meh"

I agree...

I don't think its a big deal at all. Actors and Writers are weird people who have melt downs differently than the standard cubicle worker does.


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Just to get the other side:

Hey folks, Harry here... I'm getting slammed with assloads of people angry at me for not posting the Bale explosion from the set of McG's TERMINATOR: SALVATION. Well, first off - there's a real simple reason. It isn't news. And it certainly isn't cool news. It is a moment in a man's life taken completely out of context and most likely leaked to personally embarrass Christian Bale.

Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking... There's no excuse for a temper tantrum like that to ever occur and if you are going to act that way, you deserve to be embarrassed by your own actions.

Except, you want to hear the REALITY behind that clip?

I know this because I happen to be somewhere where someone that was there that day and for the shoot is. And this person isn't a publicist, nor are they invested in Bale's career. They're just someone that thinks it is absolute bullshit that this moment in Bale's life is being aired and that the real story should get out there.

The DP on TERMINATOR SALVATION, Shane Hurlbut, is a apparently a light tweaker. He's a fairly young DP and likes to fiddle with his lights on set during action, which is a big "NO NO" on most productions unless worked out in advance with performers. But apparently Shane was a pretty unrepentant light tweaker.

The scene in question, was a very emotional and tough scene between Christian Bale and Bryce Howard. A scene that required soul bearing and a deep level of immersive concentration. The sort of scene where everyone on set knows not to get in anyone's eye lines, and definitely not to move lights around while FILMING. You lock that sh*t down before the scene starts.

Bale had indeed warned the DP on multiple occasions about messing with lights while the cameras were rolling, and Bale was in the midst of a painful scene with Bryce, what was described to me as being the emotional center of the film and his character for the film.

Now, the reason I know all of this is because the person that was there, felt that it should be made perfectly clear that Christian Bale was the utmost gentleman and cool guy on set. And the DP really was doing something that professional DPs with experience just don't do. Not during a performance.

You don't need me to give you a link, it's all over the internet, I just felt that you should know what really went down - and that this particular outburst did indeed modify the DP's behavior - and for future DPs. f*** with the lights before and after your actors are acting. Not during


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its not such a big deal and that guy was unprofessional but still when i hear a guy that makes millions screams at a simple man its making me sad . especially when the movie is T4 not excatly the peak of human cultural achievements


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Eureka said:
Episodes like this shouldn't be put up for public commentary.
Yeah... i bet if that was you he yelled at, youdnt be saying the same...


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The boy needs a major chill pill.

It's one thing for a professional to get irritiated w/ someone that perhaps ruined "a shot" - but CB's tirade was over the top, immature, uncalled for, and unprofessional in its own right.

Say your piece and be done with it.

He's lucky the guy he was calling out was the bigger man.


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The funny thing is, I bet ALL of us have reacted in a similar manner at least once in our lives. The difference is, nobody filmed us. Additionally, when people explode like that, I truly believe we don't realize we are being as vicious as it is in actuality. He's probably watching the video and thinking: "Holy s%^t, I really went off the handle!".

With that said, I knew he had a temper even before the blowout. I remember watching interviews with him in regards to his latest Batman movie. When the interviewer began to ask more questions about Heath Ledger (what kind of guy he was, how was it working with him, what a great job Heath did etc.), I could see the blood boiling in his body language!


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Ace, love the remix. I thought the Bale incident was pretty funny.


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Smooth said:
Eureka said:
Episodes like this shouldn't be put up for public commentary.
Yeah... i bet if that was you he yelled at, youdnt be saying the same...

If it was me I would confront Bale personally. Not put it up for the public to comment on. It's a personal exchange. There's no reason for other people to pretend as if Bale is a terrible person simply because he went off on someone.

We've all done it. At some point. Maybe it wasn't as loud, maybe no as obnoxious. But it happened.

And we didn't have people there to judge how fair or just we were.

Most celebrities images are fake. So when those images are shattered by humanism. We overreact.

Doug Douglas

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BobbyChalfont said:
Flavio said:
He really is an American Psycho. :)

Except that he's British.
Welsh, actually.

And the guy who kept the sound recording going on is the one who's to blame for this tape even existing. He will probably not be finding work again anytime soon.