Client "creeped Out" By My Physique


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i received a negative comment from an anonymous client at work today. she said she was creeped out by me and wrote that it probably wasn't because of anything i did, but i have the physique of men who have creeped her out in the past.

was this in reference to my bird's nest? because i have the most vanilla physique ever. i'm a 6 foot 170 pound white dude. did she see my thin temples and associate it with creepers? it's just really hurtful to hear that i'm a creep because of my genetics which i have no control over.


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i received a negative comment from an anonymous client at work today. she said she was creeped out by me and it probably wasn't my fault, but i have the physique of men who have creeped her out in the past.

was this in reference to my bird's nest? because i have the most vanilla physique ever. i'm a 6 foot 170 pound white dude. did she see my thin temples and associate it with creepers? it's just really hurtful to hear that i'm a creep because of my genetics which i have no control over.
It was probably your behaviour rather than your looks.


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i received a negative comment from an anonymous client at work today. she said she was creeped out by me and wrote that it probably wasn't because of anything i did, but i have the physique of men who have creeped her out in the past.

was this in reference to my bird's nest? because i have the most vanilla physique ever. i'm a 6 foot 170 pound white dude. did she see my thin temples and associate it with creepers? it's just really hurtful to hear that i'm a creep because of my genetics which i have no control over.

It's hard for us to know without a picture, sorry. It could also be your body language.


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i received a negative comment from an anonymous client at work today. she said she was creeped out by me and wrote that it probably wasn't because of anything i did, but i have the physique of men who have creeped her out in the past.

was this in reference to my bird's nest? because i have the most vanilla physique ever. i'm a 6 foot 170 pound white dude. did she see my thin temples and associate it with creepers? it's just really hurtful to hear that i'm a creep because of my genetics which i have no control over.
Lady crazy.
Do not engage :)


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One girl considering you creepy is fairly meaningless. No doubt nearly every guy has been considered creepy at some point. Only if it were a pattern would I look into it.


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No.Don't overthink.
She may have really bad memories,that's why she opened it to you.
If you really scared her,she wouldn't have said a single word to you about that sensitive subject.


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One girl considering you creepy is fairly meaningless. No doubt nearly every guy has been considered creepy at some point. Only if it were a pattern would I look into it.

you think so? it's the first time i've heard a comment like that about me. i understand we live in a society where tall white dudes have been pretty bad to females, which has resulted in a "guilty until proven innocent " dynamic where women have to be on their guard. if something about my physical appearance made her associate me with creepiness there is nothing i can do. but it's hurtful to have that on my feedback, when she straight up said "it's not anything he did, just his physique". sounds like it was more about her, so is that really something she needed to put on me?

the media plays into this too. i would like to see a chart of how many tv / movie villains have temple recession. these meaningless things get associated with certain attributes that they have no correlation to. it's like fake synapses being wired into people's brains.


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Welcome to my life. People stare at me everyday because of the combination paleness + Norwood 5 hair + framecel physique (5'' wrists, to give you an idea).

You can only get used to it.


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Welcome to my life. People stare at me everyday because of the combination paleness + Norwood 5 hair + framecel physique (5'' wrists, to give you an idea).

You can only get used to it.

this f*****g "judge based on looks" epidemic that has been plaguing humanity. i guess it happens to all of us to some extent, some more than others. frustrating, but that's the reality.

thanks for your comments guys.


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looool i thought were a f*****g escort or something

what is your job man, what were you doing for this lady?


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That's fucked up, the lady is an a**h**. It is completely inappropriate to say something like that in the work place, even if she is the client. Imagine if you said the same thing about a woman because she was overweight or something - f*****g twitter would blow up and you'd be on the evening news and fired from your job promptly; the response would be immediate. Then again, that's the world we live in now

There is a chance she is just trolling you, however, in case she isn't you should try to understand why she would say that. I would ask someone you are close to and see if they can pinpoint why she said that. At 6ft and 170lbs you may be quite skinny - could that be the reason why?
this. its wrong as hell and harassment. i would definitely get her in trouble if she was another worker. as she is a "client" idk what you can do though. maybe shame her? point out to her how fucked up it is?


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lets see some pics man. you can edit the face

im curious as f*** about this

f*****g nuts you got such a complaint


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creepy = unattractive man with weird, aggressive, awkward behavior

in most cases attention is unwanted, hence the creepy factor.


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Wait until you have bald spots then start wondering if it was your hair, thinning temples isn't enough to warrant such attitude.


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was this in reference to my bird's nest? because i have the most vanilla physique ever. i'm a 6 foot 170 pound white dude. did she see my thin temples and associate it with creepers?

Maybe she thought it was creepy that you were free-balling at work? Deciding to skip on underwear while wearing slacks is frowned upon in many countries.