Clip on wigs anyone used one advice ?


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Plenty of Youtube vids about clip on mens wigs.They seem so effective and simple and seem better than tape and they are quite cheap- but i remain a bit skeptical
However , someone told me the clips will cause more hair loss.
Anyone used one ?


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I've not tried a clip on wig / hair system, but I think they wouldn't be as securely attached as those using tape or glue. I think they're quicker and easily to attach and remove, though. Don't clip on hair systems go over your bio hair as opposed to a balding area too? I'm not entirely sure. I wear a longer hair system (8 to 10 inches on average) and I've always just shaved the balding bio hair on top and attached to hair system with tape and glue, which integrating it with the bio hair on my back and sides. I think this seems more real than a clip on system. Also, if you want to try different styles and lengths of system without the hassle, a clip on might be a good starting point. Maybe they are more detectable though, especially by touch, and less secure so more risky. You need to research some articles and videos about them really then give them a try.


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Be careful on any videos and their viewpoint. I would think there is a bias for click on videos to be positive of it. Just the nature of things.
My understanding, is as it needs to click on to native hair it can stress/pull those hairs (out).
If for a short term wear (eg a couple of days) or try out then I thing there is merit.
Longer term wear, then I am sceptical. Its not secure and will never produce a smooth transition


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Looking at videos of clip on wigs/hair systems, there doesn't seem to be any way to attach the hairline. So I don't see how these would work in practice really. Even if the back and sides attach ok, if there's nothing to attach the hairline onto, then it's not going to work.