HairIsPossible was last seen:
Sep 12, 2016
How bald do you think OP is by now?
It's rather sad that we have been programmed to equate the worth of a man with the amount of hair on his head. If you closely watch television commercials you will notice that they ALWAYS depict the "loser" character as bald and the "winner" character as having a full head of hair. This is done on purpose to condition us into having low self-esteem, so that we will be much more easily manipulated by their illusions and lies.
Baldness is a characteristic male trait, there's no shame in it, and other than reasons of vanity there's little reason to wish for a different fate.
That being said, this mystery of hair loss is the key to unlocking the next paradigm in our understanding of the human body where we can finally throw out all the junk the universities and "scientific" journals teach us and actually look at what is actually going on in the human body.
The cold treatment failed, the headstands failed, everything I have mentioned here has failed. The reason for this is because I have been conceptualizing hair loss as a localized problem, as if the issue is resides entirely in the scalp. This I believe has been my error.
Nothing in the human body occurs in isolation, especially not a long term onsetting condition like male pattern baldness.
I strongly encourage those who agree with the above statement to read "
Our Senseless Toil" by Viktor Schauberger. This brilliant work will provide the basis to break out of the current paradigm to a higher truth. I should note it does not directly address male pattern baldness, however the secrets of nature it reveals will one day lead a pious thinker to the understanding and perhaps the solution of this near universal limitation.
I do not have a new hypothesis or new technique to share with you for now. It may be years before the ideas crystalize and the gates to a new practical approach have opened.
I wish to thank those who have supported my ideas thus far and had the boldness to think against the medical mafia, and I also wish to thank those who have flung their arrows at me because nothing fuels the drive to discover truth than to wish to rise above ignorance.