Collegechemistrystudent's Story - (26, virgin, hair transplant and a 6.4)


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i thought u were REAL bald, its not that bad at all, keep up with the good work! u certainly deserve some women


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Yeah CCS, Aaron, (hope you don't mind) I'm extremely grateful for your input here on this forum. I don't post much but I read voraciously, usually....
Best of luck with all of your hard work mate. :wink:


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Could someone explain me how a person can get 3 transplants and get the strip always taken from the same place?? :shock: I simply don't get it. And I imagine the doctor stretching the skin to the limit.


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it is just the same as putting on weight. you don't stretch marks as long as you don't get fat too fast. if the procedure is kind of small, and the strip wide, you don't get a stretch mark, and the skin regrows over time, releaving tension. I would worry about the follicles getting too far apart, but when I look back there, I'm just not seeing that. It all looks the same density to me in two mirrors. Yeah, I know it sounds better to take it from different areas. I'm just not having that problem for some reason. you can email dr keene if you want to know more. she will probably tell you it just depends on your elasticity.


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Good luck CCS, It doesn't look that bad imo but we all have our own standards, how's finasteride and the other stuff working for you? I can't really tell much in terms of density by your pics but the last one looks pretty good.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

When I shaved my head, I learned that I'm thinning in back too, very noticeably at shorter lengths, but it start blending in at 1/2 inch and is hidden at 1 inch, except for the fact that it does not stand up as full as thicker hair would.

My grafts are better than being NW4 like I was, but they are thin enough that most people would advise me to just shave it. Dermmatch can be seen on my scalp in bright enough overhead lighting, unless I use a small amount that will not hide the thinness.

When I shaved it, it was easy to see where the grafts began and the native hair started. I looked like a freak, though people respected me for being bold enough to shave. Women smiled at me a lot. I was told I looked better shaved. While it is true that shaved looks more confident than obviously thinning while playing dumb, I still think it looks bad. So I'm getting a hair piece.

I'm still taking proscar 1/4. I don't know if I should save money by alternating in some dutas that I have on hand, or if I should sell the dutas, or avoid risking a non-proven dose. I'm also using Nizoral and Piroctone olamine. I stopped minoxidil because of the hassel and cost and smell. Foam in back might be an option though. I put my proscar in a clear bottle, and got rid of anything with the words hair loss on it, in case anyone comes over and sees it.

I use aveda pure abundance shampoo when I want to look my best. It does help, just slightly, but is worth it. The hair piece is for the front. I ordered it from coolpiece and will put it on when my hair grows out long enough by Feb 14. Until then, i can just say the swiss lace looks and feels impressive.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

I had another look in the mirror. Previously, the mirrors I used were angle such that when I tilted my head to see the back of my head, direct bathroom light was not hitting the back.

Well, this time I stood where my head was directly hit by the light, and used a hand mirror to see the main mirror behind me. Even at 1/2 inch, the back and top are very obviously thinning.

That still does not bother me as much as it would have if I did not know about pieces. But covering that extra area will cost a lot more, and be more difficult since it is in back. Kind of hard to work with.

I've seen the before and after pics of the best minoxidil responders, the top 5%. While I know I am a responder, I kind of doubt minoxidil will regrow as much as I want. Dermmatch would back a good improvement, but will come out in the shower. And the aveda can't possibly hide this much loss. My friend saw me from behind recently, and commented that my hair looks a lot worse than it used to.

I took a picture with my webcam, but the cheap thing just does not show it like I can see in the mirror. I applied dermmatch for 3 minutes, and it hid it pretty good, though it does not look like locks of hair. Just the scalp is more hidden. I don't feel the dermmatch in my hands. So I guess as long as it does not rinse out in the pool I'll be fine. Now my piece is not the only reason not to swim under water much.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

I read about the rogain foam. Sounds like the stuff works well. And if I use peppermint to mask some smell 2 hours later, or after the shower, that should help too.

Price: 3 months of foam; $38.
Liquid minoxidil, now down to $32 for 6 months.

If I'm just doing a small area in back, I think I can use a little less. I'll give it a try.

As for the licorice, which I think could be a cure to baldness, I just don't know if I want to risk the smell turning people off. It would still be nice if someone did the experiment. I think it would be far more effective than RU.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

eh, tough break man. What's the deal with licorice? When you say cure, do you mean hairloss reversal or just preventing further loss? I'd be up for having a go at it.

I read right through your myspace page, it looks like you have a pretty good grasp of what works and what doesn't. Do you think you just have really shitty hair genes or have you slowed down on your routine somewhat?


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

I don't want to continue all these topicals. I don't mind shampoos, and I might give the foam a go. I have a life to live and topicals just make my hair look bad.

I think the licorice will reverse hair loss, all the way back, unless you have some severe fibrosis. This is just a hunch though, from stuff I've read. Dig through the new research section a page or two back, find the licorice thread, go several pages into it to where I posted a link or two to a korean company that sells the extract in that study. Hopefully they speak english and will sell to consumers. I bet it will be a lot cheaper than RU, and much more effective. please call them and report back. I just don't want to spend $10 on a calling card and find out they don't speak english or won't sell it or I don't like the smell when it arrives.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

You sure spent alot of money on your hair.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

RaginDemon said:
You sure spent alot of money on your hair.

yeah, and all the grafts did was keep my self confidence from completely going. maybe they would have helped me if I had asked out more women though. Lot's of people are telling me that even good looking guys don't get asked out much. Women expect guys to ask them out. I think this is the main reason I've been single so long.

I think the rogaine foam sounds cheaper and easier than getting a bigger piece to cover the back. So I will go with that I guess.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

I just did a before and after of a single aveda pure abundance application. I did not see a difference. I'm not going to use this stuff daily when I need to use nizoral back there too. So I'll give it away to my friend who complained about his thinning hair. His hair is not thinning. He just thinks it is. But he gave me 30 brand new pairs of socks once, so I'll return the favor.

So now it is dermmatch and rogaine foam.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

Whats the situation with the peice? have you give up on that idea?


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

collegechemistrystudent said:
RaginDemon said:
You sure spent alot of money on your hair.

yeah, and all the grafts did was keep my self confidence from completely going. maybe they would have helped me if I had asked out more women though. Lot's of people are telling me that even good looking guys don't get asked out much. Women expect guys to ask them out. I think this is the main reason I've been single so long.

I think the rogaine foam sounds cheaper and easier than getting a bigger piece to cover the back. So I will go with that I guess.

Are you a virgin like Taug?


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

I do have some kind of experience. Enough to have a better idea of what to expect. Still sexually frustrated though. Just not as much as before.

I put dermmatch on one side of my head and showed it to my coworkers. One of them said the dermmatch side looks worse. He said I put it on unevenly. Interesting, because it looked even to me in the mirror. This just shows how hard it is to be perfect. The other guy looked and said that both look bad, and I should just accept that I'm aging. The boss looked at both and said I should just grow it out. Conclusion: the front needs the piece.

My coworker said the back had only very mild thinning. I disagree, from what I saw in the mirror. That tells me that Rogaine Foam may be my answer there.

As for my piece, I'll put it on about Feb 14, when my hair is long enough.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

I told a few more people that i'm getting the hair piece. They told me that hair pieces are obvious to spot, and that I should just grow my hair out. Well I think I just might do that then. :whistle:

And these men agree with me. Women don't notice my hair, as long as I'm not very bald. Well, maybe the do sometimes, but not always. What they notice is whether I look good, and they don't always put their finger on what it is that makes me look good or bad. So when I get the piece, they won't notice my hair changed. They will just notice I look better. Now if the piece actually is obvious, then I'll shave and be out $300.


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Re: collegechemistrystudent's story

Women don't really notice your hair loss unless you are really nervous about it and/or you are very bald.