Colon cleanser

Follically Challenged

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I quit the cleanser I was on. It made me feel not-so-good. Also, I take so many supplements, I didn't like the fact I was introducing a whole whack of herbs into the mix with little to no science to justify it.

I think I will use the multi-fiber part of the Nature'e Secret ultimate cleanse or whatever I bought, but will do that when I am eating more fiber rich foods so I do it right.

I think I'll try the oxygen based colon cleansing too.

As far as probiotics go, NSI has a 15 strain, 35 billion microorganism product with NutraFlora.

"NutraFlora® FOS, a highly-concentrated complex of fructooligosaccharides, or naturally-occurring carbohydrates (also known as "prebiotics") that are indigestible by humans but serve as food/an energy source for friendly bacteria in the intestines, helping to increase their numbers in the body."


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The Swanson one mentioned above is an "oxygen based" one as well.

I've had that problem too..not feeling too good doing a "cleanse". With a history of's also not the greatest thing for my system. I haven't done one in ages. Maybe I will get suckered into Swanson's latest miracle product :shock:

There is some debate as to whether they're necessary/needed btw.


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Any thoughts on the Colon Tone by Swanson?


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sublime said:
I just started oxy powder tonight. I will update if anything interesting happens. Of course I will keep the details to a minimum unless requested.

Thanks for your input and support. I checked out that site you posted....very interesting stuff.

The oxy powder you speak of....from swanson? I am doing well with the herbal tea and acidophoulous in the AM. Great BM....hurts alittle too....LOL


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sublime said:
Well my second morning on this stuff and I am evacuating a lot of stuff. It is pretty easy to tell the difference between what you ate and the actual stuff it cleaning out of your intestines. Your food comes out in solids and the other stuff is a like a liquid goo. Anyway I get a little painful gas in the morning, but not painful to where I cannot do anything. I am glad I read up on others experience because I might have mistaken this as real gas. Luckily I knew what precautionary measures to take and they were spot on.

I am actually using oxy powder and not swansons. I have read reviews and information from 100's of users across the internet for oxy powder. There are no real reviews for swansons product and I was not intested in being a test case.

I am also doing a parasite cleanse during this colon cleanse. I am using clarkia.

Well best of luck everyone, I will report back in a couple days or if anything intetesting happens.

What is it called ( Brand name) and where do you get it? You say precautionary measures....please elaborate. TY


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Sublime..there may be reviews of Swanson's product..if you search for their active ingredient(hard to do with it's "OxyGen") or the name they use for the product in the UK or wherever it's from. I think they talked about that in their catalog.

The Gardener

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Sounds like things are moving along for you, pardon the pun.

Does your current cleanse contain any fiber? That usually helps with the mucous.... but it might not be an element that is part of the system you are using.

I know what you are talking about when you mention that morning pressure. Each morning of the cleanse I would wake up and feel all kinds of pressure down there. I'd go to the toilet and whooop out it came. I'd look down at my bm, and I would be shocked at how much stuff came out in one sitting.

sublime said:
Just lots of liquid fecal matter mixed some chunks of stuff I am not sure what it is.
That stuff is fabulous heated and served over mashed potatoes.


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sublime said:
LookingGood - I am using a product called Oxy-Powder. Day three, which is today, is pretty much the same as day two. Just lots of liquid fecal matter mixed some chunks of stuff I am not sure what it is. I might also be getting rid of parasites, it's what it looks like, as I am using clarkia right along side oxy-powder. I really only plan on doing this once so I am hitting all areas. After the parasite and colon cleanse are complete I then move on to the gallbladder cleanse which sounds like it sucks but so is life sometimes.

Oh and the precautionary measures are that when you feel like you need to pass gas, go sit on a toliet and do it. Chances are good gas is not the only thing that will be making its way out.

Jacob - I am sure that the swanson product works, but there was not a lot of discussion about it on the internet where as I could find tons of info about oxy-powder. There were a lot of personal stories on in regards to oxy-powder. Plus I am unsure why Swanson's claims their product to be the first oxygen based colon cleanser as there is oxy-powder and another product developed like 12 years ago. But I am not here to question Swanson's ethics just to share my personal experience. Of course I may have misunderstood their colon tone intro on the link you supplied.

Sublime..your experience there is exactly why I don't use such cleanses. Besides the fact that I'm a recovering IBS'r....what you described sounds exactly like my dog when it was a puppy. Now I don't know if you can compare a puppy to a child..but I'm guessing the built up fecal matter etc may also apply to dogs. Anyway...when transitioning the pooch from one food to another he had some strange things going on..or should I say- coming out. I guess my point is..anytime you have stuff moving out faster than normal you're going to see some weird stuff, IMO. I've had that when using just plain psyllium fiber- I can't tolerate the stuff.

I *may* try Swanson's just because of how they describe it's supposed to work more gently..over time. I'm not convinced these cleanses are needed..especially if you're eating good and getting enough fiber etc...but we'll see. It may have been you who was having the discussion with me and others about why there doesn't seem to be more evidence out there that our colons do get blocked up etc. Obviously enough ppl sign their donor cards that you'd think there'd be those pictures or whatever out there. it possible CureZone has a lot of posters from the company etc? The Swanson product..they claim...has been used overseas prior to Swanson's getting the "rights" to it or whatever. I'm not sure why they say they're the first..although the way they describe it is different than other products..and it's not supposed to flush you out so quick. Here's the interview..maybe it's the same link:

From another site:

I was intrigued not only by the thousands of satisfied customers in Scandinavia, but by the expert medical testimony of Dr. Roald Strand of Oslo who sees the positive results in his patients within the first week of use. Dr. Strand graduated from the University of Oslo Medical School in 1986. He is a licensed physician practicing in Oslo. His clinic, Kilden Helse AS, is a large holistic center in Oslo where medical doctors, nutritionists, acupuncturists and homeopaths are working together, caring for more than 12,000 patients annually.

This is what he has to say about the results he has seen with his patients: "The results have been just excellent. Now, individual results may vary, but virtually everyone experiences positive results within the first week. Over a period of a month or so, it's possible to remove these old mucoid deposits that are impacted on the walls of the colon. It's like a chimney sweep cleaning a chimney. This product is unique in that it uses a three-tiered approach: It gently increases bowel activity; it removes old fecal matter and mucoid plaques, and the oxygen compounds also help nourish the colon. It's a very unique and extremely effective product."

What I find unique about Colon Tone is that it contains a natural crystal lattice matrix consisting of oxygen-enhanced vitamin C, natural bio-flavonoids and a magnesium hydroxide/oxide compound. This matrix gently releases oxygen after it is swallowed and comes into contact with gastric acid. It then breaks down in the colon to help soften and clean mucoid plaque from the colon walls. This aids detoxification and strengthens the lower GI tract.

Dr. Strand noted that "by oxygenating the GI tract it actually oxygenates and energizes the entire body, Many people suffer from the results of built-up waste, toxins and mucoid plaques in the colon. Colon Tone addresses these problems and offers a safe, natural and extremely effective long-term solution."

There are some other oxygen-based colon cleanser products as well. But the reviews that I have seen warn you to stay close to a bathroom, as they tend to cause explosive diarrhea. But with Dr. Eskeland's Colon Tone, that is never a problem. Colon Tone releases small amounts of pure oxygen into the lower GI tract, and that amount, while effective, is so small that flatulence is not a problem. In an interview with Lee Swanson, Dr. Eskeland said "Of the thousands of satisfied customers in Scandinavia who have used the ingredients in Colon Tone, and given us glowing testimonials, flatulence has never been an issue."

Most colon cleansing products use psyllium seeds. These work great at pushing accumulated waste through the intestine, but this can put stress on the body. And the psyllium seeds don't address the build-up of mucoid plaques. Dr. Strand views that as the major culprit in gastrointestinal distress.

http://www.holistic-personal-developmen ... anser.html


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A couple of enemas a year? Sounds pretty weird to me. Again I don't see anyone pointing out any specific health reasons for doing either. I'll order colon cleanser at some point and post up what happens. Only thing I have ever read was someone saying they had less bloating, their abdomen seemed flatter afterwards.


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The Gardener said:
Good deal.

Carry on, soldier. :D

KIRK the warrior!!!!!!!!!!!! Oct 1988! Yes! What a great shot that was. I remember jumping up and screaming. He couldm barely walk. He was running with a torn ACL ligament. :lol:


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parasites???? Dude, for a guy who apparently is very responsible with his diet and health I find this hard to believe. It's not like you are eating and drinking from the water fountain in Cancun. Are you waking up and binging on Mickey Dee's in you comatose state and not telling us?

Where can I get Ejuva? Is this the best oxy cleanser? Or Colon cleanse?


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I just googled "colon cleanse" and if this is what we are talking about it is made by Enuvia. It's a 90 day program. 1-30: colon, 30-60, liver, 60-90 kidney. It's about 79 dollars. Is this what we are talking about...the grand daddy of colon cleansers?

The Gardener

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Klink - believe me, when you finish a cleanse you definitely feel it! It's wonderful. And I'm not referring to bloating or gas, but I am referring to a feeling of being more energetic and "lighter"... its kind of like how you feel when you wake up after a GREAT night of sleep. Less lethargy, better mood.

Try it! I don't do it often (I think doing it often would probably bring diminished returns) but perhaps once or twice a year.

And YES, there is crap coming out that definitely does not normally come out, and definetly looks like something that should not be up inside you. Stuff comes out that looks different than your normal everyday bowel movement.