Lost more than 50% of total hair volume, on the top and crown I lost more than 50%, typical FPHL, I'm constantly checking the mirror every half hour, running my hands through my hair every few mins, inspecting my hair with camera flash to see how much scalp shows through, I wear scarves outside because I don't know if the sun will be as strong as the camera flash or even stronger so my scalp will show, scalp concealers and minoxidil twice a day and washing hair everyday is very hard to do so I stick with scarves, most girls my age or even all of them have heads full of hair and I haven't had that luxury since I was 17.
I spend hours everyday on hair loss forums going through every thread hoping i'd find my miracle growth stimulant or find reassurance that minoxidil would make my scalp less visible, heck I have a final exam tomorrow and i'm still researching the forums because my anxiety over my hair is more than my anxiety over failing the exam or getting a bad grade.
I feel like I can't function, It feels like I'm suffocating. I want to carry on with life and school and be a normal person but i'm just obsessed with my hair. I've seen forums of people with lupus losing their hair and people with AA and I feel grateful I'm healthy minus half of my hair but then I go outside and see girls with hair so thick like my hair was, I can't even grow it long anymore because it makes my hair look even more flat so I wear short and medium cuts that don't flatter my face very well but make me look like I have a bit more hair.
Is it just normal what i'm going through or could this be some sort of BDD or depression? my hair loss started with the start of an emotional abusive relationship and after the relationship ended I guess I was depressed, never really got a diagnosis but I struggled with it and once I started moving on now i'm obsessing about my hair and idk if therapy would benefit me in anything, thoughts?
I spend hours everyday on hair loss forums going through every thread hoping i'd find my miracle growth stimulant or find reassurance that minoxidil would make my scalp less visible, heck I have a final exam tomorrow and i'm still researching the forums because my anxiety over my hair is more than my anxiety over failing the exam or getting a bad grade.
I feel like I can't function, It feels like I'm suffocating. I want to carry on with life and school and be a normal person but i'm just obsessed with my hair. I've seen forums of people with lupus losing their hair and people with AA and I feel grateful I'm healthy minus half of my hair but then I go outside and see girls with hair so thick like my hair was, I can't even grow it long anymore because it makes my hair look even more flat so I wear short and medium cuts that don't flatter my face very well but make me look like I have a bit more hair.
Is it just normal what i'm going through or could this be some sort of BDD or depression? my hair loss started with the start of an emotional abusive relationship and after the relationship ended I guess I was depressed, never really got a diagnosis but I struggled with it and once I started moving on now i'm obsessing about my hair and idk if therapy would benefit me in anything, thoughts?