
Could Nizoral 1% save me?


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I made a TERRIBLE mistake. I used finasteride for years and I had TREMENDOUS regrowth but I neglected to use keto. Now I am off finasteride and I let my hair thin out dramatically.

Could jumping on Nizoral 1% give me back the thickness? It's my last resort. I am a NW1.5 and have diffuse thinning and cannot afford to lose more. And yes it is definitely Androgenetic Alopecia.

keto chart:


Any reason to doubt this?


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Surely there are people who have been successful by adding nizoral to the mix of propecia and rogaine or just propecia. There is solid data backing up the usefulness of propecia. Many don't give Nizoral the respect it deserves even after ketoconazole lotion was proven to be as effective as minoxidil 2%. I would recommend getting on nizoral; it's a pretty good shampoo regardless. However, it is somewhat pricey.


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Surely there are people who have been successful by adding nizoral to the mix of propecia and rogaine or just propecia. There is solid data backing up the usefulness of propecia. Many don't give Nizoral the respect it deserves even after ketoconazole lotion was proven to be as effective as minoxidil 2%. I would recommend getting on nizoral; it's a pretty good shampoo regardless. However, it is somewhat pricey.

That's what I'm thinking too. I am SO MAD that I didn't get on it at the peak of my gains. You have no idea how MAD I am. I could have maintained when I had SUPER THICK hair instead of waiting until it's thinned out so much.

What do you mean pricey? I just bought a bottle for $15. Hell, If I could get faster/better results, I would buy a new bottle of Nizoral EVERY DAY and drink it. Hair is just too important and I have a nice NW1.5 that I must maintain.

Why not? How do you explain the chart above? I am a diffuse thinner with itchy scalp. Doesn't that mean inflammation? Am I not an ideal candidate for nizoral?

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Well, I guess the excitement didn't last long.

T+1hr after using Nizoral 1%:

- Very clear case of moon face, my face definitely feels puffy too when I touch it
- It burns when I pee, might be unrelated, but it really burns
- It's not hysteria, I was expecting no side effects

g.i joey

Senior Member
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Dude 1% wouldn't give u sides, maybe a dry face at most... but either way whether you used keto or not when u were on finasteride it wouldn't change the fact that you're not on finasteride anymore... so you would be exactly where you're at whether you used nizoral or not lol


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Dude 1% wouldn't give u sides, maybe a dry face at most... but either way whether you used keto or not when u were on finasteride it wouldn't change the fact that you're not on finasteride anymore... so you would be exactly where you're at whether you used nizoral or not lol

I am certain of the sides. I've used hairloss meds for over 10 years so I'm pretty familiar with it all. Facial swelling is in fact listed as an allergic side effect.

If I had started nizoral 2 years ago at the peak of my gains, it technically should have prevented hairloss after I stopped finasteride. This is just based on my understanding from reading the various studies. I have no evidence. I actually would love to see some case studies from people who've used it and who were thinning.

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- Couldn't get an erection last night as I was going to sleep, whereas I naturally get them as soon as I think any naughty thought.
- Facial swelling still present. It's consistent with what happens anytime I take a DHT blocker.
- Didn't sleep well. Only slept 5 hours, and it felt very light. I feel tired, like I didn't get any deep sleep.

So far the side effects of nizoral are very similar to what experience on finasteride. I took an anti-histamine to see if it'll help, though I don't expect it to.

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T + 24 hours

Since I only slept 5 hours last night I was tired all day today, but I was able to go down for a nap 5 hours ago and slept well. My body feels like it's back to normal now, the severe discomfort is gone, and my facial swelling has gone down a lot, though not completely. For the last 24 hours though my body felt like it was in some kind of shock.


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T + 36 hours

Had excellent sleep last night, it seems the systemic shock has finally subsided. Still a bit of facial swelling, but I expect it to be gone by tomorrow.


Established Member
My Regimen
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Most of those studies that found Nizoral to be beneficial as an Androgenetic Alopecia treatment were carried out by people involved in marketing or selling the product, and the studies were poorly controlled and were performed on very small sample sizes. If Nizoral was anything like as effective as those studies claimed, there would be far more evidence of it's effectiveness on these forums.

Nizoral alone will not save you my friend. The most that you can expect is that it may slow down your rate of loss a little bit, but you'll be fighting a losing battle. If you want to keep your hair, you'll need to start using a 5ar inhibitor like you were before.


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A lot of things are comparable in tests to 2% minoxidil but the truth is if you're a guy 2% is not worth it, I lost my gains from the 5% variant and still faced the eye pressure side-effect.


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T + 48 hrs

Facial swelling still not totally gone, DHT levels take 7 days to bounce back so I expect it will continue to subside over the next few days. I expect a return to normal at the end of the week.

Sex drive still non-existent, and no erections. I expect this to resolve over time as well.

Needless to say, I'll never touch keto again.

Wolf Pack

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Nizoral is pretty much rubbish, I have used the 2% one the past few months, I can't imagine it having more than a small effect. That one study that compared it to 2% Minoxidil I don't know what to say. You get off minoxidil, you lose hairs, you jump on/off Nizoral nothing happens.


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Nizoral is pretty much rubbish, I have used the 2% one the past few months, I can't imagine it having more than a small effect. That one study that compared it to 2% Minoxidil I don't know what to say. You get off minoxidil, you lose hairs, you jump on/off Nizoral nothing happens.

Personally I feel nizoral gave me regrowth in thinning frontal vertex area. I really feel it bought me 2-3 years of not worrying about hair loss any more until my temples started to recede. I have since added lipogaine to the mix and am getting decent temple regrowth.


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T + 60 hours

I had poor sleep last night, only 6 hours. Woke and face still shows swelling, it's still not lean like it normally is. Midsection is still bloated as well, which indicates the E/DHT imbalance. I normally wake up with a flat six pack. I do not have the bodyfat to warrant this 'belly'.

Anti-androgens are very dirty drugs.

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T+72 hours

Took a nap but felt like I didn't sleep at all. Erections starting to come back, though still very weak. Face still swollen.

Another side effect I forgot to mention is oiliness of the skin.

I expect DHT levels to bounce back like something along this chart. I hope I'm halfway there.



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Couldn't sleep last night, I had to take a sleep aid. I woke up feeling good today because of the good sleep, but my face is still puffy, DHT is still not back to normal apparently.

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Slept 10 hours last night, but it was very poor quality sleep, woke up tired. Face still swollen, but definitely a bit less swollen now.


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Erection are back, sleep is better, facial swelling has gone down some more

DHT is bouncing back it seems


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Day 7

Didn't sleep well last night, but that's because I went to bed at 5am. Otherwise the facial swelling continues to go down, and I am noticing that my erections are now strong, sex drive is high, and my voice is very deep in the morning. DHT is back.

Anyone still using anti-androgens needs to stop asap. They're not worth it.

g.i joey

Senior Member
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you are actually SOOO delusional if u think 1 application of nizoral could have an effect 6 days after usage... 1% on top of that.... dude, after reading this log, nothing you say is credible in my books.


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you are actually SOOO delusional if u think 1 application of nizoral could have an effect 6 days after usage... 1% on top of that.... dude, after reading this log, nothing you say is credible in my books.

Sure, because all humans are identical and react the same way to everything. And because anti-androgens are no big deal. In fact Nizoral should be used on babies, it will help their baldness too.


Established Member
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Dude, did you like drink the Nizoral or something? I've never heard of anyone getting sides even remotely similar to yours from Nizoral.