Creatine And Hair Loss, Any Validity To It?


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I've seen a lot of stuff about it possibly speeding up the male pattern baldness process, but it all seems to be anecdotal.

I'm adding some supplements to my regimen as I'm on a workout routine at the moment that is both high volume cardio and high volume strength training, and I'm having some recovery issues and looking to give myself a boost. I'm going to start with Creatine and BCAA's, and I may add some pre-workout into the mix as well, but I can't help being a bit paranoid about creatine with these stories I've read.

Anyone here taking creatine and maintaining their hair pretty well?


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There's one study weakly correlating creatine use to increased DHT in college athletes, so basically no convincing evidence.


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I was off creatine for like half a year just because I didn't wanna take any risks.
Then I saw the amount of shedding I get and I was like fck it... I thought to myself that there's no way I'm shedding less than the time I was creatine . I loaded for 5-6 days with 20-25g a day and now I'm taking 5-6g a day.

It's been a long time since I've been this plump, man I miss this feeling. I look fuller, lifts are going up, shirts are fitting me more tightly, I love it.

I'm currently on 1mg finasteride and minoxidil foam twice a day. I'll also be adding Alpicort F once it arrives.

Just wanna add that I finally know I am a creatine responder. For about 2 years I took creatine without a break and thought it's not doing anything. It seems like not everyone is a creatine responder though.


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I was off creatine for like half a year just because I didn't wanna take any risks.
Then I saw the amount of shedding I get and I was like fck it... I thought to myself that there's no way I'm shedding less than the time I was creatine . I loaded for 5-6 days with 20-25g a day and now I'm taking 5-6g a day.

It's been a long time since I've been this plump, man I miss this feeling. I look fuller, lifts are going up, shirts are fitting me more tightly, I love it.

I'm currently on 1mg finasteride and minoxidil foam twice a day. I'll also be adding Alpicort F once it arrives.

Just wanna add that I finally know I am a creatine responder. For about 2 years I took creatine without a break and thought it's not doing anything. It seems like not everyone is a creatine responder though.

I'm also on the big 3, so hopefully if there is some slight risk that will minimize it

Excited to see what this creatine might do for me! I ordered Optimum Nutrition's today, supposed to be here Monday and I'm planning a loading phase for about a week

Honestly I'm somewhat interested in cycling some test, I know it would solve my recovery problems, but I'm WAY too paranoid about what those extra androgens might do to my hair


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Creatine shouldnt disturb male pattern baldness graph since its boosting max 5~8% of dht levels. If you're prone to male pattern baldness, these numbers wouldnt save you.


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Creatine protein powder all that is sh*t and not good for the body dont buy into that market sh*t stay away from it that industry is milkin money eat 6 meals a day and you pack on good muscles eat right, i come from a family where we all are jacked Did sports in elite lvl untill college wrestling etc etc My cousin and brother is a bodybuilder, and belive me they market that stuff and they dont even take that sh*t they get money to sponsor it, they eat 6 meals a day even me breakfeast 150 gram oatmeal 120 gram tuna meal 2 200 gram chicken breast 2 sweet potato 400 gram total and 30 min after a green smoothie kale spinach blue berry etc etc and some other meals close to that with mambye Brown rice or white depends IF i am gonna work out or not, 1-2 hour after, creatin is cheap but eat real food and you do great creatin is sh*t not even worth it i get the creatin i need from food and protein powder dont Make me start on that dooooont use bonge of those scaming con artist. Eat 6 Times' a day work out 4-5 Times a week and you Go from skinny to huge motherfucker


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Supplement to take is vitamin D and L-arginine rest you get from food, mambye iron to depends IF you get the Daily intake want faster recovery boost your hgh natrully, L-arginine is good gives me harder Dick


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Dont read on supplements read on what to eat what every food does to the body fast slow twitch muscle how to activate fast cus fast is bigger then slow twitch, there is so Much more to learn in the gym then focus on supplements


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My creatine addiction went too far for me to quit it now


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I'm also on the big 3, so hopefully if there is some slight risk that will minimize it

Excited to see what this creatine might do for me! I ordered Optimum Nutrition's today, supposed to be here Monday and I'm planning a loading phase for about a week

Honestly I'm somewhat interested in cycling some test, I know it would solve my recovery problems, but I'm WAY too paranoid about what those extra androgens might do to my hair
Dont even try test if you dont know how to use it, learn to get 6 proper meals a day learn how your body works learn everything about the gym life then consider test e on low dose without the proper meal plan test wont do a sh*t


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Six meals a day is a myth promoted by the protein supplement manufacturers.


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Six meals a day is a myth promoted by the protein supplement manufacturers.
This is correct, the body functions 24 hours anyway.

But you need to find out what works best for you.

I personally eat every 4 hours though.

about 4-5 meals


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6 meals is not a myth i eat 4 Times for 2 years put on 2 more meals i made all kinde of gains so its not a myth


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6 meals is not a myth i eat 4 Times for 2 years put on 2 more meals i made all kinde of gains so its not a myth

It's a myth that more smaller meals helps. It was promoted by the protein supplement companies.


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Some eat 1 meal, some eat 3 meals, some eat 6.
IF you want to Make gains eat 6 i have testet to eat 4 meals 5 meals 6 meals gave me gaiiiiinss keep eat 3-4 and stay small i keep eating 6 meals a and Make twice the faster gain

Will Resti

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I think it depends on the person. I have read about this happening with some people and not with others. I think medication and diet play a role in this as well. Not just taking creatine.