Cu peptide shed!!!!!


Established Member
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Isnt anybody considering that Saw Palmetto could be causing the shed?


Established Member
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Have not heard from you in a while? How have things been going??

Going good...still using topical spironolactone 2% and the Cu peptides, and still having success. I rarely think ab0ut hair loss anymore thanks to spironolactone and cu peptides, so I seldom think about posting here.

BTW, I dont think anyone really knows what concentration of Cu peptides are in Crew. There's no doubt that there is enough to produce a cliincal effect in suppressing cellular inflammation, one of the top culprits besides dht in male pattern baldness. There is no clinical standard for cu concentration to fight cell inflammation in the scalp. Even 1%, if your information is correct, is much better than nothing at all.


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Hi man, good to hear your doing well on Cu...

I'm using Folligen. I emptied half the bottle into a tupperware and put it in my closet for later use. Then I dilluted the other half of the spray bottle with spring water.

Did I do right on that choice ?

Also, I've been using it heavily after my shower at night, a couple hours before bed... I have no visible bald spots just thinning on my crown/vertex.. so I spray up close and let it drip around my scalp...

It doesn't burn on contact anymore.. it doesn't burn at all.. but usually my crown itches like all hell, in random itch spots.... all night at school... and that's many hours after my morning shower when I rinse out the previouis night's application ... so I don't know if I'm gonna cut down or what... not sure if it might just be some Propecia irritation going on too, if that's possible.



Senior Member
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You should post some pics so we can see how spironolactone and cu peptides are working out for you.

Red Rose

Experienced Member
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This is the first time in 6 years that I have ever read (anywhere) of Cu peptides causing shedding.