
Currently in a frenzy to treat lump gynecomastia caused by finasteride


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Gyno doesn't shrink or go away with medication. Several specialists told me the same.

Then your "specialists" were ill informed. Or perhaps they were reluctant to use hormone-altering medication for something benign and cosmetic like gynecomastia.

The bodybuilding forums are full of people running SERMS/AIs to block possible gyno or reduce existing gyno. Again, this doesn't really work for gyno that has become fibrotic - surgery is the only option then. But it can work for gyno in its earlier stages.
"Seven of ten patients experienced a decrease in the size of their gynecomastia due to tamoxifen (P less than 0.005). Overall, the decrease for gynecomastia for the whole group was significant (P less than 0.01). There was no beneficial effect of placebo (P greater than 0.1).
Therefore, antiestrogenic treatment with tamoxifen may represent a safe and effective mode of treatment for selected cases of cosmetically disturbing or painful gynecomastia."
Five patients experienced complete resolution of breast and nipple pain on tamoxifen 10 mg/day within the first month. The other patient had to be treated with 30 mg/day for 1 additional month, which subsequently resulted in pain resolution.
These preliminary results suggest that low-dose tamoxifen is useful in treating painful gynecomastia for those patients on flutamide/finasteride combination therapy for advanced prostate carcinoma.
Tamoxifen may also mitigate or resolve gynecomastia during its early or proliferative phase. In severe long-standing gynecomastia surgery is warranted since medical therapies are less likely to succeed.
Mean reduction in breast nodule diameter was 2.1 cm (95% CI 1.7, 2.7, P <.0001) after treatment with tamoxifen and 2.5 cm (95% CI 1.7, 3.3, P <.0001) with raloxifene. Some improvement was seen in 86% of patients receiving tamoxifen and in 91% receiving raloxifene, but a greater proportion had a significant decrease (>50%) with raloxifene (86%) than tamoxifen (41%). No side effects were seen in any patients.


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Those are some convincing sample sizes... I've read gynecomastia forums extensively. Fred is right. Let's just stick to hair loss.

Yes my comment above was a little extreme. But so is saying gyno completely reversed itself after 5 days. Or saying 1 pill of finasteride caused gyno in the first place. The thing is finasteride doesn't even cause gynecomastia more than the placebo group according to virtually every single finasteride study that has ever taken place... That is why something doesn't seem right to me with all of this gyno crap and letro stuff always being posted on here.

g.i joey

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The thing is finasteride doesn't even cause gynecomastia more than the placebo group according to virtually every single finasteride study that has ever taken place... That is why something doesn't seem right to me with all of this gyno crap and letro stuff always being posted on here.

hey man, how about you open the leaflet and take a look. BUT i will agree with you on one point, swelling of the chest area on finasteride does not always mean gyno! after i got off letro and slowly tapered my finasteride dose to what it is today, my chest looks bigger, but proportionately bigger. my nipples arent puffy anymore, my lumps are almost nonexistant and unseen to the naked eye. but yet when i dont take finasteride for 3 or more days i notice my chest looks smaller. that is why the leaflet indicates swelling of the chest, but not gynecomastia. Which proves that in most cases the increase in estrogen is not enough to cause gyno, but in some cases it can tip one person over the scale and give them little lumps.

there's no use convincing fred, instead i will post pics of when i had gyno and after a week of taking letro at full dose 2.5mg

the first picture shows what a week of letro did to my nips, the second pic shows my peak gyno phase. Which is very evident my nipples look very awkward.

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even the puffyness in the 2nd picture is VERY evident. i first hand cured almost 80% of my gyno with letro so i know for a fact at early stages, it CAN be cured. BIG EMPHASIS on EARLY.


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Something seems off with your photos. Are you squishing your chest together with your arms in the 2nd pic? Are you bringing your elbows and arms back in the first pic? In both pics it looks like you have a fatty chest. More so in the 2nd pic I agree. Not sure I see any evidence of glandular gynecomastia, but the 2nd pic definitely looks questionable.

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By the way my chest can change throuhg-out the day. After a hot shower, some beers, etc. my chest can feel a little more fat. After a good workout, cold shower, health eating day, it feels like I have no chest fat. That's just me though.

g.i joey

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nah man, my arms are practically at the same angle, maybe not exactly but it wouldnt make a difference. Dude tbh i dont know how you dont see tell tale signs of gyno in the 2nd pic, nipple area sticking out, nipples are bigger, notice how my chest lost contour in the 2nd photo and the nipple area became more prominent. Both of these pics are straight back from the gym after a shower. I do have a fatty chest well... because im fat lol 230 pounds 5'11. But that is besides the point, i was the same weight in both these photos so me being fat shouldnt effect the aesthetic difference that is quite evident in them.

dude, i have no agenda bro, no ulterior motives. finasteride can cause gyno, and a Letro protocol can SOMETIMES reverse it to a certain extent, most of the time never fully. Why wouldnt you want people to have this information at their access? its beneficial for the rare cases of gyno in finasteride users.

g.i joey

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I agree I would have to lose weight to assess how much gyno i really had. But my doctor touching my chest and showing me where my tissue was, was enough for me to know I had gyno. Actually I went over letrozole effects with my Doctor and In his database it even indicated off label use was for gyno. It seems like you're mad that I was able to help myself with letro. What's wrong bro, you mad?


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Visible improvement in those pics Joey. That's crazy after just 1 week. Obviously photoshop though you Letro shill.

g.i joey

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finasteride will never cause gyno like anti depressants do. Still doesn't change the fact thay there's a visible improvement.

Yes, anyone considering letro should be very aware that side effects are brutal, but sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do eh.

g.i joey

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A doctor telling me it is an effective route to take is enough to have me sold and try it. Guess what, it was effective. Dude you're so butt hurt and I jut can't seem to wrap my head around why you are?

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Because the hike in estrogen is so little it can not cause someone to grow huge ones. Don't need a medical agree it's just kind of common sense really.


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What hike in estrogen? Finasteride increases testosterone by 15 percent and has no antiandrogenic effect. All hormone fluctuations remain with in normal ranges... Women have way way more estrogen than men. Even though men may have a 10% increase in estrogen on finasteride they still shouldn't be growing moobs. Some women can barely grow boobs.


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What hike in estrogen? Finasteride increases testosterone by 15 percent and has no antiandrogenic effect.

Inhibition of DHT by Finasteride means more testosterone is converted into estradiol and androstenediol. Which means increased risk of gyno.

Captain Hook

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Inhibition of DHT by Finasteride means more testosterone is converted into estradiol and androstenediol. Which means increased risk of gyno.

^This. Excess free testosterone is converted to estradiol via the aromatase enzyme. I've known of a few guys on bodybuilding forum who took tamoxifen or anastrozole, both aromatase inhibitors, because they feared gynaecomastia as a side effect of the finasteride they were taking.

g.i joey

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Something seems off with your photos. Are you squishing your chest together with your arms in the 2nd pic?.

You ask questions like this and then tell me "there's no visible signs of gyno".... no I didn't squish my chest together.. my nipples were puffy as hell when I had my gyno.

g.i joey

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Dht is blocked. Therefor it is easier for testosterone to aromatise and convert to estrogen, due to the increase of test that isn't being turned into dht anymore. Thats like finasteride 101 man lol.


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Day 8 on letro: Lump is definitely flatter but no real improvement over the last few days. Currently taking 5mg/day and I also have a cold, so I'm not sure which is causing me to feel like crap but I certainly feel like total crap. I was heavily smoking/drinking/eating terribly all week also which didn't help (fall break).
Starting a serious diet and exercise regimen starting today to see if it will change anything. Then I will start tamoxifen next Friday~.

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Day 9 on letro: Lump is definitely smaller! The main lump on my left nipple is no longer sore when I rub it and is definitely more flush with my chest muscle. Since my gyno was mild, I'm not taking after pictures yet, but here are some before pictures (you can't even see the much larger lump in my left nipple but it's there):


Like you would see changes in 5 days.

Even antibiotics take days to work.

It's all in your head and you won't win this.

You're wasting your time. Only surgery fixes gyno.

You do not understand gynecomastia. I would explain, but you negged me and you seem to be a little sourpuss.


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Dht is blocked. Therefor it is easier for testosterone to aromatise and convert to estrogen, due to the increase of test that isn't being turned into dht anymore. Thats like finasteride 101 man lol.

Read my above link. That's finasteride 101. Even if estrogen increases by 15 percent for a man (which it doesn't) it won't cause them to grow boobs!

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I did the math so you can easily understand my message. Mens estrogen levels range from 10 to 50 average being 30. If you increases 30 by 15 percent you have 34.5. Big f-ing deal. Mean while the middle of a pre menopausal woman's is approximately 250.

But yeah. finasteride gives you boobs. (Maybe some). But some guys normal lifestyle, genetics, and other causes also give them boobs. Maybe you had boobs growing in the first place and then you started taking finasteride then it just pushed it over the edge.

g.i joey

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I wouldn't go as far as saying fred doesn't know anything about gyno. But he doesn't seem to understand the term "mild gynecomastia" which is what finasteride causes. You lucked out and got some bad gyno thete man. I never said mine was as bad as yours but just because it wasn't doesn't mean it wasn't gyno dude.

Anyways just wanted to show you this because maybe it will help you understand. But I can't believe someone who experienced such aggressive gyno doesn't understand the toll growing boobs takes on you and why we go through lengths of taking strong medicine to rI'd ourselves of it. Tbh idc what u think, I had mild gyno and fixed it so I could give 2 **** whether you think it was gyno or not, but you shouldn't go discrediting gyno just cause it didn't look as ugly as yours


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I think what you and OP have isn't gyno, gyno is actual boobs, everything else is just mental masturbation and probably acting on BDD, which is always very dangerous, like NW1's having hair transplants.

Are you seriously saying the pics of Joey and OP don't show actual gyno? In OP's case its definitely not pseudo-gyno (fat) because he's otherwise pretty slim. You can see by the unnatural shape of the nipple its real gyno, actual glandular tissue buildup.

And telling people they have BDD just because their gyno isn't as bad as yours is dumb. You should know how much it sucks and how people should do everything within their power to treat it, as early as possible, whether thats through surgery or meds.