
Currently in a frenzy to treat lump gynecomastia caused by finasteride

g.i joey

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Just admit that you tried and lost, and now have to live with a small, hardly noticeable man boobs, at least most of you stopped finasteride quickly enough.

But if you want that gland to go away, you're going to have to go on that operating table. Sorry for the realism here.

actually, if you would read my posts i ALWAYS say that my tissue remains, although the size of it has greatly reduced. Actually fred, gyno is the build up of tissue in the chest, whether noticeable or not. I got mine diagnosed by a Doctor and i still feel little traces of tissue in my chest. BUT i cant say i failed because all i set out to do was bring my chest back to an acceptable size. Yes my chest looks swollen but my nipples dont puff out of my shirt anymore. Ive been going hard in the gym on my upper chest and can truly say that my gyno is basically unnoticeable. I wouldnt go as far as saying ive failed, i wouldnt call it a success either, but im comfortable with my chest AND im on finasteride so everything worked out for me.

g.i joey

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im pretty sure your Doctor had to leave SOME tissue in order to keep the contour of your chest.


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If it's not visible, and you can't feel it, it doesn't really matter whether its "there" or not.


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Anyway, you guys who took finasteride (or another medication like me) and got gyno from tried and failed.

I shouldn't have trusted my doctor with the medication he gave me, but I went ahead because I was vulnerable at the time.

This kitchen sink approach so many people who suffer from drug-induced gynecomastia seem to use is worrying.

You guys are probably all scared of having to resort to surgery so you convince yourself that what those pills are doing something.

It's funny, people are so scared of surgery when it's actually safer, less expensive and time-consuming than these hormonal and cancer drugs.

With surgery, I saved myself from a lot of mental anguish, and this also is priceless really.

So I don't understand why I should be "jelly" because I didn't get to use expensive black market drugs with countless side effects that would probably also have destroyed my hair in a few weeks.

Just admit that you tried and lost, and now have to live with a small, hardly noticeable man boobs, at least most of you stopped finasteride quickly enough.

But if you want that gland to go away, you're going to have to go on that operating table. Sorry for the realism here.

You think I'm talking nonsense? Just go on this forum:

It's the most frequented and popular gynecomastia forum in the world.

Now tell me, do you see any "medication" sub-forum?

No, because you cannot treat actual gyno with drugs. It's as simple as that.

The main sub-forums there are "Acceptance" and "Surgery". Make your choice.

1) It's hard to say we tried and failed if we are having/had success.
2) What medication? You said you didn't use letro or nolva.
3) I am unwilling to spend $6000 to make my nipples smaller, not "scared of surgery."
4) The forum you linked to is primarily a hub for finding gynecomastia plastic surgeons. There is obviously a conflict of interest. As far as not being able to treat gyno with drugs, see:

Treatment of gynecomastia with tamoxifen: a double-blind crossover study.
Tamoxifen for flutamide/finasteride-induced gynecomastia
Tamoxifen therapy for painful idiopathic gynecomastia.
Beneficial effects of raloxifene and tamoxifen in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia
Comparison of tamoxifen with danazol in the management of idiopathic gynecomastia

Yeah you know, I've actually had real gyno and got it removed through surgery, but I don't understand it.

What all the doctors told me was BS too, pills would definitely have gotten rid of this:

Yes this was me before surgery. You don't even have a before picture and you expect us to take you seriously?

Enough with those gyno BS threads. Guys who open this kind of threads need psychological help, not letrozole or gyno surgery.

This is how I know you're an unhelpful sourpuss. I did post before pictures. Those are pre-letro, and show obvious gyno - not "pseudogyno" as you say.
My gyno is at least 30% smaller as of today (day 13). And letrozole doesn't even reach peak concentration until at least week 3 (although there are many anecdotes of steroid-induced gyno reversal within a week; I didn't act quickly enough.

I would like to see your after pictures of your gyno also. I am willing to bet there is not much of an aesthetic improvement.


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Lucky you, Fred. Unfortunately, here in America, not only does insurance basically never cover gyno surgery, but it costs an arm and a leg and most American surgeons are very mediocre. I would have to pay additional $600 for a plane ticket just to travel to a decent surgeon. $100 for both letro and nolva and a decent shot at resolution sure beats $6-8k + a plane ticket and a chance of being unhappy with the surgery.


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Day 14 on letro: I am pleased to say that the lump has almost completely flattened; it is around 80% smaller. Unfortunately, my nipples are still almost the same size (that is, slightly larger than before finasteride) - they just don't stick out and they are no longer visible through t-shirts. Letro sides are very mild but the size seems to be continuing to decrease on 2.5mg/day. Yay! Looking forward to taking some after pictures once I've started and finished tamoxifen.

I really wish I'd taken some pictures of my nips from the top-view, where the convexity is most visible. I wasn't sure this would work so I didn't want to get my hopes up too much, but it's working! The anecdotes and scientific data check out.


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What kind of sides? I imagine it just makes you feel crappy/lack of energy. Accelerated hairloss?

g.i joey

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What kind of sides? I imagine it just makes you feel crappy/lack of energy. Accelerated hairloss?

my sex drive was shot from letro, finasteride doesnt do much to my sex drive. Letro really makes finasteride seem like a multivitamin, no joke. The amount of lethargy you feel on it after reaching a steady high dose was unreal, but letro really made my sex drive dissapear for the time i was on it. what i really liked about it is, that **** got rid of all water retention in the body. something that i think finasteride INCREASES which is why our gyno may look worst while we are on finasteride. Which is why i had told ajbrah originally to just get off finasteride alone and see what happens.


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What kind of sides? I imagine it just makes you feel crappy/lack of energy. Accelerated hairloss?

Actually, I feel great right now. I have no libido, but I don't mind that since sex isn't something I'm focused on right now. Joints are a little dry, skin is a little dry, immune system seems shot, cardio is reduced, but it's all pretty mild.
I disagree with joey about letro making finasteride "seem like a multivitamin." My sides were horrible on finasteride; unbearable. I am actually on finasteride to prevent hair loss while on on letro, but since I'm not experiencing the same finasteride sides I did before, that tells me that high estrogen was likely the culprit for my finasteride sides, and the letro takes care of that.


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I know it's no medical source but according to Wikipedia

"Mild cases of gynecomastia may be treated with advice on lifestyle habits such as proper diet and exercise with reassurance."


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I know it's no medical source but according to Wikipedia

"Mild cases of gynecomastia may be treated with advice on lifestyle habits such as proper diet and exercise with reassurance."

Thats pseudo-gyno. Basically just fat, the manboobs you see on overweight guys, which can be exercised off.


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Thats pseudo-gyno. Basically just fat, the manboobs you see on overweight guys, which can be exercised off.

No true Scotsman indeed. I'm pretty sure doctors can distinguish gyno from regular fat build up. The reality is that there are levels of severity to every condition and having a lesser case of it doesn't mean that you don't have the condition. A cancer that can be treated topically is still cancer.


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No true Scotsman indeed. I'm pretty sure doctors can distinguish gyno from regular fat build up. The reality is that there are levels of severity to every condition and having a lesser case of it doesn't mean that you don't have the condition. A cancer that can be treated topically is still cancer.

Pseudo-gyno isn't a "lesser case" of gynecomastia. Although it may look similar, it's a different condition entirely. Pseudo-gyno is just fat buildup and can be reversed with exercise and diet changes. Gynecomastia is a build up of hard, glandular breast tissue. Bodybuilders with the real thing can have it and can be shredded to hell with -10% body fat and they'll still have visible gynecomastia.

g.i joey

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Please help this brah in need. I took propecia for 5 months. It gave me tremendous regrowth but than I started to feel great pain in chest and very sensitive nipple.
I did not know that it could be a side effect of propecia but still I stopped propecia for 2 weeks. I felt normal again. Though I was scared but I still restarted propecia in low doses (Having hair on my head was big deal in my life) and damn, after 15 days the pain reappeared. It was more intense and my nipples were pointy and puffy.
I dropped propecia for once and all. But it's been 3 months but my nipples are still the same. Mind you, I was not putting weight at that time but was actually losing. I am on very lean side but still got pointy and puffy nipples.
Now problem is I belong to a third world country. The doctors I cobsulted with are asking me to wait for 3,4 months more to see whether it's go away on its own. :(. From what I get about this by my research on this subject that this problem can be contained if treated within the very early period.
I got my hands on Nolvadex and Letrozole but i don't know how to use them, for how long. Things like "letrozole rebound"and all scare me like hell. Please suggest me any experienced user. I ll be highly indebted.
Its funny, I must have worried major part of last 10 years of my life worrying about hair. All i could dream about was of having my youthful hair. But now all I worry about is, this particular problem. Can live without hair but not this. Please do help

Go to bodybuilding forums and follow the protocol they follow to get rid of early onset gyno after a cycle of roids. It's a pretty famous protocol with lettro, it involved tapering up slowly and then tapering down and switching to a serm to avoid estrogen rebound. I tried propecia in dec 2014 and got gyno, followed this protocol, lost weight and got back on finasteride 8 months ago and no problems since, my chest looks normal now.

g.i joey

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Thanks a ton brother. I am not on any roid cycle, would it be any problem. I read that using letro without being on roid cycle, shot the sex life. Is it true? Did you feel it? If yes, how long it took to recover? Any other precaution or valuable info that you experienced?
You are brave brave man to jump back on propecia. Even thinking about that gives me chill. But why wait one and half year to get back on it? Or did gyno problem took longer to resolve?

Sorry for putting so many questions but you know how it is. Once been always shy.

Not a problem man, I freaked out when I had gyno and got a lot of help from the bodybuilding forums. Letro side effects are no joke, I had no energy, no libido whatsoever, like none literally. it doesn't matter if you took roids or not, you're addressing gyno with letro, nothing to do with roids. Side effects took about 1-2 eeeks to dissipate after I got off letro. Letro dries you out, you'll lose some weight on it for sure, aside from that, just be aware you may experience joint pain and dead dick syndrome while on Letro. My results from letro were that they shrunk my gland about 80%, the only thing I feel in my chest now is a gland the size of maybe half a pea, in each side. It definitely got rid of all the water retention that was happening in my chest. I can't only attribute the success to letro though, I was 250 pounds when I got the gyno, I then hopped on letro, hopped off finasteride and dropped about 25 pounds which really helped aesthetic wise for me. I now hover around 205-215

I was scared to get back on propecia man, I'd take it here and there for a couple months at a time but always worried about flaring up gyno again, so I'd get off and lose all progress. Then I got back from vacation last September and decided it's now or never, luckily I haven't had one sign that my chest is being effected, I definitely had symptoms when I was getting gyno back in dec 2014 so I know what to look out for now. Anyways, 8 months back on finasteride and no side effects whatsoever. Hope this answered everything man, remember, early treatment is the best thing you can do for your gyno, once the tissue goes into fibrosis, nothing is shrinking that b**ch besides surgery.


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Day 8 on letro: Lump is definitely flatter but no real improvement over the last few days. Currently taking 5mg/day and I also have a cold, so I'm not sure which is causing me to feel like crap but I certainly feel like total crap. I was heavily smoking/drinking/eating terribly all week also which didn't help (fall break).
Starting a serious diet and exercise regimen starting today to see if it will change anything. Then I will start tamoxifen next Friday~.

- - - Updated - - -

Day 9 on letro: Lump is definitely smaller! The main lump on my left nipple is no longer sore when I rub it and is definitely more flush with my chest muscle. Since my gyno was mild, I'm not taking after pictures yet, but here are some before pictures (you can't even see the much larger lump in my left nipple but it's there):

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You do not understand gynecomastia. I would explain, but you negged me and you seem to be a little sourpuss.
From this picture, I don't think you even had gyno...