Date Projection by Intercytex


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UK based press release

Intercytex, seeking to develop follicular cell implantation to treat hair loss, has used human dermal papilla cells to generate hair growth under experimental conditions. Since late 2003, volunteers at the Farjo Medical Centre have had donor hair roots taken from the occipital scalp. After micro-dissecting dermal papilla cells, these are expanded in culture for three weeks, harvested and then re-injected into the donor patients’ bald scalp.
In this phase of the clinical trials, the safety of the treatment in humans is evaluated, and a positive conclusion looks like it shall be reached. We are transplanting cultured cells (not hairs) into humans, but at present we are not at liberty to reveal any data. If successful, a commercial product could be available in four years.

{somebody buy me a beer}


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Thanks DarklyCharming -- "4 years" if they're right, that's earlier than most of us expected.


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its funny how this could seriously be a potential "cure" to everyone in this forum's problems, and it gets less attention than the "maturbation is causing my hairloss" threads.

oh well.


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Haha, yeah that's a good point Trent. I guess it's because theres only so much to say about it because its still several years off. A lot of people here are in panic mode and want to do something now (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Granted it'll be expensive, but this is potentially the cure for all of our problems. I was actually thinking now would be a great time to start saving up for it... not that i'd be able to afford it in 4-5 years, but having a head start would certainly help financing it much more tolerable.

Fallout Boy

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Trent said:
its funny how this could seriously be a potential "cure" to everyone in this forum's problems, and it gets less attention than the "maturbation is causing my hairloss" threads.

oh well.

HAHA thats so true


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Haha you guys are right on target. This is a year earlier and breaks from the common '5-10 years for a cure' statement we always hear. I was practically jumping around when I read it before posting. There must have been a discussion, privately, about pipeline and the amount of time, based on the conclusion of the Phase I trials, about how long was left until it went public. The answer: 4 years.

Oh well, I'm excited.

Full Head of Hair

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4 years you say......umm...thats good. What I'd like to know, and I believe it was brought up on here sometime before, is say I want some hair cloning done but I still have most of my hair. Do I wait for it to fall out or what, how exactly would that work?


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They could probably do it. The intercytex website said they were planning to use trichocyte for "women's diffuse alopecia" too, so injecting into thin, but not yet bald areas shouldn't be a problem. I am just speculating here though.

It would be better and less obvious/embarassing, to just gradually replace hair that is lost, instead of miraculously going from a NW7 to a Norwood 1 in 6 months.

BTW DarklyCharming, I was able to find the press release on the second try.


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Cool 2young. For anyone else, its in Dermatology Times, UK Edition, Issue 5.


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what would be good is if they posted results and photos from each phase to let everyone know exactly how well this works. But then again, maybe they are just keeping it quiet for now to keep the competition on their toes?


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2young said:
They could probably do it. The intercytex website said they were planning to use trichocyte for "women's diffuse alopecia" too, so injecting into thin, but not yet bald areas shouldn't be a problem. I am just speculating here though.

It would be better and less obvious/embarassing, to just gradually replace hair that is lost, instead of miraculously going from a NW7 to a Norwood 1 in 6 months.

BTW DarklyCharming, I was able to find the press release on the second try.

who cares? Women are always getting cosmetics done to themselves such as breast enhancements, liposuction, collagen, etc. You have one life to live and it's not embarrasing to want to look better.


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It would be better and less obvious/embarassing, to just gradually replace hair that is lost, instead of miraculously going from a NW7 to a Norwood 1 in 6 months.

If this worked, I wouldn't give a rat's a#% about going from a NW7 to a NW1... I would strut around like John Travolta :)


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Jon_e said:
If this worked, I wouldn't give a rat's a#% about going from a NW7 to a NW1... I would strut around like John Travolta :)

Damn straight!

Great find Darkly Charming!

To be honest, I probably would wait until a bit after the initial commercial release so that they can iron out any problems that may arise.

But its all good!


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Even though DarklyCharming posted this in April, I was pleased to hear this today! Be out by 2009 say it ain't so!

I'll be out of college before then! Better start saving up!

I wouldn't care if I went from an NW7 to an NW1 in 6 months either. That sounds so exciting! The day I can grow my hair long is not far away! :D

Thanks Darkly Charming!

Happy Holidays everyone!


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Jon_e said:
It would be better and less obvious/embarassing, to just gradually replace hair that is lost, instead of miraculously going from a NW7 to a Norwood 1 in 6 months.

If this worked, I wouldn't give a rat's a#% about going from a NW7 to a NW1... I would strut around like John Travolta :)

Well it does work. I doubt they will even offer you the chance to go from NW7 to NW1 because it will look stupid. Would better to go NW7-NW5 in stages over say 24 months. Then over another 24 months head towards NW3 and finally NW2.

michael barry

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Why in the world would you think that it would look stupid to go from a NW7 to a NW1 in 6 months. If the technology was available, Id do it in 2 months IF I COULD>

What are you worried about? Guys at the office who have full heads of hair needling you? f*** them, you'd have a full head of hair too, and could just run your fingers through it right in front of them and inform them that FINALLY science has cured an age-old problem.

Do YOU make fun of people who get cosmetic dentistry performed and go from having yellow, unstraight lousy teeth to a perfect smile in a matter of months? Do YOU make fun of fat people getting on a diet, excercise program and go from having a gut, scrawny arms, sunken chest to a bodybuilder's physique in a year if they can? Make fun of someone with a HUGE ugly nose that dominates their face getting rhinoplasty done so you notice something else about their face other than their beak? Make fun of some guy with a pathetic receeding chin, getting a chin implant that makes him look like an adult male, and not a nine year old boy?

Wanting to eradicate baldness is NOTHING to be ashamed of. If WOMEN went bald in the male pattern baldness way, in their twenties......they'd b**ch so much that all research money in medicine would be dictated to fixing it ASAP. Do you think females with alopecia areata, having to wear wigs wont be "going for it" if HM comes through and is the cure we all hope it is? Bet that will, and God bless'em. Hairloss SUCKS ... ic/icxtrc/
There is the latest trial info from Intercyclex.........


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michael barry said:
Why in the world would you think that it would look stupid to go from a NW7 to a NW1 in 6 months. If the technology was available, Id do it in 2 months IF I COULD>

What are you worried about? Guys at the office who have full heads of hair needling you? f*** them, you'd have a full head of hair too, and could just run your fingers through it right in front of them and inform them that FINALLY science has cured an age-old problem.

Do YOU make fun of people who get cosmetic dentistry performed and go from having yellow, unstraight lousy teeth to a perfect smile in a matter of months? Do YOU make fun of fat people getting on a diet, excercise program and go from having a gut, scrawny arms, sunken chest to a bodybuilder's physique in a year if they can? Make fun of someone with a HUGE ugly nose that dominates their face getting rhinoplasty done so you notice something else about their face other than their beak? Make fun of some guy with a pathetic receeding chin, getting a chin implant that makes him look like an adult male, and not a nine year old boy?

Wanting to eradicate baldness is NOTHING to be ashamed of. If WOMEN went bald in the male pattern baldness way, in their twenties......they'd b**** so much that all research money in medicine would be dictated to fixing it ASAP. Do you think females with alopecia areata, having to wear wigs wont be "going for it" if HM comes through and is the cure we all hope it is? Bet that will, and God bless'em. Hairloss SUCKS ... ic/icxtrc/
There is the latest trial info from Intercyclex.........

sorry if this is a dumb question.. and i really like being optimistic.

how many phases are there?? 3?

and do you think that they will have to monitor the hair cycle for years to come before they use this technique?

i mean... dont get me wrong.. if this product was out right now.. i'd be all over it.. but do you really think it'll be avalible to general public in the next 5 years or so?!

and think about this!! when it does becoem avaliable.. the wait to get in is probabaly going to be ridiculous.

michael barry

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An FDA trial has three, I dont know about England though. I imagine it would be the same. Personally man, I just think a guy ought to practice prevention and wait by the way. Who knows this stuff may be availbale in five years, or thirty five years. A man getting a hair transplant now thinking "cloning's gonna come out soon anyway, and I can just fill in with it" is taking a risk.

Dr. Costarialis, who used to research cloning, and grew hair on 4 out of 23 trialists, states on his website that he believes "somebody, somewhere" will have successfully completed a process within five or ten years. He's no longer researching cloning, but other skin ailments, so thats proboably his honest assesment.

I wish I could say for sure when it'be available. Washenik says 2009, but he's under tremendous pressure from Anderans, and Anderans is under pressure from Intercycex, they are both from under pressure from Curis, who is investigating a gene therapy by which good hair genes are shot into your scalp and overake your bad hair genes, and make all those tiny peach fuzz hairs regrow to maturity.

"the wait is proboably going to be ridiculous" only take about three weeks to culture the cells. Extracting approximately thirty hairs from the back of your head FUE style wouldnt take a Doctor an hour, even after anaesthesia......go back in three weeks and an assistant uses a syringe to re-inject them. In six In one year, HAIR HAIR HAIR. The clinics day schedules will proboably get pretty full, but I cant imagine you wouldnt be able to get an appointment in a coupla months tops, could you?