michael barry said:Jeff,
An FDA trial has three, I dont know about England though. I imagine it would be the same. Personally man, I just think a guy ought to practice prevention and wait by the way. Who knows this stuff may be availbale in five years, or thirty five years. A man getting a hair transplant now thinking "cloning's gonna come out soon anyway, and I can just fill in with it" is taking a risk.
Dr. Costarialis, who used to research cloning, and grew hair on 4 out of 23 trialists, states on his website that he believes "somebody, somewhere" will have successfully completed a process within five or ten years. He's no longer researching cloning, but other skin ailments, so thats proboably his honest assesment.
I wish I could say for sure when it'be available. Washenik says 2009, but he's under tremendous pressure from Anderans, and Anderans is under pressure from Intercycex, they are both from under pressure from Curis, who is investigating a gene therapy by which good hair genes are shot into your scalp and overake your bad hair genes, and make all those tiny peach fuzz hairs regrow to maturity.
"the wait is proboably going to be ridiculous".......it only take about three weeks to culture the cells. Extracting approximately thirty hairs from the back of your head FUE style wouldnt take a Doctor an hour, even after anaesthesia......go back in three weeks and an assistant uses a syringe to re-inject them. In six months......hair. In one year, HAIR HAIR HAIR. The clinics day schedules will proboably get pretty full, but I cant imagine you wouldnt be able to get an appointment in a coupla months tops, could you?
all i can say is i hope your right man..