Dating Advice


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so i met her for lunch. it was a short lunch because we had trouble finding each other in the still not sure how she feels tho. i dont think it was that she was just being polite agreeing to a lunch but as ccs said, im not sure if she is interested or just wants to be friends outside of work but not my girlfriend.

she was telling me about how some other guy had asked her out and she said no because shes direct and straightforward that way. to me that was a sign that she was interested because if she was direct she would have said no to me too. but then maybe he was more specific about it and said something like can we go on a date instead of lets do coffee sometime. i also said at the end we should do this again sometime and she said yeah we should.

at the same time i did send her another short email three days after we met saying hows everything going it was nice seeing u. she hasnt responded yet, its been two days.

what do you guys think, is she interested? should i wait a couple of weeks before asking her again? thanks again guys, im terrible with dating and figuring women out.


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Just ask her out on a date....................................................


Established Member
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thanks guys! finfighter i think thats a good idea, i do have her # so i should probably call or at least send a text message. but shouldnt i first wait for her to respond to my email? otherwise, won't it come across as too needy? but yeah i guess i should have called her after instead of emailing.

she always takes long to respond to my emails and i dont know if its a lack of interest or if its just because she doesnt get the time. because it is her work email add and she does work as a teller so im thinking maybe they dont get to be on the email often when there are lots of customers.

The Gardener

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I see no reason not to take her at face value.... so, in my opinion, you are still in the game. Try to get your conversations with her migrated from email to the phone. Busy people are sometimes slow to answer emails, I know that I am. I get a hundred work-related emails a day, so sometimes my response time to personal emails is delayed. Be bold.