Day at the studio


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So after 2 months i decided to go for a 'free consultation' at Advanced Hair Studio.

It took about 20-30 minutes and after a lot of discussion it sounded quite convincing.

Summary of consultation:

-male pattern baldness ; Early stages

-Hair only thinning around the widows peak.

-DHT evident


$4000 for 6 months laser + products.

Now i am just so lost and don't know what to do. I have not seen a GP about this yet so i don't know if i should pay the money and do the treatment or go see a GP or someone else. I've read a lot about other personnel experiences and after reading it, I'm slightly skeptical.

If anyone can help me clear some things up that would be greatly appreciated.

- Is this worth it ?

- Is there a cheaper / more effective alternative?

- Should i go see a GP?

- Do you need LASER to kill the current DHT and then take pills to prevent it or is there another way?


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Look at the cost of treatments like propecia and rogaine. Look at how cheap they are and then look at the PROVEN science behind them at stopping hair loss and regrowing hair.

Then consider the 8000k a year treatment of the laser and whatever other products they are throwing in (most likely a cosmetically thickening shampoo is in there.) Find some evidence they work at stopping hair loss and regrowing hair.

Consider that and there is your answer.

Hair loss can cheaply be fought with a few trips a year to a local grocery store that also has a pharmacy.


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Cassin said:

Do a search for 'Advanced Hair Studio'.........we have had others here use them. See what they think.

Thanks i just spent the last 2 hours reading.

Let's just say i have a completely different opinion now.

To my understanding i can just use Propecia and Minoxidil for way cheaper.

And i understand AHS laser's aren't scientifically proven...


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AHS are con artists they know their Laser scam is total bullshit but they also know that balding men are desperate and many wont complain publicly because of the embarrasment.
100's of guys in the UK have lost £1000's to their laser gimmick their salesmen use a carefully planned sales patter like Bosely. They also have celebrities like Austin Healy to sell it but what they dont tell you is that he is actually wearing one of their rugs.

uncomfortable man

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Another tragedy averted. Thanks


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For the record, for anyone in Dallas I will show up once a day and apply your tropicals for you for 8000k a year. It will only take me 5 minutes. :woot:

Uncle Fester

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Just build your own laser helmet (see or order a Laser Max 50 or Laser Max 90. It's a lot cheaper than going to a clinic.

Since I've added laser therapy (going into my fourth month) I have seen positive results and I'm only using a Laser Max 50 (50 meaning 50 lasers). I found it cheap ($395) on a retail web site.


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Laser = Bullshit.


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barcafan said:
8 million?.

Uncle Fester said:
Just build your own laser helmet (see .

I can't possibly think of a worse idea.

Uncle Fester said:
Must be the placebo effect working for me then :dunno:

Oh I'm sure there is something that will work for anyone....but we need real products that work for the masses with scientific proof backing it up. Lasermax poured trucks of money into research and it didn't work...

why is that?

Just because a few people believe hard enough in a product doesn't mean anything for the others.