Day at the studio

Uncle Fester

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Uncle Fester said:
Just build your own laser helmet (see .

I can't possibly think of a worse idea.

Really? Can't think of a worse idea?

Uncle Fester said:
Must be the placebo effect working for me then :dunno:

Oh I'm sure there is something that will work for anyone....but we need real products that work for the masses with scientific proof backing it up. Lasermax poured trucks of money into research and it didn't work...why is that?

I don't think Lasermax is that big of an outfit to have poured trucks of money into research. Maybe you're thinking of Hairmax. Of course, I'm not sure how big Hairmax is either.

Plus, if you go to, he has plenty of studies that you can read.

Just because a few people believe hard enough in a product doesn't mean anything for the others.

Well, you can believe what you want to believe. When something is working for me, I feel I have an obligation to tell others.


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lasers can do anything from nothing to burning your skin. The idea of making your own for your very own scalp is a terrible idea. So tell me...what proof do you have that 5, 10 or 15 years of experimental home made laser use won't severely damage your skin? How do you know? What type of retesting is done on the laser after a time to ensure its safe? Hey if you know enough about the stuff thats great...but to recommend the general public to do it is reckless at best.

hairmax...lasermax...whatever...why did they fail when they had so much promise? Believe me...I wanted it to work big time but I never saw enough proof to make me buy it.

I also recommend watching Napoleon Dynamite for how to make a time machine so you can throw a football over them mountains.

Uncle Fester

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hairmax...lasermax...whatever...why did they fail when they had so much promise? Believe me...I wanted it to work big time but I never saw enough proof to make me buy it.

Hairmax is a comb. They tell you to move a half inch every four seconds. That's pretty much the same instructions with most comb/brush devices.

Does that really sound like enough time to do anything?

Plus comb/brushes are a pain to use. Your arm gets tired and it's tedious.

I use my Laser Max 50 for 30 mintues on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I just sit under it while I'm working on my computer and before I know it the 30 minutes is over.

30 minutes is a lot better than 4 seconds an area.

Overmachogrande usually tells people to use it for 20 minutes but since I am using less diodes and my head is moving around (the Laser Max isn't a helmet), I do it for a half hour.


Uncle Fester

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What proof do you have that 5, 10 or 15 years of experimental home made laser use won't severely damage your skin? How do you know? What type of retesting is done on the laser after a time to ensure its safe? Hey if you know enough about the stuff thats great...but to recommend the general public to do it is reckless at best.

Sorry. I must have overlooked this part in my haste to post.

What proof do I have? You mean you think a little light is more dangerous than minoxidil that can give you a heart attack, propecia that can give you limp dick and tits or actually having surgery for transplants?

Well, let's just say I will take my chances on a little phototherapy.


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Way to stray off topic...we can argue individual treatments all day but I stand by making home made lasers as a bad idea.

If all it takes is "a little light" then why do we need a laser at all? Aren't our scalps exposed to a lot of light all day?

Uncle Fester

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Way to stray off topic...we can argue individual treatments all day but I stand by making home made lasers as a bad idea.

If all it takes is "a little light" then why do we need a laser at all? Aren't our scalps exposed to a lot of light all day?

As I said, Cassin, you can believe what you want. No skin off my back. I'm worried about my hair and yours is your problem.

I would just hate to see anybody spend thousands at a clinic when they could spend a couple hundred and do it themselves at home whenever they wanted.

Plus I've got work I need to get back to and I'm really not interested in arguing.


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way to constantly ignore the major points of my posts!!!!!!!!!

Uncle Fester said:
I would just hate to see anybody spend thousands at a clinic when they could spend a couple hundred and do it themselves at home whenever they wanted..

In my opinion a clinic is complete garbage but it simply seems more sane to use that and hold someone liable than shooting possibly damaging home made lasers into the scalp.

See ya Uncle Fester!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uncle Fester

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In my opinion a clinic is complete garbage but it simply seems more sane to use that and hold someone liable than shooting possibly damaging home made lasers into the scalp.

See ya Uncle Fester!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. You are one open-minded moderator.

Can you actually find any studies that say LLLT is dangerous in some way? The only ones I find show its benefits.

* Relieves acute and chronic pain
* Increases the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair
* Increases blood supply
* Stimulates the immune system
* Stimulates nerve function
* Develops collagen and muscle tissue
* Helps generate new and healthy cells and tissue
* Promotes faster wound healing and clot formation
* Reduces inflammation

I mean, unless you are talking about someone stupid enough to stare at the laser for a long time, I am not sure if I have heard of any negatives.


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Uncle Fester said:
Can you actually find any studies that say LLLT is dangerous in some way?

How many times must I mention my MAIN issue is with people making their own laser?

But since you insist...why isn't the LLLT approved for hair loss? Show me some FDA double blind studies that compare hair count and hair weight along with side effects....

Uncle Fester

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How many times must I mention my MAIN issue is with people making their own laser?

Why? The Lasermax company is just some guy that put together his own laser and mass marketed it. The same for most of the laser comb/brush people.

But since you insist...why isn't the LLLT approved for hair loss? Show me some FDA double blind studies that compare hair count and hair weight along with side effects....

Well, they approved a model of Hairmax laser for something. I can't remember if it was for regrowth.

As far as FDA studies go, I'm not sure. I know there is a Harvard study at I don't know about you but Harvard seems pretty reputable to me.

And as far as I know there are no known side effects. Have you ever heard of any?


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yes...people have posted here before about scorching their scalp from lasers.

but none of it means nothing until we know exactly what is safe from an FDA approved product.

People scoff at the FDA but its better than some random joe creating his own treatment.

This has nothing to do with stance has always been the same about anyone making home made products be it finasteride dissolved in alcohol to home made ultra minoxidil products.

My belief is that people need to leave such things to the hand of pros that know what they are doing. Its not worth the risk...I have zero doubt that OMG knows what he is doing...but I cannot even begin to guess the small percentage of people who read something and clearly understand it be it from thoroughness or ability.

Uncle Fester

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I have never heard of anybody scorching their scalps with LLLT. Of course, I have never heard of anybody instructing people to put them right on their scalp.

FDA approved doesn't mean safe. I work in the legal field and have had many cases involving pharmaceutical companies. Phen-Fen, etc.

I am not stupid but I am not going to wait for the FDA to approve something when I only have so much longer on this planet. Their time table and mine don't match.

Again, if the scalp scorching is the only thing you can think of and since I don't put them right on my scalp, I will keep doing what is working.


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Uncle Fester said:
I have never heard of anybody scorching their scalps with LLLT. Of course, I have never heard of anybody instructing people to put them right on their scalp.

FDA approved doesn't mean safe. I work in the legal field and have had many cases involving pharmaceutical companies. Phen-Fen, etc.

I am not stupid but I am not going to wait for the FDA to approve something when I only have so much longer on this planet. Their time table and mine don't match.

Again, if the scalp scorching is the only thing you can think of and since I don't put them right on my scalp, I will keep doing what is working.

Uncle Fester...once again you have failed to read my post clearly...

I CLEARLY said Lasers. You keep side stepping all of my comments and redirecting that I find this discussion useless now.

Clearly the work of a very good lawyer. :punk:

Uncle Fester

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Well, I am not talking about lasers as in "sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!" Big difference. :)

Plus this is the "experimental treatment" board which means I doubt anything on here is FDA approved.

Anyway, it actually has helped me. I have been on both propecia and minoxidil for over a year but there has been a big difference since I added the laser therapy.

Take it for what it's worth.


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Fact: Lasers can do nothing to combat the genetic trait that is m.p.b, they are simply a gimmick exactly like head massagers were before them.
Anyone can make up some scientific sounding theory as to how they could work and the manufacturers know that there is noone more desperate than a balding man to fleece money from.

Uncle Fester

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Fact: Lasers can do nothing to combat the genetic trait that is m.p.b, they are simply a gimmick exactly like head massagers were before them.
Anyone can make up some scientific sounding theory as to how they could work and the manufacturers know that there is noone more desperate than a balding man to fleece money from.

Here, you might want to watch this video from a news channel. This drummer had great success with LLLT. Plus you can tell he is not wearing a rug because he still has some thinning.

Anyway, no one is twisting your arm.