Well guys, I just got my shipment of fincar from India, only took 2 months...so I'm getting ready to start my new experiment. Double dosing on EVERYTHING! As you may or may not know, I've been having next to zero results on the big 3... I can probably attest it to 2 things. 1) I have a SERIOUSLY aggressive form of male pattern baldness, and 2) I'm super-resistant to all kinds of medicines. So I begin the tedious task of splitting 60 tabs of fincar in half, and then half of those in half again. Only gonna try it for 2 months to see how it goes. If it gets to be too much, then I'm gonna back off a little bit and just go 1.25 mg per dose.
I'm doubling up on minoxidil too. 1mL in front, and 1mL in back, seems to be doing ok... getting mild irritation, but I think of it as a good thing. As soon as the irritation goes away for good, I think that my body's getting immune to the stuff.
I'm not gonna bother double dosing on spironolactone, cuz the crap just stinks up my whole room at night. 1 application once a day thanks.
Wish me luck, I'll keep you all posted on the good, the bad, and the ugly.