dude... dude... you really need to take a chill pill and relax. wishing for peoples painful deaths and freaking out like this is not an appropriate reaction here. i wish immortality for all of us.
you posted that you have ED from minoxidil. i and a lot of my "troll friends" have an interest in challenging this, as
1. we are also taking the drug and do have some experience with it and do know something about it.
2. although the exact mechanism of the drug isnt perfectly understood, of course its not a complete mystery, and theres nothing currently known about it that suggests it could be a primary cause of ED... not only ED, but what youre suggesting is a hardcore post-minoxidil ED syndrome that lasts several months.
3. again, coorelation does not mean causation. if 50 people eat a hot dog next monday and get a headache, does that mean the hot dogs caused it? maybe... but 100000 people will also get a headache next monday who did not eat a hot dog. ED is very, very common. so is taking minoxidil. you seem to think that ED will usually or always have an obvious cause. thats absolutely not the case. it comes and goes. and if a person thinks for a second something like "i think i got it from this drug and oh my God maybe it wont go away" then for sure something like that can itself become a cause. worrying about ED becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.
now maybe you want to bug out again, reading this. and say i am a nobody, everyone is a troll, etc. but theres nothing malicious in saying it, at all. in fact it could be helpful if youd chill out. heres a thread in which i said exactly the same thing to another guy and his reaction was absolutely different. i told him that its probably performance anxiety and by the end of the thread he is thanking me profusely for actually curing his ED.
"Thank u soooooo much yetti"
ok, youre convinced that this isnt you and its definitely from the drug. thats fine, but it doesnt mean other people have no right to question and discuss it. this is not a conversation with your doctor, its a public discussion forum with a bunch of people taking the same drug who have been talking about it for years. so if you post something and then call people trolls and nobodys at the first inkling of debate about your premise, then you can expect the reception you got. a better reaction would be to ignore it or engage in debate if you are convinved otherwise, or perhaps even consider it.