Depressed beyond words...


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Hi Folks,

First of all I would like to thank all the members of this forum for all the advice and moral support I have received over the last year or so. It seems that we are all fighting a battle that we would inevitably lose as there is no real cure for hairloss. I salute all the gladiators who stand in this battlefield we call male pattern baldness.

Right now I am going through one of the most negative states of mind that I have ever encountered. I have tried all the snake oils and pills out there (with the exception of dutasteride) and nothing seems to work. About 1.5 years ago life was so damn good. I had super thick hair and my routine seemed to be giving me at least some maintenence. I used to be so positive and outgoing! I used to love looking into the mirror and styling my hair! I would be brimming with confidence when I made presentations to clients and collegues. It seems now all of that positive energy has been drained out of me and merely a lifeless shell remains. I just go through the motions now, not caring about anything or anyone around me. I have become somewhat of a sociopath and avoid any contact with the oustside world. I am even trying to convince my boss to let me work from home on a permanent basis. THIS IS HOW MUCH HAIRLOSS HAS IMPACTED ME....IT HAS RUINED MY PERSONALITY, MENTAL STATE, CAREER AND ALL MY RELATIONSHIPS. I feel DEFEATED each and every day. No matter how much minoxidil I apply or how much propecia I swallow, my hair continues to fall out at the same rate. The thing that KILLS me is that I am fighting for the dear life of my hair with ALL the proven treatments out there and more, but I am getting NO SUCCESS at all. This would be totally acceptable had I done nothing but ever since I started Propecia (now on month 9) all I have seen is an acceleration in my rate of loss. Obviously no one can explain this at all and everyone claims that there is no way propecia could be causing hair loss to increase. This creates further confusion and ambiguity as I am already well below baseline (at least by 40 percent in the crown). My passion for life and meeting people is gone. I used to love working out and now every time I lift heavy I notice that I shed significantly more - no question about it. This is why my workout schedule has become erratic and and lifeless. What's worse is that the depression and stress that one encounters through hairloss further accelerates the loss. It's a vicious cycle! At this point I just want my old self back...I used to be happy. The more I suffer from hairloss, the more I begin to see how much of it is a mental game. A game that I am losing so badly. I don't know what to do anymore guys....I hate to say it but sometimes I just don't even want to live such a shitty / incomplete life. I know that there are people out there who are worse off and have bigger issues, but I think the mental impact of hairloss is grossly underestimated. It's Saturday morning and a beautiful sunny day outside.....and I am sitting in a dark gloomy room with no desire to leave my home. This is not how I used to be.


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Dude i'm going to be perfectly honest with you. You need to try a potent psychedelic if you haven't before. It will TOTALLY open up your eyes in terms of what life really is and i think that anyone who hasnt experienced it before is totally missing out.


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It's not your hairloss that ruined personality, mental state, career or relationships. It's you.

This is so not the end of the world mate, so not the end of it. I know it's tough, it really is. But you know why it's tough? Because we are born and raised to be vain, nothing more. Either way, the future for Hair Restoration looks quite bright, so you may still have a full head of hair in a few years- but even if it fails (which to be honest I doubt, from a realistic perspective, not the perspective of one going bald! :p) you'll be bald, eventually you'll reach and age where vanity is just something silly you used to do when you where younger. Much like you see the things you used to do as a child as silly.

From a personal experience, I feel worst about my hairloss when I start inspecting my head. The best thing to do is just take your pills, and apply your minoxidil, and forget about it. All through the day, just forget. Dont' waste the prime days of your life with this, dare I say it, bunch of sh*t. Ya' hear? :)


I know how you feel, man... but you seriously need to try buzzing your hair, it helped me a lot, no more messing around and styling the thinning hair, it just is what it is. And buzzing is in at the moment so what do you got to lose? As a matter of fact I can't see shaving becoming very unpopular again because there will always be balding white males and black dudes (and some white aswell) who shave their heads "BBC" style. I think I'm ready to live the next few years as a balding young man, then maybe get a HM or whatever the solution will be. Just keep yourself in shape and keep your chin up.


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I know exactly how you feel bro...its f*****g depressing.

the way I deal with it is to hit the gym whenever I am depressed, after couple sets of hardcore lifting, I seem to completely forget about my hair loss. I dont check out my hair in the mirrors at the gym, I look at my muscles. Of course after the gym I feel so damn good that I won't be bothered by hair loss that much.

I mean if this sh*t is meant to happen, there is nothing we can do. Life still goes on, and we should try to enjoy it. Life is a biatch, pimp it and live it!

GL bro!


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Yeah man

go to the gym, that's what I do, I totally forget about my hair loss, also, while you are pumping those muscles, think about the rock, vin diesel, pumped up bald guys looking great!!!


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Thanks guys! I am kind of feeling better....hit the gym and got a killer bicep and leg workout in. I agree if it's meant to happen if will happen no matter what but what sucks is that these treatments are expensive and a pain to use consistently. If they don't work for you at all it's a BIG disapointment. Usually my mornings are the WORST cause I literally find a heap of dead hair on my scalp. I swear man this site is really therapeutic for guys who suffer from male pattern baldness. I am not sure who I'd be able to talk to regarding male pattern baldness if I didn't have an internet connection.


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barcafan said:
Dude i'm going to be perfectly honest with you. You need to try a potent psychedelic if you haven't before. It will TOTALLY open up your eyes in terms of what life really is and i think that anyone who hasnt experienced it before is totally missing out.

What, are you insane? :jackit: :stfu:

Don't listen to this fool, whatever you do! Turning to drugs or booze when depressed is enough to finish you off!! I've seen people get locked away for their own good after taking mind bending drugs.

Going to the gym is certainly a positive step - a good workout makes you feel and look better. :bravo:


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just wanted to say I understand completely, I'm also really letting baldness mess up my's the constant shedding of hairs I hate the most, like seeing my youth drift away ...I've lost so much confidence & my joy of life has gone...just don't want to do the things I loved doing....

But as much as I wish it wasn't happening it is...At the moment I'm trying to focus on positive bald role models, friends and work colleagues, who still lead outgoing & successful lives despite the baldness. The way I see it, they went through all this angst, and managed to deal with it & I'm hoping so will we...


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stampede said:
barcafan said:
Dude i'm going to be perfectly honest with you. You need to try a potent psychedelic if you haven't before. It will TOTALLY open up your eyes in terms of what life really is and i think that anyone who hasnt experienced it before is totally missing out.

What, are you insane? :jackit: :stfu:

Don't listen to this fool, whatever you do! Turning to drugs or booze when depressed is enough to finish you off!! I've seen people get locked away for their own good after taking mind bending drugs.

Going to the gym is certainly a positive step - a good workout makes you feel and look better. :bravo:

Lol, another weak mind corrupted by government propaganda. No one's dying from psychadelics, all your thoughts on pyschadelics are based on Bullshit propaganda that you hear about people losing their minds, no that doesnt happen. This sh*t removes your ego and really tells you what the world is about. I know alot of people who were like you and look back on themselves and are glad they arent scared anymore.


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So you're saying he ought to turn to drugs then?

Frankly outrageous :thumbdown2:


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vipergts said:
Thanks guys! I am kind of feeling better....hit the gym and got a killer bicep and leg workout in. I agree if it's meant to happen if will happen no matter what but what sucks is that these treatments are expensive and a pain to use consistently. If they don't work for you at all it's a BIG disapointment. Usually my mornings are the WORST cause I literally find a heap of dead hair on my scalp. I swear man this site is really therapeutic for guys who suffer from male pattern baldness. I am not sure who I'd be able to talk to regarding male pattern baldness if I didn't have an internet connection.

I know what you mean bro

this site is a great moral support for all of us.


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Mate i know exactly, exactly how you feel. I started a similar thread. I've also been using the big 3 for a year only to see my hairloss accelarate and its killing me inside. I guess the only thing we can do is stumble through our lives until we eventually get over might be a very long time and i dont think i'll ever be the same again, or actually feel good about myself or even happy for that matter.


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stampede said:
So you're saying he ought to turn to drugs then?

Frankly outrageous :thumbdown2:

Dont think of it as 'turning' to anything. When you have a ridiculous expierence you will begin to question all of this vanity sh*t that's giving you a hard time (Not only that, but MANY other things). And begin to see that its all Bullshit, doesn't mean anything at all, you will also generally become more open minded and have an easier time communicating with people instead of being in a state of perpetual brooding caused by your hairloss and/or BDD (Which, lets not deny, more than a few people have on this site). ALOT of people smoke or have smoked weed / drink alcohol, so i guess they're also turning to drugs to cope by your logic. Dont view drugs as being negative solely because that's what society tells you, you should really use your own mind and make a decision based on that, if you're personally against them then that's cool too but IMO you're missing out. Anyways this has kinda derailed the thread i didn't mean to do that.

Hans Gruber

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barcafan said:
stampede said:
barcafan said:
Dude i'm going to be perfectly honest with you. You need to try a potent psychedelic if you haven't before. It will TOTALLY open up your eyes in terms of what life really is and i think that anyone who hasnt experienced it before is totally missing out.

What, are you insane? :jackit: :stfu:

Don't listen to this fool, whatever you do! Turning to drugs or booze when depressed is enough to finish you off!! I've seen people get locked away for their own good after taking mind bending drugs.

Going to the gym is certainly a positive step - a good workout makes you feel and look better. :bravo:

Lol, another weak mind corrupted by government propaganda. No one's dying from psychadelics, all your thoughts on pyschadelics are based on Bullshit propaganda that you hear about people losing their minds, no that doesnt happen. This $#iT removes your ego and really tells you what the world is about. I know alot of people who were like you and look back on themselves and are glad they arent scared anymore.

man youre ignorant,dont assume that everyone is a sheeple,i know plenty of people that have done acid and mushrooms,myself included.

yes it is amazing but advising someone who is not in a good state of mind to do acid or mushrooms is a completely irresponsible thing to do.If you really knew about 'potent psychedelics' then you would know you shouldn't take substances that might enhance your current mental state if its a negative one,dear lord man,im all up for expanding the mind but be sensible!

oh and Viper why havent you tried dutasteride? dutasteride,rogaine foam and potential hair transplant could give you the extra boost you need


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Perhaps you're right, but im talking about myself personally, it really helped me out. You're probably better off not doing anything if you're severely depressed or have a family history of like schizophrenia or early onset mental illness. Besides, anyone whos interested in experimenting should always educate themselves on the matter (E.G erowid) and not just take a random bozo's word for it. What i AM saying is that you shouldnt be afraid of looking deeper in the subject, that you wont become a 'crackhead' loser just because you did some experimenting.

Hans Gruber

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barcafan said:
Perhaps you're right, but im talking about myself personally, it really helped me out. You're probably better off not doing anything if you're severely depressed or have a family history of like schizophrenia or early onset mental illness. Besides, anyone whos interested in experimenting should always educate themselves on the matter (E.G erowid) and not just take a random bozo's word for it.

he sees the light! :)

sorry if i sounded harsh but drugs need to be dealt with sensibly or avoided altogether if the person is depressed etc


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I agree. But man o man under the right circumstances they can (probably ARE) the most beautiful things you'll ever experience in life, especially the more exotic ones (Read: DMT)

Hans Gruber

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barcafan said:
I agree. But man o man under the right circumstances they can (probably ARE) the most beautiful things you'll ever experience in life, especially the more exotic ones (Read: DMT)

having a kid beats drugs,any day