Dermarolling/wounding What Method Do You Use And Why


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The Indian study was for 12 weeks Minoxidil and 1x a week derma rolling with 1.5 NOT to really bleeding but just to irritated, redden the skin. Maybe light skin break but not to 'bleeding'. If that is happening the person may be doing it too harsh or vigerous. DOnt keep going over and over the area. That is not what they did in study.

that 1x a week you skip any topical.

just google Indian study and derma rolling.

this and costarellis (not sure its a study or his theory) of wounding seem to have been mixed together.

I would be cautious to really 'bleed' you can easily get an infection.

You need to sterilize the derma roller and find a way to make sure head is clean during.

I have not got my roller yet but still trying to gather as much information as I can before starting.

So you have to sterilize your skin before use? How do you do that and what do you use or does it give you that information when you get the roller?
Do you refrain from using minoxidil on the day of rolling?


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Any information about needle replacement with a roller? Is it needed? And also sterilization.. is that needed every time? What do you use and where do you get it?


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People like to use micro rollers to diminish facial scarring and I thought about ordering one to improve my 54 year old skin. But the theory behind this gave me an idea. Years ago I used to use a buff puff facial cleanser to remove dead skin from the face and help with acne breakouts and it worked and left me with pretty smooth and shiny skin but if you did it a little too much you felt a little bit Raw. I'm guessing this roughing up of the skin is allows the medicine to penetrate similar to the micro needle. So I purchased from Target an 8 pack of Facial Buffs for about $2. I use it on both my face now and my scalp before applying the Target brand minoxidil to my scalp. I tried Rogaine 20 years ago and just gave up on it but this time around. After 2 months I'm having excellent results. using the buff treatment first I don't even wait half an hour after taking a shower before applying it, I also put moisturizing lotion on my head afterwards.