Diagnosed by a so called 'Dr' that I have male pattern baldness 18yr old...


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Hello Fellas!

These past 12 weeks I have noticed that my hair has been falling out a lot usually whenever I run my hand through my hair a strand or two seems to fall out, I've noticed this happens the most at the back of my head, around the crown. This is the thing that got me scared.

I went to a doctor a couple of days later in his opinion he told me he didn't think I was loosing hair however he did say he was unsure regarding hairloss etc and said I should seek a 2nd opionion from a place called Ashley and Martin basically they 'specialize' in hair treatment for men and women in Australia.

Anyway, I went and got an appointment with Dr. XXX at Ashley and Martin he looked at my hair and within 5 seconds said that I was suffering from male pattern baldness. However I am unsure because this place seemed abit suss, like they wanted my money but I don't know all I know is Dr. X had an invested interest in me therefore this forum thread.

I am 18 Years old my dad had most of his hair in his hair in his 40's and 50's (he died around this age bracket :( ) however he did according to my mum have some hairloss around this age.

Please guys, I have taken multiple photos of the areas in questions do note that my skull is not perfectly shaped the back of my head is sort of like a \ angle due to sleeping bad as a baby...





<<<< In this pic i have tried to part the hair to show the crown better if it helps




Basically I need to know if I should start taking Generic Finastride ASAP,

If I am loosing hair how early did I catch it and can I expect results?



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looks like some subtle thinning in the crown area especially visible in the pic from straight on behind (4th pic down). It is a bit hard to say for sure with your hair at its current length. Maybe some extremely minor recession on the temples.

Bottomline is, like a lot of young and new posters here, you have a long time before this becomes noticeable - good work catching it very early. In addition to your dad I'd be curious to learn about your grandparents (both sides) and uncles and if they had any hair loss.

I think you should wait awhile before starting finasteride as it is a serious commitment and your hairloss isn't even noticeable yet - see how much worse it gets over the course of the next year then reevaluate.


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What i dont understand in most users here why its a requirement to them to be visibly balding for a regimen.

You're thinning so start finasteride. Dont listen to those Armandos's and pexis.


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No I agree with IBM. Why do you have to be showing MAJOR signs of male pattern baldness before acting? I just can't see the point of this :dunno:

He appears to be in the early stages of crown thinning. Its VERY minor and only really noticable to those who are looking for it. I think his temples are ok...Just a mature hairline.

Just get on propecia dude. Forget Ashley and Martin they are fruadsters! Everyone knows that.

Follically Challenged

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Who said anything about not acting? I didn't even say not to use Propecia, just that he should not listen to IBM.

But this gentlemen has a tiny bit of hair loss. If I were him, I would try topical approaches to preventing hair loss to keep what he has, and get some FUEs to fill in the top if need be instead of taking drugs for the rest of my life.


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I think he is receeding on the temple , why is it a maturing hairline when it is a very define V shape ?


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There is wisdom in telling someone to wait, Everyones head is different and what may look like slight thinning for someone else may just be paranoia, Not saying this is, just that it's possible.

It's better to be sure In my opinion, rather then take a drug you may not need to, In this particular case though, it does look like there is some thinning in the crown, and recession at the temples.

If you do get on finasteride at our age it's best to be wary of sides, so if you start to notice them, bail on the finasteride.


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Thanks guy for the input I think I have thinned on the crown from old pics from what I can see...

If I start finasteride now do I only need finasteride nothing else? Please recommend a good stack for someone like me.

I would like to get started on finasteride ASAP to maintain this hair for as long as possible as I have said my head is shaped badly and I cannot afford to go bald on the crown as this will be very noticeable.

I was thinking of purchasing this stuff http://www.inhousepharmacy.com/hair-loss/fincar.html

Is that fine?
What else should I use?

What are these sides I can expect I am not sure, all I know is that it can cause sexual dysfunction how common is this though guys? And how bad?

Thank you

Follically Challenged

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I'm sure someone will tell you that fewer than 2% of people have reported side effects but as someone who does medical studies for a living, I'll tell you I've only once seen anyone report a side effect. That was when his vision went all blurry on him. I've spoken with plenty of fellow guinea pigs, everyone tells me they never report the side effects.

I got side effects from finasteride, including my jizz going yellow, my balls aching, and getting what is oft described here as "braing fog". I'm now off finasteride/dutasteride for 5 months now and am keeping my hair. But I don't think I am all that sensitive to androgens.


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Follically Challenged said:
I'm sure someone will tell you that fewer than 2% of people have reported side effects but as someone who does medical studies for a living, I'll tell you I've only once seen anyone report a side effect. That was when his vision went all blurry on him. I've spoken with plenty of fellow guinea pigs, everyone tells me they never report the side effects.

I got side effects from finasteride, including my jizz going yellow, my balls aching, and getting what is oft described here as "braing fog". I'm now off finasteride/dutasteride for 5 months now and am keeping my hair. But I don't think I am all that sensitive to androgens.

Interesting, and also scary with regards to those sides you had!

I hope you continue to keep your hair mate.

Basically the better question is, say I am that 2% and my sex drive takes major dive can I go back to normal if I stop or is the damage irreversible?

Also is that website fine for buying Generic finasteride?


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Most people go back to normal if they stop. But a few people are unlucky and get permanent sexual side effects. One month after quitting I still suffer from side effects, hoping they will go away with more time. Probably not a good idea to try to "ride out" the side effects for too long. Take a look at propeciahelp.com

Follically Challenged

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I've never been sexually active so I don't really know much about the whole sex drive thing, but I do know this...when I was taking arginine supplements I had more wet dreams and woke up with a semi more often instead of flaccid.

Also, all my sides have gone away after stopping.

Honestly, I would go back to using finasteride if I didn't think I could save my hair any other way, but I'm quite confident I can. The shitty regimen I am on is just to tide me over until I have money to afford other treatments, although I will keep using revita shampoo (although less frequently), green/black tea, and retin-A.

I haven't decided what I will use, but most of it I found out about as in the New Research and Discoveries section. Sage, blood of the dragon (for corosolic acid), red clover blossom, adenosine, apple polyphenols are a few of the things I will try.

Am thinking about making a shampoo with coal tar extract to inhibit the formation of 5ar.


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Follically Challenged said:
Who said anything about not acting? I didn't even say not to use Propecia, just that he should not listen to IBM.

But this gentlemen has a tiny bit of hair loss. If I were him, I would try topical approaches to preventing hair loss to keep what he has, and get some FUEs to fill in the top if need be instead of taking drugs for the rest of my life.

Are you aware of what you're saying? Taking some FUE's? How much FUE's? Is that difficult to pop a pill or screw the donor hair?

Once on hair transplant forever on hair transplant. I prefer to be slave to meds than to hair transplant's.

Follically Challenged

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I'd rather use topicals for a year and see how that works in maintenance. If I had to guess, I'd guess that with a good topical regimen and minoxidil the amount of FUEs he'd need would be very little.

I think you like popping pills a little too much.

Follically Challenged

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Fincar is 5mg and Finpecia is 1mg.

Some people quarter Proscar (5mg finasteride) tablets, I'm not sure if anyone does that with Fincar.

Elite net pharmacy.com (no spaces) is cheaper for Finpecia, which is what I would recommend using out of the two. This is the knock-off version of Propecia, which is what would be prescribed by your doctor.


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No ethical surgeon would perform work on him its just not neccesary at this stage.
They would probably just advise him to try the big 3.