Diagnosed by a so called 'Dr' that I have male pattern baldness 18yr old...

Follically Challenged

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I do these studies. Mostly bioequivolence studies, although I have participated in an investigational study where I was confined 10 days, twice.

I did experience side effects from the drug I took.

I did not report the side effects.

One person in the study that I know of reported side effects, and was removed from the study. (Understandably so, his vision went blurry.)

Not only are people scared of reporting side effects for fear of removal from the study, they also don't want to be bothered with constant questions from clinicians. I've never seen anyone report a side effect except the one time, although people have shared with me in confidence they did experience them.

People do not do these studies for the altruism, they do them because they are poor. So, whether they are told not to worry about reporting side effects or not, when the rent money is on the line, I believe they are going to "play it safe" and not report anything.


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Follically Challenged said:
I do these studies. Mostly bioequivolence studies, although I have participated in an investigational study where I was confined 10 days, twice.

I did experience side effects from the drug I took.

I did not report the side effects.

One person in the study that I know of reported side effects, and was removed from the study. (Understandably so, his vision went blurry.)

Not only are people scared of reporting side effects for fear of removal from the study, they also don't want to be bothered with constant questions from clinicians. I've never seen anyone report a side effect except the one time, although people have shared with me in confidence they did experience them.

People do not do these studies for the altruism, they do them because they are poor. So, whether they are told not to worry about reporting side effects or not, when the rent money is on the line, I believe they are going to "play it safe" and not report anything.

While you may be totally right, all your evidence is anectodal. And I have no means to verify your claims are true tho I believe you. Still, I think the established scientific community is far more reliable than you.

Many people in control groups in Propecia trials also experience side effects. So some side effects are psychological. And the most common side effect of Propecia were sexual side effects, if I remember correctly. 2% in experimental group and 1% in control group, I think. I'm too lazy to check for the source, but I remember thinking that Propecia is safe for the vast majority of people. Plus there are people who genetically dont have 5 Alpha Reductase type 2 so we know the long term effects.


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Hey fellas I found a picture thats nearly 2 years old of the back of my head, what do you reckon?

To mee it looks like my crown has deffinately thinned :( :(



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Looks like you're wearing a wig in the above pic :p


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metalheaddude said:
Looks like you're wearing a wig in the above pic :p


(no wig)

Now I been reading on the forums about propecia and I have 3 months on order now all these terrible sexual side effects and man boobs :(


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Well, Man boobs don't appear overnight, If you notice a difference or whatever get off the propecia, same with the sexual side effects, which are real but you may or may not experience any, if you do get off the finasteride and then everything returns to normal. Unless of course you ignore the sides, keep waiting for them to magically disappear, And continue to take finasteride for a long while,if you do it that way your more likely it seems from other peoples experiences that the sides don't leave, even after getting off the finasteride.


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Eureka said:
Well, Man boobs don't appear overnight, If you notice a difference or whatever get off the propecia, same with the sexual side effects, which are real but you may or may not experience any, if you do get off the finasteride and then everything returns to normal. Unless of course you ignore the sides, keep waiting for them to magically disappear, And continue to take finasteride for a long while,if you do it that way your more likely it seems from other peoples experiences that the sides don't leave, even after getting off the finasteride.

Well I ordered generic propecia 1mg per tablet what are your thoughts about cutting it to something like .20 - .40mg ? Don't studies show its just as effective but less intense sides due to the low dosage?

But I will do exactly as you say, for sure!

uncomfortable man

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Looks more like female pattern baldness, get on estrogen immediately.

Armando Jose

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My Regimen
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Hi Jake;

Are you decided with the all life pill?

Your hair seems be greasy, why don´t fight against it?
Finasterie¡de don't work in this aspect.



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I'm sorry, I didn't read the whole thread and I hope I'm not too late.

Mate, stay away from A&M. Your first impressions were correct. You simply cannot trust them. By all means get a second opinion, but have your GP refer you to a dermatologist. Don't go back to A&M, Advanced Hair or any of the rest.

They only offer the standard treatments we discuss here but they charge you a fortune and they throw in a few suspect treatments that probably don't work. Your dermatologist will be able to run some tests for you (such as thyroid function and iron studies) or you could even just get your GP to do some of these tests.

There isn't any specific test that diagnoses male pattern baldness. Other organic causes of hair loss need to be excluded and then male pattern baldness can be diagnosed based on the pattern of hair loss and your family history. You'll find loads of excellent information about treatments for male pattern baldness if you read this site. It's one of the best resources on the net.

Just please don't let A&M take any of your money.


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Armando Jose said:
Hi Jake;

Are you decided with the all life pill?

Your hair seems be greasy, why don´t fight against it?
Finasterie¡de don't work in this aspect.


Hey nah I am not taking that stuff now but I have it on hand incase sh*t hits the fan. Basically if I was to take Propecia now I would make sure I had nolvadex on hand also to take as soon as any symptoms of Gyno came on. I think currently I am going to find topical DHT stoppers.

And yes it was greasy since that picture I have been taking Nizoral since I have pretty bad dandruff around the crown area and other places and I use to scratch my crown like crazy...

ginner said:
I'm sorry, I didn't read the whole thread and I hope I'm not too late.

Mate, stay away from A&M. Your first impressions were correct. You simply cannot trust them. By all means get a second opinion, but have your GP refer you to a dermatologist. Don't go back to A&M, Advanced Hair or any of the rest.

They only offer the standard treatments we discuss here but they charge you a fortune and they throw in a few suspect treatments that probably don't work. Your dermatologist will be able to run some tests for you (such as thyroid function and iron studies) or you could even just get your GP to do some of these tests.

There isn't any specific test that diagnoses male pattern baldness. Other organic causes of hair loss need to be excluded and then male pattern baldness can be diagnosed based on the pattern of hair loss and your family history. You'll find loads of excellent information about treatments for male pattern baldness if you read this site. It's one of the best resources on the net.

Just please don't let A&M take any of your money.

Yeah I am CERTAINILY not going through those places ever again - I can get 100 Days of finasteride for 50$ US unlike 220$ per month with AandM Haha.

Thanks for the Info arranging a visit with the Derm in the mean time I am letting my hair grow like Rick Springfield (as in my avatar)


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Don't jump on finasteride (a doctor wouldn't prescribe you it anyway, you'll go through some deficiency tests and topical trials). It could be iodine/zinc/biotin/latent iron def, what have you. Get a thyroid gland check and also inquiry your doctor about those latent deficiencies (some of them wouldn't consider it).

uncomfortable man

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Alright listen Jake, I understand your concerns about loosing your hair, as it is probably the number one thing guys are afraid is going to happen to them. But you can't let this idea infect your brain/behavior because GOOD NEWS- your not going bald! Like so many other young men coming on these boards convinced they are loosing when what they are really experiencing is self-induced hysteria. The result is they over medicate and ultimately do more harm to themselves than good. I compare this phenomenon to young women who are convinced they are fat when they really aren't and then proceed to starve themselves, take dangerous diet pills and self-induce vomiting, resulting in anorexia/bolemia. You're like a skinny little b**ch whinning, "I'm so fat!". I just want to slap you and say, "SNAP OUT OF IT!" Have a nice day. :)


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Your hair is thinning. Dont waste time. Start finasteride. Losing your hair will do more harm than taking a pill.


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lookhowshiny said:
Don't jump on finasteride (a doctor wouldn't prescribe you it anyway, you'll go through some deficiency tests and topical trials). It could be iodine/zinc/biotin/latent iron def, what have you. Get a thyroid gland check and also inquiry your doctor about those latent deficiencies (some of them wouldn't consider it).

I had my blood work done about 4 - 5 Months ago a total checkup basically he said if there is anything wrong he will tell me. Anyway I went and saw him a few weeks later and he went through the blood work with me and basically said I was perfectly fine...

Or should I do it again and ask for the above to be checked specifically?

uncomfortable man said:
Alright listen Jake, I understand your concerns about loosing your hair, as it is probably the number one thing guys are afraid is going to happen to them. But you can't let this idea infect your brain/behavior because GOOD NEWS- your not going bald! Like so many other young men coming on these boards convinced they are loosing when what they are really experiencing is self-induced hysteria. The result is they over medicate and ultimately do more harm to themselves than good. I compare this phenomenon to young women who are convinced they are fat when they really aren't and then proceed to starve themselves, take dangerous diet pills and self-induce vomiting, resulting in anorexia/bolemia. You're like a skinny little b**ch whinning, "I'm so fat!". I just want to slap you and say, "SNAP OUT OF IT!" Have a nice day. :)

I hope I am suffering skinny little b**ch whinning disease, I really do mate!

IBM said:
Your hair is thinning. Dont waste time. Start finasteride. Losing your hair will do more harm than taking a pill.
You are a stupid troll that is what you say to every single poster on this board you are either a bot or a troll most likely the latter.


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Do nothing, WAIT.

This could be just the crest of your hair, the mid point, my brother had this since he was 14, he is 22 now and nothing has changed.. Some hair is just shaped differently.

If you go on anything, you will experience shedding which has a chance of not growing back, a small chance, but at your point, not worth taking at all.