Did any of these herbs/supplements help you?


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It's the small steps which really matters. My testosterone/estrogen ratio still isn't optimal. l-arginine won't solve the problem, but it may improve something.


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4500mg? Just curious how you came up with that dosage. I am trying to figure out how much I should take. My pills come in 1000mg. I have been taking one pill every morning the last few days. Any suggestions?


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So for the past 3 months my regime has been this: 500mg of tribulus in the morning, 500mg at night, and 50mg of zinc after dinner.
I was doing great with this for a while but these past few days i have absolutely crashed again.
So i just ordered some more stuff and starting this week my regime will this:
500mg tribulus 2x a day
50 mg zinc 1x day
1000mg larginine once at night
2000ui of vitamin D3

also ive started having a cup of green tea everyday, dont know if that will help at all but what the hell ill give it a try.
So what do you guys think of this regime? Is it too much?


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really? i always thought you were a big believer in zinc.

oh and i think im gonna be dropping my spironolactone for a while. I had the side effects long before I started using it, but just to be safe...


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I am, but you say you've been using 50 mg zinc a day for 3 months with good results, and that you crashed some days ago. That's why you should quit. 50 mg zinc a day is suppressive to your estrogen level. You'll crash if you drive it too low. Quit and see if your symptoms improve within a couple of weeks.


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For the past two weeks i have dropped zinc, dropped spironolactone, and added vitamin D3.

Only a few days after I started this and i started experiencing massive improvement. I was gonna post right away but i figured i'd ride it out and see if I could sustain my results. Of course, they slowly started going away.
Enden, do you think this means i need to start taking some zinc again, or should I ride it out for another couple of weeks?