Diffuse Hair Loss Transplants And Shock Loss?


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Do diffuse male hair transplant patients experience a severe shock loss similar to the women?

I was considering a hair transplant because I have a pretty stable donor site on back of head (3 Doctors said no miniaturization) I am defuse on crown more towards front--I was considering a hair transplant BUT on the womens forum I cannot find even 1 woman who had a good experience even with a 'stable' donor site.

What I learnt is because the crown is defuse it is more likely for women to experience shock loss--and it seems they are mostly in worse shape a year post op then before..they seem to lose a lot of ground even when some of the hair regrows.
basically they are worse off a year later.

Is the experience of male defuse hair transplant patients?

Thanks in advance any opinions or experiences.


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Do diffuse male hair transplant patients experience a severe shock loss similar to the women?

I was considering a hair transplant because I have a pretty stable donor site on back of head (3 Doctors said no miniaturization) I am defuse on crown more towards front--I was considering a hair transplant BUT on the womens forum I cannot find even 1 woman who had a good experience even with a 'stable' donor site.

What I learnt is because the crown is defuse it is more likely for women to experience shock loss--and it seems they are mostly in worse shape a year post op then before..they seem to lose a lot of ground even when some of the hair regrows.
basically they are worse off a year later.

Is the experience of male defuse hair transplant patients?

Thanks in advance any opinions or experiences.

I have DPA which is diffuse pattern alopecia. I actually went for a transplant in the crown and mid area. I also have a stable donor zone.

WORST decision I've ever made. Everyone is different but in general most people agree that diffuse patients should instead seek other treatments because they aren't good candidates for hair transplant.

Shock loss sucked really bad and now I'm almost at a year post op and my crown literally has not changed except I gained some bumps from a shitty doctor. From what I can understand, it's almost as if the original hair fell out and the transplanted hair took its place. So I made pretty much 0 progress and now have a giant smiley face so actually I guess I'd say I took 2 steps back.


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I have DPA which is diffuse pattern alopecia. I actually went for a transplant in the crown and mid area. I also have a stable donor zone.

WORST decision I've ever made. Everyone is different but in general most people agree that diffuse patients should instead seek other treatments because they aren't good candidates for hair transplant.

Shock loss sucked really bad and now I'm almost at a year post op and my crown literally has not changed except I gained some bumps from a shitty doctor. From what I can understand, it's almost as if the original hair fell out and the transplanted hair took its place. So I made pretty much 0 progress and now have a giant smiley face so actually I guess I'd say I took 2 steps back.

Yeah I am thinking only way to have a guaranteed successful hair transplant for women and some men is if the implant section is immune already like Replicel is probably a good thing to get and then hair transplant if necessary after...Hopefully more information about these things will come out soon.


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yup same here - DPA, had a transplant, not a single native hair survived. risky as f***. don't do it.


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Use BHTlower neck as heavily


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Yeah I am thinking only way to have a guaranteed successful hair transplant for women and some men is if the implant section is immune already like Replicel is probably a good thing to get and then hair transplant if necessary after...Hopefully more information about these things will come out soon.

If anything will help you to hang on and wait awhile longer it's Bioprinting. People can call it ridiculous all they want or say it hasn't progressed but we started with a regular ink printer for paper. Then we started 3D printing things which eventually ended up as big things such as houses.

Now we are in the birth of Bioprinting where fully functional skin has been made. Yes I said "fully functional" which includes the sweat glands and hair follicles as well as scar free wound regeneration tested in swine which have more complex and robust skin than humans and will be entering human trials as well. Why am I talking about skin? Because according to Dr. Costarelis, skin and hair develop separately but not independently which means they work together to produce themselves basically.

So don't give up because bioprinting alone should be hype enough as everyone else agrees it will revolutionize medicine completely; hence why there are researchers and companies committed to different tissues such as: hair, lungs, blood vessels and kidneys just to name a few. Look into it there's even multiple Ted talks on it where significant progress was made specifically with skin and hair within the last decade. In fact there's talk that skin conditions/issues will be cured at the same time as hair because as they said they work synergistically. Sorry for the long response just thought I'd give some inspiration


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I have DPA which is diffuse pattern alopecia. I actually went for a transplant in the crown and mid area. I also have a stable donor zone.

WORST decision I've ever made. Everyone is different but in general most people agree that diffuse patients should instead seek other treatments because they aren't good candidates for hair transplant.

Shock loss sucked really bad and now I'm almost at a year post op and my crown literally has not changed except I gained some bumps from a shitty doctor. From what I can understand, it's almost as if the original hair fell out and the transplanted hair took its place. So I made pretty much 0 progress and now have a giant smiley face so actually I guess I'd say I took 2 steps back.

My journey just gets worse and worse, its always the worst case scenario for myself! Have you got any pics of your hair... Im a diffuse thinner as well and thinking of getting a hair transplant...



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My journey just gets worse and worse, its always the worst case scenario for myself! Have you got any pics of your hair... Im a diffuse thinner as well and thinking of getting a hair transplant...



Those are my scars and I have pitting and cobblestoning all over the top of my head that isn't very noticeable in pics but detectable in real time.

Pic with wet hair just out of the shower and a dry hair pic just to show you how easy I, or anyone on these websites can fool you with camera angle, lighting, dry hair, combing etc...

I can't even show you the pics after my hair transplant because I feel so ashamed that I let a guy who claimed himself the re-incarnation of Jesus Christ operate on me. It looks like sh*t to say the least and I can make it look good still but now I'm in a fight to fix my horrible scarring and all the cobblestoning before I lose the rest of my hair and it becomes noticeable.

Sucks when you're in a race against time. I would've been much happier just shaving it and it would've saved me the pounds of depression I carry now. After experimenting on myself I've concluded that diffuse thinners aren't candidates. Don't feel down about it, instead look into the new upcoming things that are said to be released in a couple of years that can benefit diffuse thinners like us. Patience


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wow, hopefully it all works out mate! it doesnt look too bad to be honest with hair, I mean could be worse look at my predicament, only thing is ive been waiting for years and I have no time left unfortunately -


Im actually at the stage where I cant conceal it anymore fibres just blow out, id say another couple of months before I have to shave it all off. This is new to me, I have approached a few clinics who havent mentioned anything about shock loss etc..

Not that I would have a great deal to loose anyway but I would still like to retain whatever is there

btw I have the same issues with the hlh forum, had an account since 2009, If anyones a member could you let the mod know plz..
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wow, hopefully it all works out mate! it doesnt look too bad to be honest with hair, I mean could be worse look at my predicament, only thing is ive been waiting for years and I have no time left unfortunately -


Im actually at the stage where I cant conceal it anymore fibres just blow out, id say another couple of months before I have to shave it all off. This is new to me, I have approached a few clinics who havent mentioned anything about shock loss etc..

Not that I would have a great deal to loose anyway but I would still like to retain whatever is there

btw I have the same issues with the hlh forum, had an account since 2009, If anyones a member could you let the mod know plz..

Not saying this to make you feel better, but you have a great head shape. I also have a great head shape and would trade my scars, cobblestones and my current hair for yours just so I can have a virgin scalp again and leave it that way and shave it off.

You also have good facial hair.

I'll stick with rooting for you to shave it and wait on the hope that was given to us within these next few years.


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Pictures dont do it justice ive got a bit of a bean head lol, and my facial hair is very very patchy I have a strong growth around the mouth but sides are very wispy/wavy all over the place!

I dont know what il do if im honest, I knew this day was coming but hadnt actually planned what to do! Its even more awkward when you have the illusion of a full head of hair then show up with a bald shiny head!

How long are you anticipating your hair will stay for though? Hopefully its permanent!


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Do diffuse male hair transplant patients experience a severe shock loss similar to the women?

I was considering a hair transplant because I have a pretty stable donor site on back of head (3 Doctors said no miniaturization) I am defuse on crown more towards front--I was considering a hair transplant BUT on the womens forum I cannot find even 1 woman who had a good experience even with a 'stable' donor site.

What I learnt is because the crown is defuse it is more likely for women to experience shock loss--and it seems they are mostly in worse shape a year post op then before..they seem to lose a lot of ground even when some of the hair regrows.
basically they are worse off a year later.

Is the experience of male defuse hair transplant patients?
Thanks in advance any opinions or experiences.

Wanted to make the same thread. This really sucks though, hair transplant is not an option for me as a diffuser? That's a shock (no sarcasm). I really can't increase my density then? WTF!

yup same here - DPA, had a transplant, not a single native hair survived. risky as f***. don't do it.

You srs?

So your advice to a diffuser like me would be: "spend 10k otherwise." What if you only have vellus hairs and want to implant a certain area only, for example, the crown and one temple? Those vellus hairs will most likely fall out and not survive. I guess it would be still worth the hassle then?


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Wanted to make the same thread. This really sucks though, hair transplant is not an option for me as a diffuser? That's a shock (no sarcasm). I really can't increase my density then? WTF!

You srs?

So your advice to a diffuser like me would be: "spend 10k otherwise." What if you only have vellus hairs and want to implant a certain area only, for example, the crown and one temple? Those vellus hairs will most likely fall out and not survive. I guess it would be still worth the hassle then?

it's goof you found two examples. it's STILL not a good idea. I've seen and read COUNTLESS threads on forums like this where the patient lost almost everything in the recipient area.

Either way, what's going to happen when these diffusers lose more? will they have enough donor? They will constantly be spending thousands upon thousands of dollars just to end up looking like diffuse sh*t anyways after a few more years.


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Wanted to make the same thread. This really sucks though, hair transplant is not an option for me as a diffuser? That's a shock (no sarcasm). I really can't increase my density then? WTF!

You srs?

So your advice to a diffuser like me would be: "spend 10k otherwise." What if you only have vellus hairs and want to implant a certain area only, for example, the crown and one temple? Those vellus hairs will most likely fall out and not survive. I guess it would be still worth the hassle then?
The second video is what I would want. However, I don't have his hair caliber. To me that is one of the best hair transplants for a diffuse thinner.


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it's goof you found two examples. it's STILL not a good idea. I've seen and read COUNTLESS threads on forums like this where the patient lost almost everything in the recipient area.

Either way, what's going to happen when these diffusers lose more? will they have enough donor? They will constantly be spending thousands upon thousands of dollars just to end up looking like diffuse sh*t anyways after a few more years.

I believe you if you say it's not a good idea man. Was just curious, I'm a diffuser as well and am considering a hair transplant.

I am assuming one is on finasteride AND finasteride is working before considering a hair transplant. I guess I have to give min a shot instead and/or wait for new treatments to come out. I guess I have 10k more to spend than I initially thought.

The second video is what I would want. However, I don't have his hair caliber. To me that is one of the best hair transplants for a diffuse thinner.

That's a sick hair transplant indeed. He seems to have zero shock loss though. Maybe this doctor is a specialist in diffuse hair transplant.


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it's goof you found two examples. it's STILL not a good idea. I've seen and read COUNTLESS threads on forums like this where the patient lost almost everything in the recipient area.

Either way, what's going to happen when these diffusers lose more? will they have enough donor? They will constantly be spending thousands upon thousands of dollars just to end up looking like diffuse sh*t anyways after a few more years.

What if your near enough bald anyway, like myself? I havent got nothing viable left tbh! And is this a fact that anyone who gets hair transplanted in anything other than slick bald areas will loose the remaining hair?

I mean what are we talking diffuse thinner have a 99% failure rate... Im trying to clarify your statement as I havent got any other option that I can see apart from a hair transplant.

And not everyone getting a hair transplant can be completely bald with no surrounding hair. It must be a small percentage of cases otherwise everyone would be posting negative reviews no?


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What if your near enough bald anyway, like myself? I havent got nothing viable left tbh! And is this a fact that anyone who gets hair transplanted in anything other than slick bald areas will loose the remaining hair?

I mean what are we talking diffuse thinner have a 99% failure rate... Im trying to clarify your statement as I havent got any other option that I can see apart from a hair transplant.

And not everyone getting a hair transplant can be completely bald with no surrounding hair. It must be a small percentage of cases otherwise everyone would be posting negative reviews no?

I am just saying, my opinion - if you're a diffused thinner and you go down the transplant route, you might as well go all out like you're slick bald and disregard your native hair. WHY in God's name would you rely on the idea that your native hair is going to be there forever? It WILL be gone eventually.

In your case, yeah go for it. IF you have super strong donor, IF Manage your expectations and IF you can be happy be a thin head of transplanted hair, do it. I am considering this myself.


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I am just saying, my opinion - if you're a diffused thinner and you go down the transplant route, you might as well go all out like you're slick bald and disregard your native hair. WHY in God's name would you rely on the idea that your native hair is going to be there forever? It WILL be gone eventually.

In your case, yeah go for it. IF you have super strong donor, IF Manage your expectations and IF you can be happy be a thin head of transplanted hair, do it. I am considering this myself.
Bucky, video number two. Dream hair, right? Can we all get something like that? I wish.


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Bucky, video number two. Dream hair, right? Can we all get something like that? I wish.

Video number three has great hair as well. Imo even better than number two. Maybe your hair characteristics align more with the guy in three than in two.