Diffuse Hair Loss Transplants And Shock Loss?


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I am just saying, my opinion - if you're a diffused thinner and you go down the transplant route, you might as well go all out like you're slick bald and disregard your native hair. WHY in God's name would you rely on the idea that your native hair is going to be there forever? It WILL be gone eventually.

In your case, yeah go for it. IF you have super strong donor, IF Manage your expectations and IF you can be happy be a thin head of transplanted hair, do it. I am considering this myself.

I mean to be fair, my ol man has been bald for about 20 years now, he's not fully slick bald he still has hair and surprisingly he still has hairs along his frontal hairline and around the crown, so hopefully I follow his genes as to how far I progress and not my uncles who I'm genetically predisposed to who are fully slick bald!

I mean I think anyone going for a hair transplant needs a realistic expectation, they will be lucky to get a full head like in their teens I know my hair will never be like that. I've been using fibres since I was 20 and if I can get some density back where I can go back to using only a little I'll be more than happy with that result.


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Video number three has great hair as well. Imo even better than number two. Maybe your hair characteristics align more with the guy in three than in two.

I kind of dont trust those transplants off the bat i would have to do more research (if i were you) to make sure they are legitimate that Androgenetic Alopecia was the culprit etc.

they look almost too good to be true for density.

and if I am not mistaken full packing is usually what triggeres shock loss.

Just be careful it is good subject for all of us to keep discussing..pros and cons.


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Pictures dont do it justice ive got a bit of a bean head lol, and my facial hair is very very patchy I have a strong growth around the mouth but sides are very wispy/wavy all over the place!

I dont know what il do if im honest, I knew this day was coming but hadnt actually planned what to do! Its even more awkward when you have the illusion of a full head of hair then show up with a bald shiny head!

How long are you anticipating your hair will stay for though? Hopefully its permanent!

It won't stay forever and I'm not pursuing to keep it anymore rather just to make my scar invisible and smoothen my cobblestones. It will all fall out with or without a transplant. I was too blind back then to accept that, but I wanted to find some sort of hope so I began researching buzzcuts and scar repairs and all for hair transplant patients and I did find some good ones but there was always something about them that I noticed such as camera angle, dim lighting, creative combing, etc...

I'm sure some of these people got real lucky and everything turned out great and they pulled off that buzzed look, but that is the exception and not the rule. Wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.