I am being paid.
marksb11 said:I assume wank= masturbate.
When i first discovered the magic of masturbating in 7th or 8th grade, i did it pretty much every day until the middle of my senior year (12th grade) of high school. One of my theories is that I messed with my hormones really badly and that may be causing my hair loss. I wish I could go back and broken that habit and seen if my hair would be any different today.
marksb11 said:I find when I do do it, a lot more hair falls out the next day.
Deaner said:I thought Pfizer was Rogaine's manufacturer?
BadHairDecade said:Mark...That's just coincedence. You still have to take some time out and read up on hairloss. Something you do one day doesn't have an effect on hair the following day.
It even takes chemo patients about 17-18 days after their first treatment to start losing hair.
This subject has been done to death there is no proof that jerking off causes hairloss.
BadHairDecade said:Mark...That's just coincedence. You still have to take some time out and read up on hairloss. Something you do one day doesn't have an effect on hair the following day.
It even takes chemo patients about 17-18 days after their first treatment to start losing hair.
This subject has been done to death there is no proof that jerking off causes hairloss.
marksb11 said:macdruid, how can you POSSIBLY know if that is wrong or not. Are you there watching and counting every hair that falls out over my shoulder or something? It seems weird to me that YOU would have a better idea of how many hairs fall out on a certain day than ME. I count the hairs. Last time I jerked off, the next day I gently rubbed my head for ONE minute and 80 hairs fell out in that period. The next day, I did it again and only 4 hairs fell out. I've done that test multiple times and it ALWAYS happens that way. Believe it or not, I only wish I could show you to prove it.
binoculars said:I have found oranges, pinks and reds to be most beneficial colors, that part of the color spectrum just happens to be where testoterone is 'focused' coincidence? I don't think so.
marksb11 said:Last time I jerked off, the next day I gently rubbed my head for ONE minute and 80 hairs fell out in that period.