Dilbert Creator Scott Adams On Trump, Women


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Jesus got beef with Trump :)

What? He's the HOLIEST president in the U.S.

That's why I made him and David Duke white! In fact, I was AFRAID there would
NEVER be a white president again after Obama was in office.Especially afraid of a
FEMALE president. We have to stick with "our own".

Trump once was a Gambling Casino, and for many years SCREWED people, including his
own brother, out of money.

But he has changed in 2016. He is now a Christian, I can tell by his aura of winning and greatness.


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So what would you do?

Honestly i dont know

I think ALL kids would benefit from being more centered via meditation and yoga from a young age.
I think this is good even for temper tantrums and hyper activeness anxiety etc.

The looks thing i think is parents need to be on top of them what they become obsessed about.


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Why do people stop talking about politics and religious views on this board?

It's an anonymous site. Am I the only one who likes those subjects?

It's probably because LOSING my hair has MADE ME ANGRY in life. I don't know.


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Why do people stop talking about politics and religious views on this board?

It's an anonymous site. Am I the only one who likes those subjects?

It's probably because LOSING my hair has MADE ME ANGRY in life. I don't know.

I dont know, a lot of people here enjoy politics.

i am enjoying today though i have to be honest.

I am intrigued to see what else happens over next few weeks.


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No, you're right. It's not the actual 'fashion' side of things, the glammed up outfits, and zany, left-field costumes etc that I have a problem with. It's the inevitable celebrity culture that seems to come with it. Regrettably the focus seems more often to be on the models these days than the clothing. I get that the whole catwalk thing is all part of the performance, and that seeing the clothing in motion, skirts fluttering in the tail wind, can be part of the aesthetic effect. But many of the outfits would be just (or, at least, almost) as successful as 'art' if they were instead just displayed in a gallery. I don't think that the additional artistic capital (to coin an ugly phrase!) which is gained from having the outfits on people, as opposed to on mannequins, is worth the kind of ethically-questionable culture that the high-fashion industry, in it's current manifestation, produces. In my opinion, the industry's dependence and emphasis on its human models is out of line. It's scarcely necessary from an artistic perspective and perpetuates this terrible potential for people to earn wealth, fame and status based on (literally!) nothing apart from their looks.

The clothes on a rack or mannequin would NOT be as impressive as on a live model.

Ever hear the expression 'Just try it on cant tell on a hanger" same is true of a mannequin.

This is why even in high end stores they have trunk shows...you go to show rooms they have fit models.

the girls sell the clothes.

the girls always sold the clothes.

Google ol Gianni Versace shows and Isac Mizrahi shows or better yet keep it really old school and look up Halston and his models which included a very young Angelica Houston. He considered them his muses.

I think you underestimate the showmanship of the live girls.
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I think what may happen in response to this online media, photoshopping this strive and completion for perfect beauty is you may see a backlash towards imperfection.
things kind of go in waves of style...right now its this ideal for perfection or as close as you can get due to technology, competition globally via social media and the advances in surgery and fillers to fix imperfections..in the art world including fashion i think you will eventually see a backlash to this.
It happened in the 60s/70s and in the 90s...we had the 'super models' that were very expensive and perfect and what started to happen was ( imperfect) actresses started to clean up their appearances in both looks and style to compete for ad campaigns and magazines covers...and in fashion there was a HUGE backlash against the size 8 Goddesses like Cindy Crawford who were more athletic then skinny had hips and boobs...and were highly paid...and on runways you suddenly saw these waifs/heroin look that no one was really into or could relate to take over..and for many years it was not really that many real stunning models that you knew the names...in fact i think its only since instragram and a lot of these celebrity related models have started to take over probably due to young followings online that i even know the names again.

I think at some point you will see a backlash from this.
I think it happens in all art every so often.
fashion and modeling including the models is a form of art.


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I think Scott Adams looks fine, just old. It's annoying when I hear derision of someone's features because some people manage to convince themselves that anyone with hair loss looks ugly and subhuman. The man looks totally f*****g normal; just old.


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going slightly off-topic, For Anti- Trump supporters


Thats actually better than 'alternative facts'.

Yeah I love John Oliver, Bill Maher and i miss John Stewart. Been watching Maher since his 90s show Politically Incorrect.


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i read many, or even most? of dilberts blog posts during the year before the election. good writer, so-so brain. pretty much lost interest since the election.

ya i miss jon stewart too. his being off the air is really a huge loss.