Do I have DUPA or diffuse thinning


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I turned 30 and have had rapid hair loss in the last year - I had thought it was diffuse thinning with thinning front and crown but looked into DUPA as well. In the meantime I’ve got a few pics of the side/back where I noticed it may look like some images of DUPA examples that I’ve seen. Thoughts?

In addition what kind of results could I expect with DUPA or diffuse thinning in terms of regrowth on finasteride/min. I’m on 1 mg eod for finasteride and 2.5 mg of oral minoxidil. I’m thinking of just shaving it short and keeping it that way - pics below were from after I went from longer to a buzzcut, then have grown it back out over a month


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How long have you noticed loss? How long have you been taking those medications? Have you tried any other treatments previously?


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How long have you noticed loss? How long have you been taking those medications? Have you tried any other treatments previously?
I had seriously noticed loss in the last year starting around October 2019 had noticeable thinning in the front but not bad. Then it got worse rapidly and in May 2020 I clearly had the crown and front thin enough to see scalp. Talked to derm who recommended finasteride but then saw horrible sides - stopped in August. Saw a new derm in Oct and have been on finasteride 1 mg eod and 2.5 mg oral minoxidil since so really just starting the meds


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I had seriously noticed loss in the last year starting around October 2019 had noticeable thinning in the front but not bad. Then it got worse rapidly and in May 2020 I clearly had the crown and front thin enough to see scalp. Talked to derm who recommended finasteride but then saw horrible sides - stopped in August. Saw a new derm in Oct and have been on finasteride 1 mg eod and 2.5 mg oral minoxidil since so really just starting the meds
I'd give the same regimen a couple more months and post an update. It does look like you have a pattern though, in the vertex and the other diffusing back through the line of the temples. It doesn't look like a complete diffusion as your forelock and hairline are still defined. Sometimes finasteride does wonders, sometimes it doesn't. Oral minoxidil seems to produce results in almost everyone, but it's just a matter of tolerating the sides. In the meantime you could also add a topical for extra protection/stimulation and try something like dermarolling, why not?

Mandar kumthekar

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I have same pattern at is classical dupa.unfortunately we don't have any option, nor finasteride works nor transplant.

camille leprevost

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Hello my friend, i am french so i apologise in advance for my english.

I do have the same pattern as you, 28 years old , thinning and overall shedding back, side, and top and my hairline is quite not touched actually. I think it is DUPA and it is similar to female pattern hair loss actually.

Some studies showed that high prolactin level can cause hair on side and back to become sensitive to androgen as well. So might be something to dig in. Also annecdotally, it seems that DUPA sufferer are sensitive to DHT but also to Free testosterone in scalp. Apparently DHT seem to cause localised thinning where testosterone cause diffuse thinning.

If you have been to a dermatologist, i hope she gave you a full bloodwork to do because besides that they are useless,

You need to check for :
-nutritionnal defficiency
-metabolism glucidic ((Glucose, insuline sensitivity,)
- full hormonal check : cortisol, LH ,FSH ,Prolactine, E2,17OH progesterone, progesterone, SHBG, testosterone total, free T, androstanediol G6470, delta 4 androstenedione, DHEA-S, DHT ....
- inflamatory syndrom ...

I am going to do a full blood check this friday, so i will send you the result here in 2 weeks if you want. If you have done a full blood work too, it will be great to compare it to check for similitude.

To tell you a bit about myself i started to lose hair all over since 3 years now.
I only started 7 month ago to take 1 mg finasteride daily, but it has thin my hair considerably because of the boost of scalp tesoterone it caused i think. I tried to add different antiandrogen topically such as ru58841 to tackle the rise in T (had to stop due to chest pain , shortness of breath), i used now topical cb0301 30mg/day but it is not enough powerful so it doesn't do sh*t. I am going to try topical bicalutamide now soon as it is a stronger AA and i think we have to fight testoerone as well.
Besides finasteride + cb0301 i don't take any supplement and it didn't stop my shedding at all.

I am curious to know about how much you lose hair per day, what regimen are you on, it seems you use minoxidil, dit it worked on you ? and how you manage to apply it all over your head ?

Also can you share if anything in your regimen has improved your situation so far or make it worse. Would be great to share info

You can send me a message privately as well.

Looking forward helping each other to solve that sh*t.

Best regard

camille leprevost

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Hello, just to recap, I am a man and have DUPA hair loss (or female pattern hair loss), diffuse hair loss and thinning (back, sides and top) which started 3 years ago after an episode in my life where my alimentation was very bad and had nutrient deficiency for sure. After fixing my alimentation properly my hair are still shedding and thinning all over.

Since 8 month i only take 1mg finasteride / day (no reduction on my hair loss), cb0301 30mg topicaly with no reduction on my hair loss, Biotin (10mg/day), spearmint tea (4 cup/day to reduce free testosterone), Flaxseed (30 g/day to reduce testosterone)

Here is a complete blood test that I have done 3 weeks ago. It would be great if some of you may highlight some issue in it and maybe propose corrective action as he might help others with similar hair loss.

From my perspective, I think I have low zinc, low vitamin d, high prolactin level, high cortisol level and maybe iron deficiency as we can have it according to study even with normal level of blood iron.

BLOOD TEST of the 04.12.2020

Vitamin B12 : 812 ng/l (197-771)
Vitamin A : 0.5 mg/l (0.1-1)


Sodium : 139 mmol/l (136-145)
Potassium : 4 mmol/l (3.5-4.5)


Albumin : 47 g/l (40-49)


Urea : 46 mg/dl (17-48)
Creatinine : 0.94 mg/dl ( 0.7-1.2)
DFG (CKD-EPI) >90 mL/min/1.73m^2


AST(GOT) : 16 UI/L (<40)
ALT(GPT) : 10 UI/L (<41)
alkaline phosphatase : 55 UI/L (40-129)
Gamma GT : 10 UI/L (10-71)
LDH : 178 UI/L (135-225)
Biribulin total : 0.8 mg/dl (<1.2)
Biribulin conjugated : 0.3 mg/dl (<0.2)


Triglyceride : 68 mg/dl (<150)


Fasting glucose level : 96 mg/dl (70-100)
Insulin : 39.7 mg/dl (17.8-173)
Index HOMA1-IR : 1.4 pmol/l (<2.4)


TSH : 1.35 mu/l (0.27-4.20)
T4 libre : 17.8 pmol/l (12-22)


Cortisol (morning test) : 480 nmol/l (166-507)


Bioactive PTH (3nd gen) 25.5 ng/l < 49
25 OH vitamin D : 14.8 μg/l (30-80)


Total prolactin : 18.2 μg/l (4-15.2)
Bioactive prolactin : 14.9 μg/l (3-11.6)
LH : 5.8 UI/L (1.7-8.6)
FSH : 1.9 UI/L (1.5-12.4)
Oestradiol : 30 ng/l (25-52)
Progesterone : 0.24 μg/l < (0.15
17OH-Progesterone : 3 ng/ml (0.9-3.4)
total Testosterone : 20.80 nmol/l (8.64-29)
Testosterone free: 509.1 pmol/l (260-740)
Androstanediol glucoronide 2.8 nmol/l (4-75)
Delta 4 androstenedione : 1.4 ng/ml (0.1-3)
DHEA-S : 4.72 μmol/l (4.34 – 12.20)
SHBG : 24 nmol/l (18.3-54.1)
DHT : I don’t have the result yet


Zinc : 72 μg/dl (80-120)


Haemoglobin : 16.6 g/dl (13-18)
Red blood cell : 5.40 10^6/
μl (4.40-5.90)
Hematocrit : 45.5% (40-53)
mean corpuscular volume : 84 fL (80-100)
mean corpuscular HB : 30.6 pg (26-34)
mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration : 36.5 g/dl (31-35)
anisocytose indice : 12% (11.5-13.4)
platelet : 208 10^3/ μl (150- 440)
mean platelet volume : 10.1 fL (8.9-12.9)
white blood cell : 7.16 10^3/ μl (3.5-11)
neutrophiles : 62.1% (40-75)
neutrophiles (absolute): 4.44 10^3/ μl (1.5-6.7)
Lymphocytes : 25.4% (20-45)
Lymphocytes (absolute) : 1.82 10^3/ μl (1.2 – 3.5)
Monocytes : 10.6 % (2-10)
Monocytes (absolute) : 0.76 10^3/ μl (0.2 - 1)
Eosinophiles : 1.5% (2-10)
Eosinophiles (absolute) : 0.11 10^3/ μl (<0.4)
Basophiles : 0.4% (0-1)
Basophiles (absolute) : 0.03 10^3/ μl (<0.1)


Crp : <0.5 mg/dl (<5)


Iron : 134 μg /dl (65-175)
Transferrin : 216 mg/dl (215 – 365)
Transferrin saturation : 44% (16-44)
Ferritin : 120 μg/l (30-300)
Folic acid : 4.8 μg/l (>4.6)
Folic acid erytrocytaire : 754 μg/l GR (523-1257)


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