
Do Topical Hair Loss Treatments Go Into Your System?


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What do you mean by "works"?

Where are the pics of hair regrowth at?
ı regrew my temples with it in conjunction with finasteride+min. It's up to you whether you believe me or not. There are studies that shows dermarolling is very effective.


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ı regrew my temples with it in conjunction with finasteride+min. It's up to you whether you believe me or not. There are studies that shows dermarolling is very effective.
What product do you recommend anyway? im willing to test anything. Is the derminator the best?

Common sense says dermapen type products are better. Dermarolling would create too much damage as it creates an angle during penetration. Dermapens like the derminator are horizontal and create precise points of penetration.


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RU goes systemic. Whether you will feel that or not generally depends on how androgen-dominant you are. If you are a bit hypogonadal you will probably get better hair results but the side effects will be a lot more noticeable. They also seem to get worse after days of consecutive use.

Anyway, that has been my experience.
But did it halt hairloss or grow any hairs


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I was wondering if drugs like minoxodil or RU 58841 ever go into your system or make it past the general scalp region.
It depend on each drug , for examole ketoconazole cream don't . Flutamide lotion goes systemic . Most drugs will , it also depend how much, not all the drugs goes systemis in the same :/: