before baldness it was my tiny frame, aushwitz muscles that i sulked over. I hated being smaller then everyone, including women.
it got real bad to the point whereat 14 i would always ask myself every time a women showed interest 'why would a girl like that want to be with a guy like me' it crippled me a lot moving forward. I still managed to meet women, kiss, hang out and explore my boundaries. But i never managed to have a relationship because of the crippling effects of my insecurities, and how much they hurt me inside. What sealed the nail to the coffin was 16-17 when i got pin-pointed, and called out for having a receding hairline, all though i was in denial at the time. I didn't want to believe I was balding at such an early age, even after exposing my long hair under florescent lights. I wont ever forget that day, standing there looking at myself. It was like I acknowledged that I was balding, but didn't believe it. Well, when you have numerous people always poking fun and reminding you, it doesn't take long before you accept the fact that you started balding at 16, and were a full blown NW2 at 17, with no temple points, and retro on the sides of your scalp. Looking back, I always wondered why i couldn't grow bangs on the sides while in my trendy scene-rocker days.
I wore hats religiously, before making converting over to the comb over.
i believe weight lifting was my biggest saving grace when i look back. All though i was always faced with baldness, i had a new appreciation for myself, and that helped make me more successful with others. but unfortunately it never stopped me from oppressing myself into a relationship. it's all i ever thought about. I use to meet a lot of women through friends, parties and local events. but when they got close I always pushed them away, and acted likke i didnt care. truth was, i didnt want them to see me for who i truly was. it also reached a certain point where i became the player type, because women, and men would commonly see me chatting, flirting and hooking up with chicks at parties. but it all stopped there. It was like i became a weekend fling type, where whenever alcohol was involved, and lots of people i felt invincible. i would hook up with chicks, but never go passed that.
hair loss realy messed me up. I literally denied myself, and pushed women away from being in a relationship because i didn't want them to see my insecurity. on a social stand point, i didn't want word to get around that i was balding, even if some people suspected. Nobody used tinder, and online dating applications before 2013. everyone met through school, parties, facebook, and social circles.