Do you guys believe in looks theory, LMS, F.A.C.E., hypergamy, or are you blue pill?


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I will be brief. Not a troll btw. Tell me if this has been posted before. I am a legit hairloss sufferer btw. Not a troll.


Do most guys here believe that as long as you are confident and have good personality, women will be begging to sleep with you - begging - no matter how average looking or below average looking you are?

Or do you believe that women are generally attracted to signs of masculinity (jawline, prominent chin, tall stature), fertility and youth (not balding, smooth skin), health (good eye sight/no glasses) etc, just as men are attracted to signs of femininity (long hair, short heartshaped/round faces, full lips), fertility (good hip to waist ratio, perky breasts) and health (slim or curvy figure/not obese)?


I assume puahate expatriots have told you all about looks theory? Women will reject a man instantly if he doesn't meet her looks type or standards. Women assume goodlooking men are confident. They project confidence onto good looking men and attribute them this trait. Halo effect. A 9/10 (in looks) guy standing at a bar alone will look confident, broody, like he's waiting for someone. A bald, short guy who's a 4/10 in looks will be "creepy", look like he came there to drink his short, bald sorrows away.

Looks theory is the counterpart to pick up art, your grandma's advice on how to get girls (buy her flowers and be a gentlemen. BARFFF), the politically correct BS, the simplistic "just be confident. chicks dig that".

The worst thing that can happen to your looks is BALDING. Once you're a NW2 and can't disguise it, you start to lose looks.

F.A.C.E. theory

My anagram for Face and Age Conquer Everything. This is for the "butterface men" who believe that if you're ugly, you can just go the gym, get ripped, then pull all the ladies. Even if you're 48. Wrong.

Women look at the face as a gauge for your genetic worth and potential. It's biological. She wants a male with the best genes to give her offspring the best chance of survival. A bald ugly short guy wouldn't have survived as easily as a tall, masculine man 10,000 years ago. This even translates into casual sex partners. Her preferences do not change just coz it's a one night stand. GENES!!Many women don't even like bodybuilding figures. An athlete/swimmer's body is the best type of body for a man to have to attract women. Obese men are seen as unhealth and signs of health are ATTRACTIVE. Obese AND bald men should be fined by the govt until they lose weight. They are doing a disservice to themselves.

Women usually want a guy who is in within 7 years of her age usually. Yes, exceptions do exist. Most teens won't date a guy over 29. Most early 20s girls won't date a guy in his 30s. Age matters. Don't post me pics of RICH CELEB MALES who are with young gold diggers.


Women, before feminism, married up. They married men that could provide for them. She provided the looks and nuturing (kids). He provided the money and status. Now, post feminism, women are financially independent, and don't need a man for money as much, although it is still a bonus. Now, they want to date goodlooking men who have Looks, Money and Status. Because of the male libido, a woman who is a 6/10 in looks probably has so many guys after her, she can afford to be picky and pick the best looker among them. Also, since the 7/10 and 8/10 guys find it hard to get the 7/10 and 8/10 women, they TOO are "trying to date down" by hitting on the 6/10 women. So a 6/10 man has no chance with a 6/10 female. So the 6/10 male has to date down too. This cascades until even women in wheelchairs can date average to hot looking guys. I made a dating profile on POF of a woman in a wheelchair and got more messages and chat windows than you have hair follicles!

Ever been to a club? Women are treated like CELEBRITIES there. They often get in free. Men are seen as LEPERS unless they are highly attractive in those clubs. A Female 5/10 has as much power in the dating world as a man 9/10.

JUGGERNAUT LAW (courtesy of TooUglyForGirls):

If a woman is below average height, has wonky teeth, Dumbo ears, this makes guys feel like they have a CHANCE with her, as opposed to if she were more "perfect", less flawed. So this means that even girls that are AVERAGE and BELOW still have guys hitting on them. You can't stop a woman's dating potential. She is like The Juggernaut. If she is a single mum, then more guys will think they are being her prince charming by rescuing her from all the "other bad, bad men out there". She is UNSTOPPABLE. Any flaw she has JUST MAKES HER STRONGER in the dating world.

Do you guys believe in this? OR do you believe women are BLIND and only judge on confidence? Who told you that? Are you incel (involuntarily celebate)? So women don't want you because you're not good looking enough, yet you don't believe in looks theory? If you disagree, please tell me ALL ABOUT THE WOMEN YOU ARE CURRENTLY HAVING SEX WITH. Also state how balding you are.


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I got a 23 girlfriend when I was 30. I'm short and normal looking, not wealthy. I have had relationships throughout my life. My gf has already posted here on the subject. I'm 32 and Kylie is 24. I'm 5ft3 and a NW2.

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Although I'm not sure it's wise to get into this kind of discussion with a puahate person. Going on the forum, it does seem rather like a cult over there, and any dissent is immediately met with abuse and insults....


I agree. But I don't agree with disguising. I'm NW3 and can still disguise it with bangs and hairspray. You need to learn the skill man.

I'm having regular sex with a woman who is slightly above average. I'm NW3.


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I won't abuse you. Thanks for your reply. I am speaking generally, by the way. I lucked out and dated a hot girl 5 years ago. I haven't been able to reproduce that success though.

Note that I said:

"Women usually want a guy who is in within 7 years of her age usually."

And you said:

"I got a 23 girlfriend when I was 30"

That is consistent with F.A.C.E. theory. Around the 10 year mark - that's when it gets rare. Attractive girls rarely date guys 15-20 years older than them.

My big question is how attractive is the girl that you're dating now? Is she average looking or stunningly beautiful? Many guys can only get a girlfriend around the same looks range as them. You hardly ever see NW7 guys dating supermodels unless the bald guy is rich or something.

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My balding state:


This is a heavily diffused NW5, I'm basically bald now. But yeah on the bright side: I'm 190 cm tall, blue eyes, great head shape, smooth skin, slim and have good facial features. On the inside, I'm quite confident, funny, cultivated and smart. All of this helps a lot.

My current girlfriend is a 7 and I have plenty of girls (5 to 9) chasing me. When she saw I was in a relationship Facebook, a 9 told me: "and me?! :'(". It's not to brag but, some positivity in this section doesn't hurt.

I'm getting temporary scalp micro pigmentation done in Antwerp soon, it's basically semi-permanent make-up. My girlfriend knows my insecurities about hair loss, yet she is very supportive.

Thanks for the input. I assume you got with your 7/10 girlfriend while you were a NW5?

So if Jessica Alba, Mila Kunis, Taylor Swift are all around the 8-9 range, is your girlfriend still a 7? Well done. How did you meet her? A man has better luck if he meets a girl through friends or common interests rather than cold-approaching in a club or on the street.

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I agree. But I don't agree with disguising. I'm NW3 and can still disguise it with bangs and hairspray. You need to learn the skill man.

I'm having regular sex with a woman who is slightly above average. I'm NW3.

I'm a diffuse-thinner. Any tips for me. Also, hairplz, you have to be puahater. Who are you on that site? You sound like one of us.


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I wouldn't have wanted a girl any younger, as I'd hada fling with a 20 year old, and the age gap was horrendously apparent. I wasn't the most mature of chaps, but it was like being with someone from an entirely different generation, then again I suppose it was!

As for Kylie, she's been on here. I'm not going to make any claims on her, as that just invites sly disparaging comments, which I can't be bothered with. Obviously I'm very happy with her and believe she's more attractive than I am. I'm not like hairplz who is in a relationship, but bemoaning he can't get other women. If I was unhappy with her, then I wouldn't have been in a relationship with her for getting on for 2 years. By all means search her out if you like and form your own opinion. But I DO NOT want comments made on her appearance made publically, so if you wish to discuss that, then PM me if you must. My pictures are on here, see my "tell your story" thread. I'm a normal looking guy, I don't think I'm ugly, but I'm not by any means "handsome". And lets not forget, I'm short, and not wealthy or high in status!


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I wouldn't have wanted a girl any younger, as I'd hada fling with a 20 year old, and the age gap was horrendously apparent. I wasn't the most mature of chaps, but it was like being with someone from an entirely different generation, then again I suppose it was!

As for Kylie, she's been on here. I'm not going to make any claims on her, as that just invites sly disparaging comments, which I can't be bothered with. Obviously I'm very happy with her and believe she's more attractive than I am. I'm not like hairplz who is in a relationship, but bemoaning he can't get other women. If I was unhappy with her, then I wouldn't have been in a relationship with her for getting on for 2 years. By all means search her out if you like and form your own opinion. But I DO NOT want comments made on her appearance made publically, so if you wish to discuss that, then PM me if you must. My pictures are on here, see my "tell your story" thread. I'm a normal looking guy, I don't think I'm ugly, but I'm not by any means "handsome". And lets not forget, I'm short, and not wealthy or high in status!

I just saw a pic of you. Because I am obsessed with looks theory, I can tell that you either had a high hairline all your life, or receded as an adult. But I don't think most women would notice you were balding. They'd just think you had a big forehead. So I've seen a pic of you and you're about average looking (in your best pics). I wasn't able to see your girlfriend though in that "tell us your story" post.


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She's a member on here is her user ID. It's been hard for me to tell the level of recession as I don't have pictures from my early 20's to compare with. I do have a high hairline, which is why I favour the fringe now to mitigate that. My hairline does touch the top wrinkle of my forehead, but it's miniaturised so I won't have a hairline revealing haircut. I've been on finasteride for 4 years, and have stabilised the little loss I have for now. As I say if you wish to discuss my gf's looks, do it through PM as I'm not prepared to discuss that publicly.

I know I'm nothing special looks wise! But I'm one of the few on here who is happy to post pictures. Most members aren't which I can understand entirely :)

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I haven't posted an update for a while as when I had a recent picture as my avatar, it was like a red rag to a bull to more advanced members!

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There you theagx, one from last month. If I get grief for it, I shall blame you lol!


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Next to Mila Kunis? I don't know theagx, here she is, how high would you rate her?


This picture will be removed huh :p.

She's quite decent looking. I'd say about a 5 or 6. Mila is a straight 9.


For instance.

I can't judge your face coz you hid it, but judging by your head shape (and assuming your midface (eyes, nose, mouth) is average) I'd say that if you were NOT bald, you and her would be looksmatched. As you are bald, assuming you're average looking in the face, I'd say that she is above you in looks. You're dating up for sure. A girl like her could date a new guy each day on POF. She wouldn't need a fridge coz guys would be begging to take her to eat out every day. Trust me, I made a fake profile of a woman in a wheelchair and guys were all over her and very understanding. Sure, many just wanted sex, but even a girl with a colostomy bag can pick and choose guys nowadays.


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Bravo Fred! Celebrities living is their image. So of course they are airbrushed have stylists etc. Things us mere mortals will never ever have.


theagx, your standards are insane. His gf is a hottie for sure. I'd say 7/10 minimum. Symmetric, nice face. Only problem is the glasses, which isn't really a problem.

I'm a diffuse-thinner. Any tips for me. Also, hairplz, you have to be puahater. Who are you on that site? You sound like one of us.
I give you 3 guesses.


Established Member
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There is no such thing as "looks theory" , this may be the dumbest thing i've ever heard, it's not a theory, just an evident fact or life demonstrated by experience daily and science :

Calling this a theory is like talking about the theory of "Neccessity of water for life", quite dumb if you ask me.

This sayed, i'm not a fan of esthetic surgery. It may change your looks but could destroy your morals, also something like this could happen if you have a child :


My Regimen
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Hey fred she is cute man. 8/10 for real

Too bad i got with her already ;)

She wanted the BJC brahhh


Senior Member
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rofl I'd be all over freds gf in a heartbeat, a 8-9 in my book.

i guess technically she is a 8, I mean she wouldn't get a job as a centerfold model ( i believe that is 9-10), but most men dont care about the 9-10 vs the 7-8 range, still 100% happy, how tall is she?

but honestly I'd be all over that like crazy.

yes I thnk the height helps alot, I mean if you were that diffused and 5 5 it would play out differently, cause all she sees is your balding pattern.


Senior Member
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Hope she knows you posted her picture on here fred...


Her picture's gonna disappear soon, I wouldn't worry about it, except for Exodus who probably downloaded it to fap over her :/. It was just to give some hope to balding AND tall people lol.

She's 168 cm :).
Well, just so you know, I have already tainted her by busting a nut on her picture print out. How does that make you feel?


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Attraction can mean anything. Someone can be attracted to someone's face, their wealth, confidence, or even their social status.


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I will be brief. Not a troll btw. Tell me if this has been posted before. I am a legit hairloss sufferer btw. Not a troll.
JUGGERNAUT LAW (courtesy of TooUglyForGirls):

If a woman is below average height, has wonky teeth, Dumbo ears, this makes guys feel like they have a CHANCE with her, as opposed to if she were more "perfect", less flawed. So this means that even girls that are AVERAGE and BELOW still have guys hitting on them. You can't stop a woman's dating potential. She is like The Juggernaut. If she is a single mum, then more guys will think they are being her prince charming by rescuing her from all the "other bad, bad men out there". She is UNSTOPPABLE. Any flaw she has JUST MAKES HER STRONGER in the dating world.

Do you guys believe in this? OR do you believe women are BLIND and only judge on confidence? Who told you that? Are you incel (involuntarily celebate)? So women don't want you because you're not good looking enough, yet you don't believe in looks theory? If you disagree, please tell me ALL ABOUT THE WOMEN YOU ARE CURRENTLY HAVING SEX WITH. Also state how balding you are.

By the way this part is utter ****, maybe it's the case in America but not where i live.

Dating girls who are considered slighty above average (not designed only by me) is not hard, i'm between Norwood 2-3 (receeded hairline) and i don't find any trouble dating those kind of girls, so sorry bro but i can't believe a "theory" over reality"


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By the way this part is utter ****, maybe it's the case in America but not where i live.

Dating girls who are considered slighty above average (not designed only by me) is not hard, i'm between Norwood 2-3 (receeded hairline) and i don't find any trouble dating those kind of girls, so sorry bro but i can't believe a "theory" over reality"

So why are you on this forum if balding doesn't change anything in your life or how you are perceived. Just shave it clean-bald and move on.

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I'm not surprised the majority of the guys here have trouble finding a girlfriend. Believing everything they see in the media, that all celebrities are naturally super hot looking and perfect and that their mate should be like that. My girlfriend still looks pretty without any make-up. Mila Kunis is just ugly without make-up. I've seen her in Ted and I don't know what the fuss is about with her :).

Sure, find a picture of her at her fatest and worst. People can go up or down in looks depending on bodyfat levels, and how much care they take care of themselves:


Just because you're a 9 today (with makeup, hair transplant, lift kits, push up bras, etc) doesn't mean you can't fall to a 5 if you get fat and age horribly. Also, you can up your looks, as Josh did above.

My point still stands. Mila was hot in that earlier pic. None of us will look as good in our 30s/40s as we did at 19.


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Who says balding don't change anything in my life ?

First of all, it's harder to date cute girls, i was speaking about average girls here, remember ? And the more my hairloss evolves the more my choices become limited, but dating average girls is not hard for now. Generally, i'm not that superficial (won't date an ugly girl though, but i felt in love with a very average girl) and even when i could date some "cute" girls, i usually prefered some slicely over average girls who had a "mysterious face" and acted sexy, but "being able to date cute girls without doing it", and "not being able" make a huge difference for me morally.

Second, remember also that my hair loss will progress if i don't take medications & some luck, if it was going to stop now i would be less worried.

Third : Losing a lot of my charm is a problem for me, even if i still have my chance with some girls.


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I'm pretty sure I'm someone who's grown into his looks (metaphorically, as I stopped growing well before I was 19) I look better at 32 than I did at 19!