Do you guys believe in looks theory, LMS, F.A.C.E., hypergamy, or are you blue pill?



and if you do have a receded chin or a long nose there is the plastic surgery way. look at this guy. complete wierdo before surgery to a normal man after a jaw surgery



and if this aint a proof of looks theory then i dont know what is


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The moral of my post is, there is always a cut off line, for both men and women, of being "good looking enough", couple that with confidence and you're golden. I'm under no illusions that ugly fellas and gals will have a tough fcuking time when it comes to dating.

Where did this "confidence" bull**** come from? What reproductive, evoluntionary purpose does confidence serve especially when compared to financial resources, height, strength, etc?

So if I walk into a room full of females and say: "One of you will be mine", they'll get wet???

Did you read the last part of my post? Good looking "enough", for lack of a better word AND confidence. That's what "couple with" means. If you're one of those very good looking lads that goes out and is afraid to do anything bar getting drunk with their mates then it's their own fault they go home on their own. You can't just be attractive and expect chicks to fall into your lap, that's not how it happens, maybe it will happen every now and again, but YOU have to put the shift in. That's what I meant by confident, YOU have to have the balls to approach a girl/group and be able to carry a conversation.

Although you mentioned that you're "ugly" in another thread so maybe that's were your bitterness comes from?

@ Chris

Hopefully that homophobic pr**k gets the ban soon. Can't stand him.


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Great post Irishfella! This is what the puahate boys can't get their heads around. It's obvious to us that they have deep seated chips on their shoulders, and women can pick up on things like that thankfully!

Have reported him again. So hopefully the ban hammer will fall imminently ;)


puahate is one of the best sites on the internet if not the best of the best. and why? because people there exposing the truth about life. sure there are alot of trolling and name calling but its just part of the fun. but along with it there are many threads exposing the shallowness of woman in society and the non equal rights between males and females



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BBSA, you do know you're permanently banned don't you? You were told last time, not to come back!



i know its shocking isnt it? noticed the last screen of the average guy? this is reality. and hes not even bald. so now imagine a bald guy. bald guys are all over dating sites. 30 and 40+ bald guys too. just shows you how much of them cant find girls.


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i know its shocking isnt it? noticed the last screen of the average guy? this is reality. and hes not even bald. so now imagine a bald guy. bald guys are all over dating sites. 30 and 40+ bald guys too. just shows you how much of them cant find girls.

No i said "WTF" as in wtf is all this im looking at.


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Went totally over his head didn't it? Although this is clearly BBSA, as he doesn't deny it any point. What a loser!


No i said "WTF" as in wtf is all this im looking at.

this is the reality of how much looks matters

basiclly putted.

a good looking guy = god in woman's eyes

not good looking guy = a piece of trash who dosent deserve to live

even the more ''inteligent'' girls will just friend zone you if your not good looking while going out with the good looking guy.

this is the truth


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Males also care mostly about looks, we're all superficials so stop only bashing girls. The problem is with humanity itself.


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News flash! People are attracted to good looking people! If some female model wanted to suck me off I'd let her, but if some unattractive chick wanted too, well ..........

I'd still let her, haha, it's just a BJ. :D

BBSA, shouldn't you be worrying about more important things? Like a full blown war against hamas? Good luck applying your minoxidil then! :ermm:


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It all about the EGO. Our Ego is programmed to accept "favors" from very attractive people.


I want to kill myself realizing no female model will fall in love with me.


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Gotta love those trolling attempts on dating sites. I wonder how often they're actually the ones getting trolled by a guy pretending to be a woman. I remember seeing one where the original troll mentions he knows [insert random male model name here] and the girl is like wow really. LOL, as if anyone aside from puahate members themselves know that guys name and who he is.


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Cheers to bald = dead for making the discovery of the century. People are attracted by others looks, truly amazing, this completely change my vision of the world as i knew it.


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well maystor at 5 9 I hardly call that a hinderance, seriously id rather be 5 9 with hair than 6 1 without hair, of course i mean 5 8 + 1" lift.

There is no way you could be 6'1" while you can get a full head of hair through wigs. I think that is the reason why you opt for the 5'8" + hair option. Trying to convince yourself. Height > hair especially at your age(you can get away with being short teenager, but not a bald one).


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you need to re-write what you said.

5 8 seems reasonable to me, just go for girls 5 2 and under.

if you're 6 0 and bald and look bad, I don't see what the advantage of the height is, just means bad women for you, just that they can be taller.


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