Do You Guys Reckon I Should Kill Myself? [diagnosed With Herpes]


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Its your decision to make.

Look, 80% of the population has oral herpes, I've slept with around 40 women and not one of them have informed me. Statistically speaking at least 30 of them had it. So if they don't inform then I guess you don't have to either.

But note this: if you have an active sore it is imperative that you don't kiss somebody on the mouth or down below because that's when you are seriously contagious.
@JohnsonDDG, our local sex ed teacher. Yeah and don't get your eyes too close down there either or you will get stuff in your eye. Make sure you wash your hands before and after you eat down there.


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Real talk: If you do have herpes how long does it take for symptoms to appear?

I had unprotected sex with a questionable girl in November. I haven't noticed any lumps or anything but I'm always paranoid.


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Don't be silly - nearly everyone who is sexually active has it in their system - most people are just asymptomatic.

Don't worry about it.

Only worry about HIV or Syphillis.
Hi guys,
This isn't a joke.
I don't really know who else to talk to.

I was recently diagnosed with herpes.
I can't believe it.
I'm still in shock.
Now i'm not longer a balding manlet (5'7) but a balding manlet with herpes.

I've been taking hit after hit but i don't think i can get up anymore.

This is the lowest point of my life.
There's been times where i've contemplated suicide but i've never had the guts to act out on my thoughts. I feel different now. A serene calm feeling. Life wasn't made for me.

How did you get diagnosed? It can only be diagnosed during a true outbreak. Other than that no one can tell you he or no.
Years ago I was under a scare and went to the doctor. Mine was on vacation so I saw the stand in week was this nasty little Asian lady who was way too happy to tell me I had it before even taking a swab. Be wary of the diagnosis is all.
On another note I had a buddy who was a pharmacy tech and he told me the amount of people who came in for herpe meds was astounding


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How did you get diagnosed? It can only be diagnosed during a true outbreak. Other than that no one can tell you he or no.
Not quite true.

You can only be diagnosed with herpes during an outbreak but you can be tested for hsv1 and 2 with a blood test.

I have HSV1 but I don't have herpes because the virus is inactive.

You can find all this out on google or by visiting your GP.


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Not quite true.

You can only be diagnosed with herpes during an outbreak but you can be tested for hsv1 and 2 with a blood test.

I have HSV1 but I don't have herpes because the virus is inactive.

You can find all this out on google or by visiting your GP.

When I went during my scare they (granted over 10 years ago) gentital herpes could only truly be diagnosed during an outbreak by testing the discharge.
I just looked it up... I guess they can blood test now. Look at that, well Ill be staying away from that one just in case! lol

On a side note speaking about herpes, if you want to lighten the mood on the subject, you should ALL check out HULU's future man. It starts off dumb but by the 3rd or 4th ep its one of the funniest shows ever and an underlying plot point is about herpes.