Well no one manufactures a topical. You can get it compounded but no pharmacist will know if that effects the expiry. https://www.longdom.org/open-access...h-androgenetic-alopecia-2155-9554.1000253.pdf that study says it's good for at least 2 years.
There are quite a few people that have shared pictures on it if you do a little research. Some combined with orals and some with just topicals.
I highly doubt Mwamba's practice will ever post pictures of his patients. I just know that most of the guys that use it keep buying it everytime it runs out so it must be working as a logical conclusion
I don't know what those "800" guys are using but I can tell you 2 things. 1) Dutasteride has to be dissolved in oil plant based vehicles for proper dissolution, are all of them using Trichosol? 2) We know from studies that the efficacy of Dutasteride topically is several times as effective when combined with other compounds. If you are dissolving a dutasteride pill into your minoxidil it won't do anything.
It completely reversed my hair loss and I recovered my entire crown with Parati's and Mwamba's medication. I have a couple of friends as well that are having great results. I think the question of weather it works or not is silly at this point.
Many guys claim finasteride or dutasteride orally did not help them either.
Several pharmacies compound Topical. All will tell you it expires at 90 days.