do you think a girl cares if you wear concealer?



I think the only reason why a female 9 is single is that she is waiting for a perfect 10.


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Taugenichts said:
I think the only reason why a female 9 is single is that she is waiting for a perfect 10.

In the US, even fat and ugly chicks are waiting for a 10. The reason being is that men are desperate for sex, so absolutely EVERY chick, no matter how fat or ugly has been to a bar, a really good looking guy got drunk, and went home with her. He just wanted some easy sex, but she feels like she's entitled to the "10" guy for the rest of her life.


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Taugenichts said:
In Germany it is the same. Absolutly the same......

Well, I'm sure I'll have stories for you about me striking out in germany when I get there next sunday..


Don´t expect too much......

Most Germans would deny this but this country is totally americanized and has adapted many negative aspects of the US.


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Taugenichts said:
Don´t expect too much......

Most Germans would deny this but this country is totally americanized and has adapted many negative aspects of the US.
the difference is that unlike americans most germans are good looking well built and tall


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Taugenichts said:
Don´t expect too much......

Most Germans would deny this but this country is totally americanized and has adapted many negative aspects of the US.

I actually dated a chick when I used to live in Berlin.. Can't say I can get dates where I live now in the US....... Couldn't be worse than it is here, though at 5'10, I'm probably pretty damn short for germany.


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Alot of the good looking guys and girls are some of the most self concious trust me I think that is why I am so obsessed with my hair. I was always pretty ok looking and it is killing me to lose it. Girls are even worst.


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jj_24 said:
Alot of the good looking guys and girls are some of the most self concious trust me I think that is why I am so obsessed with my hair. I was always pretty ok looking and it is killing me to lose it. Girls are even worst.

Chicks are bizarre. very self conscience, incredibly low self esteem, all of them, yet they feel entitled to perfection. When a guy has low self esteem, he doesn't feel like anyone would want him, let alone someone who is "perfect"


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recboi said:
jj_24 said:
Alot of the good looking guys and girls are some of the most self concious trust me I think that is why I am so obsessed with my hair. I was always pretty ok looking and it is killing me to lose it. Girls are even worst.

Chicks are bizarre. very self conscience, incredibly low self esteem, all of them, yet they feel entitled to perfection. When a guy has low self esteem, he doesn't feel like anyone would want him, let alone someone who is "perfect"

what a bunch of horseshit. such sweeping statements ignorant at best. no wonder why ...


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Attraction isn't a choice. A girl doesn't look at you, assess your hair and decide not to be attracted to you.

Confidence is the main thing that guys have going for them although if you are worried about losing your hair I can understand that this might be lower.

Go and check out a guy called Neil Strauss. He is a journalist who was given an assignment of investigating the pick up artist community. He became known as Style and is known as one of the best pick up artists out there. He wrote a book about it called The Game which was on the NY Times bestseller list.

Strauss is 5'6" and bald (shaved now) his GF is a really attractive 5'8 blonde.

Get your sh!t together and girls will be attracted to you. You could have a full head of hair and be a real mood killer and never get any girls.


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If you use "some" concealer when you think you need it then I would say its ok, the problem is when you have to rely on the stuff to go out, like applying a ton of stuff 24/7. Thats a problem


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Some people are hypocrits. So they have to be drunk to have sex with non-atractive girls.


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I would only tell a girl if she notices, have a laugh about it if so. If you tell people about things they start noticing.


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First when you feel comfortable doing so tell her that you're concerned about your hair getting thinner. Firstly listen to what she says about that and you should get some idea of her opinion on the subject, then maybe futher down the line you can confess to using the concealer.


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The ammount of concealer you wear is directly proportional to the repultion probability of the opposite sex.


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It all depends how you wear it. If you take care of everything else(teeth, physique, dress) most women will love a guy who is concerned about his looks. Do you think a chick wants the typical guy who lets himself go after a few years? Of course there are women with thinning guys, because after they get to know you you can shave your head for all they care. But women want the full package. Some women like long hair, short hair, biker types, business suits, pretty boys , tough looking menetc. If you wear a little concealer, make sure its applied properly, and work on everything else so it wont be a focal point. Women will check everything on you out. The biggist mistake i read is that some guys care too much what a woman thinks. If you want to wear some to make you feel better, who cares. Dont kiss *** and do what they want. If you say women dont like a guy with concealer, ill show you twice as many that dig a guy who is concerened about his looks,( if it dosent look like shoe polish on your head)