Do you think we'll be the last generation to experience the horror of male pattern baldness?


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In the future we'll probably be able to chose what traits we want our kids to have. I bet male pattern baldness will be one the first few things to be removed from their genes when the technology is available. That will start the definite end of male pattern baldness in humanity.

Agustin Araujo

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Not to seem pessimistic, though I'm not sure that we're the last generation to experience male pattern baldness, let alone Androgenetic Alopecia altogether. First, every hair loss sufferer's case is different, whether it's Alopecia Androgenetica, Alopecia Areata, and/or whatever type of hair loss it is. Second, treatments don't work for everyone and aren't practical for every individual.

In my opinion, I think gene therapy will be the best way to treat hair loss, if anything that would probably cure it. Genetic hair loss is just too complex of problem to cure/fix with synthetic pharmaceutical medicine, especially that it's currently not fully understood 100% why it even happens.


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REnder everyone bald and see where that takes us.

I'm going to start trolling youtube, calling fullheads ugly because they have NW1 hairlines.


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I'm going to start trolling youtube, calling fullheads ugly because they have NW1 hairlines.
it wont phase anyone

its like when i see fat girl pride and them "shaming" skinny girls. we all know that they are way uglier lol.


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Yeah right, nothing like self denial to set themselves free. It seems that we live an age where truth seeker became a byword for loser.
it wont phase anyone

its like when i see fat girl pride and them "shaming" skinny girls. we all know that they are way uglier lol.


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I do not believe the cure is near either, and it fvcking pisses me the fvck off. That we are in 2015 without any real way to successfully treat or cure baldness. If there was a cure I'd pay any price for it, I'd fvcking sell my house to afford it. That's how much baldness has gotten to me.


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we will never have a cure, well at least for a long time. get a wig or transplant, and live your lives already.

IS it realt worth the pain and agony to go on, and on about the same bull****, and feel like crap about yourselves? A hair system can change all that. Inb4 what if I get caught? who cares, most likely wont and at least your life will be that much better.

Weigh out the emotional, and physical pain caused by male pattern baldness versus the maintenance of a hair system, and aesthetics it provides to being re-born... it's a joke in comparison.

Transplant for those in the early stages

Wolf Pack

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Great post Shook, if you can correct it to a cosmetically viable head of hair, do it. Or system is the choice. You are being judged by women for sure if you are completely bald/thinning on top, big time. Especially those under 40. Just recently a girl told me she saw a guy leave her friend's house and couldn't recognise him at all. Her words were something like this, "I saw a strange looking man leave her house by the door, turns out he is her brother and has hardly any hair, unlucky, her Dad still has it." Shock horror face, like she told me some secret or something. Oh he is also jacked and bald, yet got this. I have no idea if he pulls off the look though, i'm guessing not.

If you want to shave it and brave it out, that's great. It won't be a barrier for relationships but you will be seen as less attractive and the bald (ing) guy.


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Either that or continue being a hope for cure type sufferer.


Hair transplants are great if your loss isn't to advance. Keep in mind the calibre, and density of your hair is paramount for having a decent result.

To be honest I see no point in maintaining a thin birds nest of hair. It's more stress then it is reward, and that's where I'd say systems have the upper edge in replacement. Asides from that, both are great options.

I see the same constant characters around these forums who sulk, but these are the individuals who haven't invested in either a system or transplant. Only you can hold yourselves back. Work a menial job, well that's a life decision and a choice. It's like being fat, a choice in most cases.

Wolf Pack

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Yes, I have been commenting in a similar vein. A while back I put a youtube link regarding a system, how it changed a 17 year old's life. It's also my fall back option one day if I ever need to. Think about it, how badly do you want hair and to look your best? If you do, the answer is simple. Or you can be the bald guy and everything associated with it.

I have also mentioned a countless number of times that you need usually 40-45 grafts per cm2 for density. This means that if someone is Norwood 4 or above, there is little chance of a cosmetically acceptable transplant, hair transplant surgeons do not want to do it! Unless you have like crazy donor hair, there will always be the rare person who has an insane amount. Body hair/beard is different consistency and cycle lengths. Once that middle connecting bridge of hair goes, it's game over.

Shave is better than very thin hair. It shows desperation and insecurity holding onto that, portrays a weak image. It's like keeping an infected useless limb. I "kind of" agree on the choice thing, the options we have these days is enough for someone diligent to maintain good hair. But there are some aggressive bald sufferers (rare), people who get sides on meds too, so I'll cut people like this some slack. Or people who went bald back in the day. It's out of their control. But as you say, the system option is STILL there for them.

I also know a few people within healthcare wearing a system. They are partying, they seem happy and most importantly, look much better with it.

I will be having a transplant for the front at some point, currently once I style it (showing/hiding recession), it's a non issue in my life in terms of attraction. But on a personal level it is bothersome, in the sense it limits my ability to style it. This new found freedom to comb how I want it is what I seek. I will give the meds some time though.


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Should we eliminate the orphaned kids also?
The cure is nowhere near, so making kids with a woman that has multiple bald men in her family is just selfish


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Yeah true. And how would he know about a hair piece being a solution, he hasn't even tried one himself.

Always the ones who have not tried it who make such a fuss about it being a viable solution.

Let's wait until they have to order a rug to glue on their heads. They'll change their mind pretty quickly.
Off topic Fred...but I stumbled onto your account yesterday. Pretty cool taste I might say. Medium compatibility with me.


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I'm sure the emotional pain caused by walking around with a stupid hat on all day, by the way of which isn't an accessory to being stylish or option rather a crutch is a better solution. That or a comb over, in which is styled EVERY single day in a certain manner all while avoiding weather conditions, and activities such as swimming is so much easier then putting on a hair piece, and re-applying it once a week.

Really think about it closely. Similar situations we have here, only difference is the piece, and maintenance wise at least provides style, frame and aesthetics. What does a hat provide? nothing. How about the comb over... A massive social, and activity crutch.


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I'm sure the emotional pain caused by walking around with a stupid hat on all day, by the way of which isn't an accessory to being stylish or option rather a crutch is a better solution. That or a comb over, in which is styled EVERY single day in a certain manner all while avoiding weather conditions, and activities such as swimming is so much easier then putting on a hair piece, and re-applying it once a week.

Really think about it closely. Similar situations we have here, only difference is the piece, and maintenance wise at least provides style, frame and aesthetics. What does a hat provide? nothing. How about the comb over... A massive social, and activity crutch.

I was thinking that.

You see the great results where people like Joe Tillman, nic nitro, garageland... They were all norwood 5+ but had exceptional results from multiple transplants. They look great on the carefully selected photos with their meticulous comb overs but what about in real life? In a sweaty nightclub with bright lights? Out in the wind and rain? Going for a swim?

Id be just as uncomfortable with the thin whispy comober than I would with a wig.

hair transplant can look great for your early hair loss sufferers but for norwood 4+? I can't say I've found a result that I would honestly consider.

That video you posted; a wig was the only viable solution for him. Looks bloody fantastic


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When you get a hair transplant, you buy these: being not bald (even if it's thin), and some peace of mind.

You don't realize how invaluable these two things are until you become the bald guy and have to live your life as one.

Baldness is always there and you'll worry about what all people think around you all the time if you're bald.

A hair transplant can partially fix that. It will not cover all social situations and sometimes, you will look at yourself in bright lights and think "Wow, I'm quite thin" and you'll be a bit depressed.

I got that sometimes the last four days where I was on holiday with my girlfriend. There were moments I was sad that my hair wasn't thicker and I was already planning a second hair transplant in my head.

But that was only during like 10% of the holiday. With no hair at all, it would have been 100%. What am I saying, that holiday wouldn't have happened. My hair transplant has been a good band-aid so far.

Im with you on this. There are times the light catches you and you question what you actually achieved, but then you look at a mirror further away and youre happier. Wish I could get my hair line lowered and crown fixed.

Agustin Araujo

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I think we will be the last generation to experience male pattern baldness definitely by choice. What I mean by that is, superior forms of Finasteride will be available (even better versions of Setipiprant etc, if that works). So people can voluntarily get on those drugs before they even start balding to prevent male pattern baldness.

The possibility to be the last generation to experience male pattern baldness by choice, can you please elaborate with what you mean about that? I see that you explained the meaning of it by there being superior forms of Finasteride and better versions of Setipiprant, but what if people voluntarily get on those medications before experiencing any Androgenic Alopecia and they don't respond to treatment? That is, unless treatment will work well for every single individual prone to Androgenetic Alopecia and could be considered a 'cure' in some form, and without any possible side effects of any kind.


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Man can cure and could already have cured about every disease. With the use of eugenics (or breeding). However, man is too selfish, irrational, driven. Even if man knows he has (hereditary) cancer, he will happily pass it on. This is because man is the disease, which there is no cure for.


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You just have to tell yourself that anyone can look bad when put under certain lights or certain angles.

That convict guy was a good example:


dammit that piece of waste actually looks good in both pics lol