Does anyone know statistics on Post Finasteride Syndrome?


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One more thing; you should do a blood test IMMEDIATELY!! We need to map every damn hormone level now, so we're able to track changes, if something goes wrong.


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The blood test won't reveal anything about your use of Proviron. You don't have enough endogenous DHT yet, that's probably why you experience withdrawal. To confirm, drop another pill at bedtime. If you don't get a positive reaction, we're already dealing with some sort of supression, and I assume estrogen.


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monty1978 said:
Enden is right it can be recovered.

10 Months ago i quit propecia and duts.(duts mainly after 6 or 7 years of taking hten.

Been takin lots of zinc lately and very recently feeling better. dropped a proviron yesterday. Wanna screw the mind of my doctor, she's so interesting and her breast were showing. I had proper full on solid dripping chubby through out the entire meeting. I kept her going with the conversation for 2 and half hours and you know I think she may have wanted a bit of the old c***.
I felt it was going that way.

:dunno: ya never know

That kinda stuff really turns me on.Could you give an update on this ? :punk:


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mpbsux20 said:
monty1978 said:
Enden is right it can be recovered.

10 Months ago i quit propecia and duts.(duts mainly after 6 or 7 years of taking hten.

Been takin lots of zinc lately and very recently feeling better. dropped a proviron yesterday. Wanna screw the mind of my doctor, she's so interesting and her breast were showing. I had proper full on solid dripping chubby through out the entire meeting. I kept her going with the conversation for 2 and half hours and you know I think she may have wanted a bit of the old c***.
I felt it was going that way.

:dunno: ya never know

That kinda stuff really turns me on.Could you give an update on this ? :punk:
Which part? The hot Doctor, or the full on solid dripping chubby? :p


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We need to know what's going on. If the estrogen level is slightly supressed, which is possible, since you obviously were on the spot yesterday, you have to get off everything, including zinc, and just wait.


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It could be anything, but the endocrine system is delicate, especially the testosterone/estrogen ratio. Zinc brought you back to a couple of days with solid morning erections, and Proviron was like an explosion. That means you were right on the spot. It's easy to supress the estrogen level and get other problems. Believe me, I know.


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I'm saying you need to find out what's going on. You can drop another Proviron and see what happens, or just wait and see how you feel in a week or so. Waiting is a more careful approach, and might be more appropriate. You'll be glad you did if your estrogen level actually is slightly supressed at the moment. I leave it up to you to decide.


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Good choice, monty. I think we'll start over with zinc again in a couple of weeks, if it doesn't solve itself. It's safer than Proviron. Get off everything for now.


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enden, in your opinion, what is the safest drug for improve the self production of testosterone?


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Low doses of hCG. 125 i.u. every day for a week should kick it up. I've tried this myself. hCG mimics LH. 250 i.u. twice a week is used for testicular maintenance on TRT. Those on hCG diet use 125 i.u. a day for 20-30 days, so I figured it was safe as far as desensitizing the testicles goes. If your testosterone level is supressed, you should take care of the hormone level which is causing trouble. Nothing seems to beat tweaking with large doses of zinc, if elevated estrogen level is the problem. It's effective, easy to manage and available OTC.


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Enden said:
Which part? The hot Doctor, or the full on solid dripping chubby? :p

Both....The whole narration made it all the more special for me.

monty1978 said:
mpbsux20 said:
monty1978 said:
Enden is right it can be recovered.

10 Months ago i quit propecia and duts.(duts mainly after 6 or 7 years of taking hten.

Been takin lots of zinc lately and very recently feeling better. dropped a proviron yesterday. Wanna screw the mind of my doctor, she's so interesting and her breast were showing. I had proper full on solid dripping chubby through out the entire meeting. I kept her going with the conversation for 2 and half hours and you know I think she may have wanted a bit of the old c***.
I felt it was going that way.

:dunno: ya never know

That kinda stuff really turns me on.Could you give an update on this ? :punk:

For u mpbsux anything to help your depression.

No really I just have to see a psychologist regarding some heavy operations I got coming up with reference to what's wrong with my brain now and how it may effect me and post op support etc etc etc.

Anyway it was only really I guess an hour appointment but it lasted 2 hrs 15 minutes and she asked a lot of questions about me that could have been relevant but I'm not so sure. She isn't a beauty queen though not unattractive unless you are one of those guys that just likes absolute stunners. There is just something about her. Intelligence for one, a calmness and a balanced succinct manner. And of course a cracking pair of tits!

I was suprised when I arrived that she would have them on show at all really and she also had a bra strap laying accross the right breast and she kept leaning forward. She also put her hands on the table in front of me a lot and there were no rings on any fingers. I'm not sure I just, dunno I get vibes as well as body language but can read nothing in her facial expressions beyond a likeing to me. I kept the conversation going but there were 3 or 4 times when it stopped in finality and I expected some conclusion and she would then open up another debate. She also gave me her card at the end. She knows I have her number already. :dunno:

its one of those things. you could argue for, you could argue against. I do know on a personal level she likes me though. Just know!

Thanks man.That was really a great read...I normally dont judge people based on their looks.I prefer women with personalities and a nice rack.

I hope the treatments help with your recovery and you get to see the light at the end of the tunnel.Wish you well brother.


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monty1978 said:
Still been thinking about sex much of today regardless. Bear in mind I have been regularly testing my funtioning of late as well! Body hasn't had much time to recouperate!!!

how many cums per day ?

no refractary period? :punk:

Mens Rea

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monty1978 said:
Something just occured to me!

If one can take a drug like finasteride or duts or whatever and set their body to a new low level of sexual functioning that remains so even after discontinuation of a drug, then surely one can set their body to any level of sexual functioning without the need to continue using the drug/s in perpetuity!!


Monty i think that is a bit wishful hehe.

finasteride damages guys like us by messing up our hormones, that is why we lose libido / have androgen depriviation etc. Fixing those values back to normal is where the money is, not articifically increasing them because usually that will end badly too (crash?)

Example - pump loads of DHT (well, proviron) into your system...intial beast like libido but over time - testes shut libido amonst other sinister problems.

Getting back to base is what we want to do. Going to pm you about your progress :)


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monty1978 said:
If you are correct enden and anecdotal evidence of reduced prolactin means that a person need no recovery period between orgasms then my God I am gonna go from being impotent practically to becoming a monster
Do some research. It's a common side effect in both men and women who use it for hyperprolactinaemia/prolactinomas. Body builders use it to counter estrogenic side effects from progestins, and have reported increased libido and decreased refraction period. The effect reminds me on how it was prepuberty, when you're right on the spot. A couple of minutes refraction period, and even multiorgasm is possible, though rare.

Mens Rea

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monty1978 said:
Yeah guys, I crashed again.

No libido from day before yesterday till now.

Took 1 proviron yesterday and 1 today. Slight improvement.

May have to boost dht more regularly by small amounts I think.

Will keep you posted!

Expected this to happen. Don't think anyone in the history of PFS has recovered on 2 tablets man.

To reset your system for the long run you'll need a more sustained approach as you say. Hopefully it works. Chin up mate youve shown good signs :)


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Get back on zinc now! Save the Proviron. I recommend doing another blood test too, to see what has changed.