Does Anyone Like To See Family And Friends Go Bald?


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The same friend once cried in front of me for half an hour about a failed haircut. It wasn't even that bad, just a bit shorter than she wanted it. Sometimes I wonder why I'm even friends with her, but of course she has other great qualities and has been a supportive friend. Besides, I don't have a ton of friends anymore so if I were to ditch my friends over things like that I'd be friendless.
Honestly, @EvilLocks? If I had good hair and the barber ruined it, even for one month until it grows, I would be super pissed off. Not crying, but angry.
People with hair know how important it is, even though they say balding is no big deal (!!!)


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I don't like seeing anyone go bald, but I get a chuckle out of seeing former studs start to go bald

See there value wither away, then realize hair is everything. Start to become a nobody.

Oh it's just hair though. it's only one characteristic!

Reminds me of the bald cap studs at the gym. Look amazing with there caps on, solid face, looking lean-tight. Cap comes off, look like a bozo. Don't even notice that ripped physique anymore.


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My best friend has dupa, and up close looks really really thin.. I do feel bad for him but at the same time relieved mines not worse.


I don't like seeing anyone go bald, but I get a chuckle out of seeing former studs start to go bald

See there value wither away, then realize hair is everything. Start to become a nobody.

Oh it's just hair though. it's only one characteristic!

Reminds me of the bald cap studs at the gym. Look amazing with there caps on, solid face, looking lean-tight. Cap comes off, look like a bozo. Don't even notice that ripped physique anymore.
Some bald guys who are studs stay studs.

I remained decent looking with no hair.

You should see how many girls get wet for the tattooist Ami James:


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My best friend has dupa, and up close looks really really thin.. I do feel bad for him but at the same time relieved mines not worse.

This thread has shown how deplorable most of you are. I am glad you are balding and I hope you cant stop it


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Some bald guys who are studs stay studs.

I remained decent looking with no hair.

You should see how many girls get wet for the tattooist Ami James:
Looks like a decaying ghoul

key word 'some' (extreme minority) almost every guy who looses their hair looses there entire aesthetics.

98% of guys dont have a skull like this to pull it off. Again 'pull it off' doesn't mean desired... Simply means.. pulling of the look



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I started receding at 21 and I didn't go on treatments until I was 29.

My hair loss was slow because of genetics tbh. People lose hair at different rates. There are some guys on here who went from NW1 to NW4 in 2 years. There are others who have been a NW2 with little regression in over 10 years.

In short - I cant give you any advice - its just luck (unless you consider me unlucky for balding a little before 40)

smh over 29 and still bitter like a high school girl, grow up dude. Youre lucky your hairloss barely progressed in 8 years.


Looks like a decaying ghoul

key word 'some' (extreme minority) almost every guy who looses their hair looses there entire aesthetics.

98% of guys dont have a skull like this to pull it off. Again 'pull it off' doesn't mean desired... Simply means.. pulling of the look

I'd probably say more like 90% look worse with no hair. Its probably around 1 in 10 that can pull it off.

I think you have to have a macho look about you.

There is probably science behind it but I'm not going to research it


My Regimen
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I'd probably say more like 90% look worse with no hair. Its probably around 1 in 10 that can pull it off.

I think you have to have a macho look about you.

There is probably science behind it but I'm not going to research it

there are a couple of men (very few) who look better no hair.

The Rock is one example...Yul Brennar iw ould imagine is another Telly Savalis (dating myself for sure)
Ed Haris.

Not many.


your shaved head is not equivalent to having no hair. there's still a shadow and frame. we have to go over this so many times here in impact lol
What do you mean by framed? I had no visible hair - I shaved it with a razor - maybe after a day or two the stubble was visible


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You could always become this guy if you have good hand to eye coordination



I certainly find comfort in seeing good-looking people go bald, that's for sure.

To be honest Dante, I think this is pretty messed up. I'm far from a humanist, in fact, I'm pretty much the exact opposite, but posts like this still sadden me. Good-looking people aren't responsible for your ugliness, they didn't choose their Norwood any more than you did yours. Why should your misery be inflicted upon everyone else? I could understand it if it was just one or two choice antagonists (a childhood bully, nasty ex-girlfriend etc), but all good-looking people as a whole? Not cool.


My Regimen
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To be honest Dante, I think this is pretty messed up. I'm far from a humanist, in fact, I'm pretty much the exact opposite, but posts like this still sadden me. Good-looking people aren't responsible for your ugliness, they didn't choose their Norwood any more than you did yours. Why should your misery be inflicted upon everyone else? I could understand it if it was just one or two choice antagonists (a childhood bully, nasty ex-girlfriend etc), but all good-looking people as a whole? Not cool.

when i was in HS there was an aspiring model here in NY whose face was slashed because she rejected a man she knew who wanted to sleep with her...he hired and paid two people to ruin her face.


below is an after and before scars--she was still beautiful but what a horrific thing to go through due to someones anger and jealousy.



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Moderator - Can you please delete dontwanttobald's posts from this thread on the grounds of being an idiot.

I think people tease because they do not know it hurts so much. I think they do it in a naïve way because they think you will just brush it off.

Of course when they go bald themselves that's when they realise.

I'd never mock anyone for being bald - but if I know they are an arsehole I will sit back with a quiet satisfaction and watch :)

would never get behind censorship, you can still block people here, no?


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Actually no i didnt, and im older than you by the way. However i have experienced that guys i went to school with who also were balding wanted to talk to me for no good reason, i got the impression it was because we had that thing in common and they felt relief in talking to someone to identify with in that way. But for me, i simply didnt care enough. I was offered a free wig already at age 22 but declined, it hasnt been a life consuming problem for me.


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would never get behind censorship, you can still block people here, no?
Yes. Just deal with him directly, answer him or ignore him, up to each of us. i like him, its good to have someone to disagree with, he is stupid in a funny way that is entertaining, just look how many replies he is getting? Its not in a good way but still he is famous.


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no honestly , whenever I see people balding or bald it just reminds me of my fate. I dont know , maybe once Im in a more advanced stage if someone constantly gave me a hard time id feel differently. But at this time I don't think id wish it on anyone even people I dont like.

HOWEVER - it is comforting to see attractive people balding , especially young attractive people. by this I dont mean I would like for them to go bald , but like others have said it makes me feel a slight bit better. Still though I feel like these people are a minority.


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Wouldn't it be awesome to have the superpower to make anyone you want go bald? lol

There's a couple uber-vain pukes at the office who I'd love to see lose their fullheads quickly.

Would kill for a chance to see these clowns wake up in the morning, stumble into the bathroom, turn on the lights, and see Prince William's skull in the mirror.

Lol ... can just see the look on their sh*t faces.

Talk about priceless...