Does ejaculating release more DHT into the bloodstream?


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Note: This is not meant to be a "link between sex drive and hair loss" thread. Rather it's exactly what it is in the thread title.

I've asked this before elsewhere and no one could come up with an answer, so I'm wondering if anyone here knows.


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I believe there is a rise in DHT from the release of ejaculate , the same way there is a spike in testosterone during workouts. Honestly , my head does get more itchy after I ejaculate and when I work out. I guess this could be from sweating. I don't really know the answer to this question but I said I'd answer before somebody gives out to you about starting another one of these threads..


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I always thought the same. Men in Egypt hardly ever start balding in their 20's because they don't believe in teen masturbation. They only start having sex when they're married and that would be in their late 20's early 30's, and they don't do it nearly as much as Americans here do.

Also I don't see the reason why considerable DHT would be in the bloodstream if you aren't using your genitals.


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No, because you just posted something you can find a million topics about in this section and it ends with no clear answer only theories of people who have no real facts to back it up.

So technically you would have been better off not posting it but using the 'search' feature instead.


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I was fully aware I could have revived a thread, but I thought the words "sex" and "baldness" in the title would have either repelled people or made them post an ignorant comment without reading anything in the actual thread.

I thought this title would attract more people. It did 1, but that's it. I just wanted someone's input on this specific question.


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if wanking caused baldness there would be no NW1's past the age of 25


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But notice how I did not ask that particular question. I asked specifically if ejaculation (or rather stimulation of the male sex organ) released more DHT in the bloodstream. NO reference to baldness or hair loss. See? Now it's not a "does sex cause hair loss" topic. :)

Also yes I am from Egypt, and seldom is there a guy in his early twenties there with considerable hair loss. I know a cousin of mine, 17. His dad is bald AS HELL. Males from his mom's side are also, bald AS HELL, yet he has hair similar to Elvis'. Sounds wierd right? It could be that DHT hasn't acted on him yet, hence the abstaining from masturbation.
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I personally believe that frequent ejaculations accelerated my hairloss.

However, there's no way I can prove my belief, my theory, because I don't have a time machine to go back in time and not have as many ejaculations and then compare my hair to that.

No, I don't believe ejaculations caused my hairloss - my genes and dht caused my hairloss - but I believe my frequent ejaculations made the balding process faster.

Like decro435, I experienced an itchy scalp after ejaculations (but the funny thing is after I got on finasteride and nizoral shampoo my scalp doesn't usually get itchy after ejaculations anymore).


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Think there are some linkage.

Frequent ejaculation might also lead to persistence dark eye circles as I chance upon an article on traditional chinese medicine (TCM).

I lessen the frequency and surprising the dark eye circles also improve after one month so without me taking any supplements. I am just waiting to see if it slow down hair loss.

Hair loss and dark eye circles are both link to our kidney deficiencies according to TCM and I think frequent ejaculation does affect our kidney function.


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Dragon , I've been trying to say the same thing as you for ages. Yes , I was pre-determined to suffer male pattern baldness. But , the frequent ejaculation from a very early age could have caused me to release/produce more male sex hormones at an early age causing premature Androgenetic Alopecia. Anyways I can't prove this and no-one has so this topic has reached a dead-end. Good bye.


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decro435 said:
I believe there is a rise in DHT from the release of ejaculate , the same way there is a spike in testosterone during workouts. Honestly , my head does get more itchy after I ejaculate and when I work out. I guess this could be from sweating. I don't really know the answer to this question but I said I'd answer before somebody gives out to you about starting another one of these threads..

Decro, that's funny that you say that, I've noticed the exact same thing.

As far as working out is concerned, there was a point in Jan. when I was sick for about 3 weeks and didn't workout much, during this time, my scalp itch and hairloss slowed dramatically.


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You guys have it all wrong.

I have noticed that my hair loss increases when I feel like I am breathing too much. Too much oxidation in the body promotes the development of free radicals (hence anti OXIDANTS being touted as healthy). And free radicals speed up the aging process, which we all know=balding. So what I do now is consciously slow my breathing as much as I can until I'm only taking 4-5 breaths a minute. And shallow ones at that.

Of course I cannot control it much at night but so far doing this during the day I have noticed my hair thicken up susbstantially! Before when I was breathing too much (from stress, etc) my hair was falling out like mad......I was probably 90% bald. Now I have grown back all that hair and more! I swear it works!

Just limit your's tough to do I know and it will probably take you about 2 years to see results but stick with it. It will be worth it!


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Testosterone levels are lower after ejaculating. In theory you should have less dht in your body. However the build up to the climax could temporarilly increases dht until the climax is over. I too notice my scalp itches after this. I know that stress can accelerate hairloss and sex stresses the body which could play a significant factor in this problem.