Does ejaculating release more DHT into the bloodstream?


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There's no reason to argue anyway. It's not like anyone asked if masturbating causes baldness. We are arguing whether or not ejaculation elevates DHT levels, THAT'S IT. If you don't have the f*cking genes, you don't have to worry. If you are unfortunate, and ejaculation raises your DHT, well, that's what DHT inhibitors are for. Minoxodil also helps. Yay for finmin. :woot:


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I stopped masturbating for exactly one week now and the itchy feeling in my scalp has decreased with 80 %.. I used to do it 1-2 times a day and every morning the itchy feeling made me go crazy..

and dont forget, everytime you ejaculate, you shoot out a few mg of Zinc, and that could worsen hairloss.


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roeltje said:
I stopped masturbating for exactly one week now and the itchy feeling in my scalp has decreased with 80 %.. I used to do it 1-2 times a day and every morning the itchy feeling made me go crazy..

and dont forget, everytime you ejaculate, you shoot out a few mg of Zinc, and that could worsen hairloss.

Interestingly, also noticed this when I was 1 months without masturbating


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Although this issue has been banging about for ages, I personally am quite interested by it.

Its relation to hairloss is plausible.

The problem is, there are loads of possible reasons to why we lose hair.

Genetic, diet, stress, pollutants, excess hormones etc. Anything. Its hard to say, and many seem to plausible.

Wasnt there some statistic/study that talked about an increase in balding men in China due to red meat?

Fundementally, once your losing hair, your losing hair. You can slow the process, but once your losing your hair, whilst these topics are interesting, they arent going to change anything for us. If there was a cure, or a cause that we could pin point, or a gene we could eradicate, then perhaps we could change things for future generations.

I personally dont want to have kids from an ethical perspective. I dont want to add more people to an already overpopulated world. And I dont want to bring more children into this world full of suffering and massive problems.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
Although this issue has been banging about for ages, I personally am quite interested by it.

Its relation to hairloss is plausible.

The problem is, there are loads of possible reasons to why we lose hair.

Genetic, diet, stress, pollutants, excess hormones etc.
Anything. Its hard to say, and many seem to plausible.

Wasnt there some statistic/study that talked about an increase in balding men in China due to red meat?

Fundementally, once your losing hair, your losing hair. You can slow the process, but once your losing your hair, whilst these topics are interesting, they arent going to change anything for us. If there was a cure, or a cause that we could pin point, or a gene we could eradicate, then perhaps we could change things for future generations.

I personally dont want to have kids from an ethical perspective. I dont want to add more people to an already overpopulated world. And I dont want to bring more children into this world full of suffering and massive problems.

For me and many people here of the forum, these are the problems


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There isnt a word to describe how ridiculous this thread is.

Me --> :smack: <-- You guys


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Vigaku said:
There's no reason to argue anyway. It's not like anyone asked if masturbating causes baldness. We are arguing whether or not ejaculation elevates DHT levels, THAT'S IT. If you don't have the f*cking genes, you don't have to worry. If you are unfortunate, and ejaculation raises your DHT, well, that's what DHT inhibitors are for. Minoxodil also helps. Yay for finmin. :woot:

The real question should be, who cares?

Are you going to sit at home and never think about sex, lift weights, move, exercise, or masturbate?

These things increase your DHT minimally at best. Get on some finasteride and stop worrying so much about DHT. Hey did you also know that Stress causes spikes in test, better stop thinking about your hair...


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Hope4hairRedux said:
Although this issue has been banging about for ages, I personally am quite interested by it.

Its relation to hairloss is plausible.

The problem is, there are loads of possible reasons to why we lose hair.

Genetic, diet, stress, pollutants, excess hormones etc. Anything. Its hard to say, and many seem to plausible.

Wasnt there some statistic/study that talked about an increase in balding men in China due to red meat?

Fundementally, once your losing hair, your losing hair. You can slow the process, but once your losing your hair, whilst these topics are interesting, they arent going to change anything for us. If there was a cure, or a cause that we could pin point, or a gene we could eradicate, then perhaps we could change things for future generations.

I personally dont want to have kids from an ethical perspective. I dont want to add more people to an already overpopulated world. And I dont want to bring more children into this world full of suffering and massive problems.

I recently moved to China and I notice a lot of bald/severly balding men here in their early 20s. I think the biggest contributers are diet and pollution (the air quality here is awful). They fry almost everything and use a ton of cheap oil. Even guys in great shape speeding down busy roads on bicycles have severe hair loss even worse than what I saw back in the states.

To the original topic I will take it another step further. I was a believer in the fact ejaculating rises cortisol levels and increases DHT. I noticed every time I had sex or masturbated my scalp started to have a burning sensation then i took a photo and noticed tiny red dots all over it. So I started having sex and masturbating without ejaculating to test this theory. My head still burns during the act and the red dots were still there. Actually this probably made things worse because I would have sex for 2 hours until my girlfriend would get tired and masturbate equally as long having to force myself to stop. However, my energy levels were through the roof probably because of all the testosterone built up. Now I've gone a few days without doing either and my scalp feels much better the red dots are fading. To maintain an erection requires a lot of DHT so ejaculating is only part of it.

I think everyone needs to find out what balance works for them. I discovered if I only ejaculate once a week I don't have that lethargic depressed feeling I'd get if I did it 3-5 times a week. I have more energy and my mood is better. I'm going to try having sex twice a week and ejaculating once. I don't put much faith it alone will improve my hair but I know I'll feel better and will be something worth adding to my regimen.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
Although this issue has been banging about for ages, I personally am quite interested by it.

Its relation to hairloss is plausible.

The problem is, there are loads of possible reasons to why we lose hair.

Genetic, diet, stress, pollutants, excess hormones etc. Anything. Its hard to say, and many seem to plausible.

Wasnt there some statistic/study that talked about an increase in balding men in China due to red meat?

Fundementally, once your losing hair, your losing hair. You can slow the process, but once your losing your hair, whilst these topics are interesting, they arent going to change anything for us. If there was a cure, or a cause that we could pin point, or a gene we could eradicate, then perhaps we could change things for future generations.

I personally dont want to have kids from an ethical perspective. I dont want to add more people to an already overpopulated world. And I dont want to bring more children into this world full of suffering and massive problems.

There is a subliminal masturbation message in this post, everybody be aware that resistance is futile and in a few days and most will have obeyed the hypnotic effect! :) Ah ha, proof!


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Priests and monks that take vows of celibacy are some of the baldest people on Earth.

Earnest Borgnine has discovered the secret of long life and still having some hair in his 90's

:shock: ... turbation/


Actor Ernest Borgnine has the secret to living into your nineties.

Twice a day you can bet he’s beating the meat or choking the chicken, but this vegetarian isn’t tenderizing steak or being cruel to animals. Borgnine says the secret to staying healthy is staying away from meat and masturbating.

Borgnine told WENN, “I answered that question one time on Fox News. This fella kept bothering me all morning: ‘What do you do to keep yourself so worked up?’ Finally, I got sick and got tired and I forgot that I was miked. I reached over and replied, ‘I masturbate a lot!’â€

“I also gave up meat about 35 years ago.â€



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ResearchNeverFails said:
You not crazy actually at all and im about to prove it by the end of this week. ...

RearchNeverFails, know what else never fails? Paragraphs.


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hairrific said:
Hope4hairRedux said:
Although this issue has been banging about for ages, I personally am quite interested by it.

Its relation to hairloss is plausible.

The problem is, there are loads of possible reasons to why we lose hair.

Genetic, diet, stress, pollutants, excess hormones etc. Anything. Its hard to say, and many seem to plausible.

Wasnt there some statistic/study that talked about an increase in balding men in China due to red meat?

Fundementally, once your losing hair, your losing hair. You can slow the process, but once your losing your hair, whilst these topics are interesting, they arent going to change anything for us. If there was a cure, or a cause that we could pin point, or a gene we could eradicate, then perhaps we could change things for future generations.

I personally dont want to have kids from an ethical perspective. I dont want to add more people to an already overpopulated world. And I dont want to bring more children into this world full of suffering and massive problems.

There is a subliminal masturbation message in this post, everybody be aware that resistance is futile and in a few days and most will have obeyed the hypnotic effect! :) Ah ha, proof!

lol, nice work :)


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ResearchNeverFails said:
You not crazy actually at all and im about to prove it by the end of this week. You hit right on the head. Frequent ejaculation is exacally whats causing male pattern baldness(Male Pattern Baldness)

I believe I have not only figured out how to stop and reverse hair loss but I can also tell you exactly why its happening and it wont cost you a cent to fix it. Some estimates say 60% of all Americans will experience some form of male pattern baldness or Male Pattern Baldness at some point before there 50th birthday. Some embrace there balding head, many see it as a matter of accepting the uncontrolled but for others it’s a fight against time. Until right now Regardless of how you felt about going bald there would have been little that you could have done about it. Contrary to popular belief science actually knows a lot about male pattern baldness. male pattern baldness accounts for 95% of all balding in men. It happens slowly starting at the temples, then the crown and if left untreated will slowly progress to a full bald head except the sides and lower back of the head. We also know for certain that Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is the main cause of hair loss. What we know is in balding men DHT is excessive in both the scalp and the blood stream. DHT is not the cause however it’s the affect. I will explain this shortly. When thinking of balding I would like you consider your mammalian cousins whom have no sign of any form of male pattern baldness. Its important to note that male pattern baldness and any other form of hair loss are unrelated. I am strictly explaining the cause of male pattern baldness the distinct balding starting at the temples seen in male humans only. Think of Cheetah or even your common house cat living in different environments, lack of vast nutrients, really hot weather, often cold weather, none experience balding, ever regardless of the exposures. As a matter of fact no animal in the world has been diagnosed with male pattern baldness other then a human. Another question I couldn’t ignore is why do women not bald the way men do? We share many parts that are almost identical women internally other then our sex organs and were exposed to the same gene pool and environmental conditions how would it be they are not affected by male pattern baldness in the same way we are if they are exposed to so many of the same factors that we are? Its important to not that there are some diseases that affect hair growth in Mammals none are caused by the same reaction happening in male pattern baldness. That reaction is a hormonal in balance produced in a few places but mostly and most importantly in the prostate. Our prostate is responsible for producing a fluid that supports the seamen and keeps it alive in the highly acidic vagina. This process is the single cause for hair loss both gradually and progressively. When you ejaculate the prostate turn’s testosterone into DHT but it gets worse with frequency. This is not new information there is countless research tying the prostate, DHT, and hair loss. I believe that frequent ejaculation by any means is what causes predisposed people to lose there hair. I know this sounds crazy at first because the lies you have been told about masturbation and frequent sex being good for you but I will enlighten you on the subject. With a gestation period of 9 months even if you had three wives and you got all of them pregnant at separate times in the year the most frequent ejaculation you would have would every few months if you were successful every time. So why then as mostly monogamous species do we ejaculate so frequently and why are we told its good for us. To some unknown degree until further research is done an excessive amount of ejaculation does more then produce excess amounts of DHT which bind to your hair and make you lose it, it also depletes your body because your seamen is the highest concentration of protein, minerals, vitamins, and growth factors. When speaking from a scientific standpoint being a fit individual is the ability to reproduce reproductive offspring. Really being fit is surviving and reproducing in whatever way possible and if you were hungry just trying to survive when our body adapted to its current state frequent ejaculation would not have been an issue your body would have known its limits. So what’s the corporate causing all this excessive ejaculation? Culture, for the most part. Did you know that male pattern baldness is much more common in the U.S. , Europe, and Canada. Science claims that Caucasian men are more prone maybe so but if you look around the country there are men of all color experiencing male pattern baldness. However the highest p**rn distribution in the world is in U.S., Europe, and Canada. Kind of ironic don’t you think? Think of our culture compared to The Asian culture were male pattern baldness is thought to be much less dominate then in Western Countries. They teach self control, we sell sex. Billboards, T.V., internet, p**rn, the American Manicure age of cloth less, hairless, free for all lifestyle is directly or indirectly increasing your desire to ejaculate and thus creating more DHT in your system. This is in no way my opinion actually science states that every time a man even slightly thinks of sex in any form begins to produce sperm and more often that happens the higher his frequency will be. I also can explain to you why it starts on the top and often varies from person to person but ends up the same way if you go fully bald. It’s a slow process that best will described by looking at the diagram below. Notice how the Carotid Artery brings blood from the heart to the head. You will also notice that there smaller arteries breaking off the first leading to the jaw, then back of head, followed by the top of the head. More importantly in the diagram below I showed you were male pattern baldness will progress to if it goes its full cycle. Notice something about the arteries in those areas the weak tips that branch off are were the hair stops growing.

I believe DHT is actually rejected by the hair follicle because the hair follicles is looking for regular testosterone to activate it as DHT goes up towards your head it gets to the end and does exactly what science already believes it does and in a sense clogs the hair follicles. I think the increased amount of blood flow right at the side and lower part of the head were from the artery diagram you can see there are much bigger arteries and they are also getting what I call priority meaning rather then being bound by DHT they are receiving regular Testosterone like they should. What’s left Excessive amount of DHT for the ends of these arteries. Look up Norwood scale of male pattern baldness if you want to compare it to any diagram of the arteries leading to our head. They all look the same and you will fine a striking resemblance. You will notice why male pattern baldness is immune to the sides of your head and lower back. The reason that DHT cant simply be washed out is blood flow is much less at the tips of these arteries especially because we are the only bipedal(walking on two feet) species whom don’t realize that without exercise or something to stimulate blood flow it will slow down to the top of the head. That with the fact that even if your gradually losing DHT in the follicle you would never notice if you were adding just as much back to your system. Its believed that the DHT does not allow nutrients and growth factors to enter the hair follicle this is why I will explain the ends of the shown Arteries are like clogged pipes or Imagine a pipe that slowly but surely starting with the tips at the longest point it collects. Think of the different ways that men bald yet the end result will always be the same if they go fully bald. Different diagrams will all show the arteries having a similar pattern depending on someone’s head and which areas are the weakest at the furthers points will be the ones stuck building DHT first. Like clogged pipes producing at first patchy hair mostly on the front and crown but eventually every were. But the good news is the follicles are clogged not the arteries! This is very important to understand the pipe in a sense is not clogged but rather the hair follicles which is more like a small chamber off the pipe that usually would take nutrients from blood but that chamber is clogged by the DHT. DHT is not collecting in the arteries but rather in the follicles. This is why things like massages, or the laser comb can increase blood flow doing some good but not showing any results because it doesn’t take the DHT out fastest enough to combat anybody still adding DHT to there system. Think of Propecia the only FDA approved medication to actually promote hair growth. Still its not very affective but its affective for some and for a lot it also leads to loss in libido or sexual dysfunction. I wonder if all of the people who Propecia worked for didn’t at the very least experience a significant decrease in libido. Maybe decreased there frequency just enough. Maybe the medication its self was actually only decreasing libido which they already believed it was shrinking the prostate which would account for the prostate being used less would not be so inflamed. This would also explain for those high libido men who even on Propecia still ejaculate frequently don’t see any results at all. I get it now you stop the medication the side affects goes away oh and what else your hair. I can’t pretend to know the physical frequency per person. The fact is you might be more sensitive to DHT then the next person and we may go in and out different amounts of ejaculation frequency in any given year which would also explain why there are so many stages of male pattern baldness at so many age groups. Did you know the earliest some men will experience male pattern baldness will be just after puberty. The only real suggestions I could make sense I’m not even a biology major yet let alone Licensed Practitioner would be to find a balance at just give it a try. If your losing your hair cut your frequency in half and get blood flow to your head to unclog the DHT. You can do that with regular exercising or stretching like touching your toes standing up for 15 second allowing blood flow to come to your head. This is why things like the Laser Comb, Rogaine, or Massaging your head are helpful because you’re increasing blood flow which is mildly unclogging hair follicles and promoting strong hair that you haven’t lost. Also at a certain age your prostate produces more DHt no matter what you do but my arguments Is that people are putting too much through frequent ejaculation making them lose there hair a lot earlier. For people very progressed in balding for many years now I believe you will need something like Histogen is promising wither HSC(Hair Stimulating Compound) product to grow all of your hair back and I absolutely believe them ill tell you why. DHT is blocking your hair follicle from getting the important nutrients and growth factors it needs. HSC floods your scalp at the hair follicle level to promote hair growth this is why I believe there will be an end life to HSC meaning it will work but not forever. Continued treatments maybe a few years apart will probably be needed. With that said if you have been bald a really long time you may have to wait until they can reactivate some of those really old dormant follicles. But maybe not. No matter what you can’t fight fire with fire which means your ejaculation frequency must go down to see results. If blood flow is unclogging the follicle even slightly or gradually and your adding the same amount of DHT back into the follicle you wont see any results. The reason there is so much inconsistency in hair loss and hair loss treatments is your ejaculation rates are never monitored you will have to obtain self discipline to attempt this but if you do it right I believe you will see success. If you look online there are numerous people already suggesting a lot of the ideas that I have stated here. Also I understand some people would go bald to be able to ejaculate every day I neither condone nor condemn them its the choice any person can make I am only stating my Theory which came from connecting dots already put here for me by the scientific community. Contact your Physician for any health related questions. I am a strong believer in if you don’t use it you lose it so don’t over due my suggestions here every thing is ok in moderation. We just need to find what that moderation is.

2 Things.....

1. Holy Wall of Text Batman!

2. We've had countless guys pass through claiming the same as you and nobody has succeeded yet even tho they claim they will be the first for whatever reason. Along the way some have drank urine and eaten nothing but fresh food "raw" to help.

But be my guest....


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omg , u really expect us to read that massive block of words? I only read that much for university assignments. What makes ur words so special?

if u want to be heard by maximum people, just write a few easy to read paragraphs.

jesus christ.

and instead of telling us these quackpot theories with no scientific merit, why dont u stop sexual activity for a while anyway. Youll come to the same conclusion the rest of us did.

do u really need to convince us to be able to resist ur hands boyish charm and good looks?

maybe if ur doing it so much that u think its making u go bald, then u should stop, whether it will help with male pattern baldness or not. It might make u grow up a bit.


Established Member
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The dude is right in everything he said.
It is funny how some people here say they couldn't read the text, they did not have time, etc, but they have time to come here and write a shorter, but totally USELESS message, starting to make fun of the initial poster!
Come on, dudes, if you don't like the message, don't have time to read it, etc, then go and do your business, it's not necesarry to write here! Go and masturbate and leave us alone with your crap!!


New Member
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well i do find it sort of odd. in my situation - I've never really been sexually active, pretty much all my life i never cared for it, and then I met someone after I turned 20 last year. and i guess they just sparked something in me, i turned totally hyper sexual. doing it way too excessively everyday. and then about 2 months later is when my baldness just occurred out of no where. didnt seem like a coincidence to me but..who knows for sure.

I haven't really read into the whole thing much, but i guess it does make sense. baldness is associated with testosterone/dht, right? it just seems reasonable that the more you engaged your hormones, you'd end up with excess DHT. or something.


Established Member
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The dude is right in everything he said.
It is funny how some people here say they couldn't read the text, they did not have time, etc, but they have time to come here and write a shorter, but totally USELESS message, starting to make fun of the initial poster!

how can u say hes right when its all speculation, and assumptions. Is he a scientist? does he have any scientific articles to back up his theory?

u should of said 'i THINK hes right because ...', u cant possibly KNOW hes right.

Come on, dudes, if you don't like the message, don't have time to read it, etc, then go and do your business, it's not necesarry to write here!

this is the nature of a forum. someone posts something, and we comment on it, if U dont like it then U go somewhere else. We have every right to post our opinions, as im doing now. I garantee u most people would have chosen to not read that massive block of text because of its size and time. He could have had more poeple read his opinion if it was smaller.

for the record, i barely ever have any sexual activity, and i am still receding. And conversly some p**rn stars do it all day, and never go bald.

u cant make the assumption that just because balding starts around the same time as u become sexually active, that causes baldness. Perhaps for genetically predispositioned people, increased sexual desire AND baldness are caused by the same common factor, hormones. T, DHT and others.

association doesnt prove causation.

Go and masturbate and leave us alone with your crap!!

U go and masturbate. its u people that want to stop because u think its causing baldness, that are doing it too much. If u grew up and stopped doing it all the time, you would have seen by now that youd still be going bald, sexual activity or no sexual activity.

the rest of us grew out of it long ago, and realised the baldness continued.


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I think you give too much credit to science.

Do we know the true mechanism of balding? NO
Do we know how to cure baldness? Of course NO.
I'm sorry, but all that science can give us, in the hairloss field, are speculations and assumptions!
Science has answers to many diseases, but, for hairloss, science remains a big joke! Until those hair multiplication and other stuff really comes out.
Maybe that guy doesn't have any scientific proof, but all he said makes sense!
That doesn't mean that if you masturbate, you will surely lose hair. This also doesn't mean that, if you're balding and stop masturbating, hair will automatically grow again.
Thinks are not only black or only white.
But if it's possible that stopping masturbation may help hair, why not try it? Why reject it so aggresively??
How do you know that stopping masturbation surely doesn't help hair??
What i don't understand is why some people here reject this possible masturbation-hairloss connection from the start, and not only reject it, but start making fun and mocking the poster!!
I think it's only because these people are so weak that they simply cannot quit masturbation!
They say they tried and baldness continued, but in reality, i think they didn't stop it more than a few weeks, because it's simply something that controls them. So they come here and start making fun of people. It's sad!
And masturbation is no way a "healthy activity" as the sex industry tried to teach us, so they can make money. It's a vice, similar to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.


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im sorry i believe in science. sure its slow, and tedious, but at least u can trust the conclusions.

i never said dont cut down on sexual activity, i definately think theres much to be gained from cutting down. Just dont expect it to have a effect on ur hairloss.

and dont present things as factual, when they are just peoples opinions, as plausible as they may be.