Lots of just average-looking women?
EvilLocks and I would rather have our hair and our looks (and she is truly gorgeous) and be with an average-looking man. We don't feel the need to flaunt a model mate. We are the ones who would want our significant others to be the envy of other guys because we are the trophies. We are saying our looks matter more to us than how the man in our life looks (barring controllable things I previously mentioned).
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Have you ever been rejected by a middle-aged woman due to baldness? I'm just wondering on what you're basing your opinion.
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* On if I typically mess around with average women? Are you asking me to rate the women I've gotten togethr with on a scale of 1 to 10? If you are, I would say I got involved with one 3, a few 4s, and a few 8s. But most of them were between 5s - 7s. In m view the 8s, 9s, and 10s seem wooden and aloof. I'm more fun and a little wild. I can't get involved with women who are wooden and aloof because they're no fun, and they aren't very warm and compassionate. I could get the 9s and 10s but I ended up with 5s - 7s because they were compatible with me. It felt good to be around them.
* On if you and EvilLocks should be happy with average men. If you and EvilLockes are with average men they will defer to you more than they should, they won't upset you much, you'll win almost every disagreement, you will do most of the leading, and stuff like that. It will be easy and safe. On the other hand, if you're with an attractive man he will lead more, he will win more disagreements, and he won't compromise nearly as much as the average man. Women with average men often seem dispassionate and kind of lifeless whereas women with attractive men seem to have more passion for everything, but they do cry more and they seem upset and angry more. I think you should get involved with average men - you will be better off. But don't forget what science has taught us. I've posted (in other threads) a few things science has taught us. Science has taught us that women climax more and better with attractive men, and from my experience women fall deeper in love when they're with attractive men. So being with an average man is safer and easier and more humdrum while being with an attractive man is more crying, more anger, and more upset but also more passionate, more sexy, and more fun. I recommend the average men to you because it's safer, easier, and you get to do the leading, but it's your decision.
*On me being rejected by average women since I've lost hair. First of all, I don't pick up on women anymore. I can feel it that they have lost interest in me. I've lost a good amount of hair and I figure they will reject me and I'm not going to let that happen. I'm certainly not going to let it become a habit. I have a few women interested in me now but they are not even nearly average-looking. They are 3s and I'm not attracted to them. If they were 5s I would probably give it a go. I like women who are 5s - 7s. But my wings have been clipped (hair loss) and I can not attract a bunch of women anymore. I'm at stage late NW3. I need to get it back to at least middle NW2. If I can get to mid NW2 I'll be right back in business.
I'm pinning my hopes on SM04554.
I was referring to your comment about preferring to be the trophy BF and wondered if you'd be ok with average women if that were the case, not the actual women with whom you've had relationships. But I did find your comment interesting about the more attractive women being wooden and aloof. I've sometimes wondered if my personality would change if I were beautiful.
My husband is average looking. Of course, we both looked better when we met 23 years ago. Regarding the science of women's climaxes: Sorry, but that wasn't true for me (but not all women are the same where that's concerned). The one "10" I dated never gave me an orgasm. The best were with the three long-term relationships I had. It was never about looking at a handsome guy and simply being able to "get wet". For me, it was always about how comfortable I felt about myself with that guy. Looking back now, the one-nighters (just a couple of them) and casual sex I had were a waste of time. As a matter of fact, things are unreal now. Who would've ever thought middle age could be so fantastic. Once the sexual aspect of the relationship diminishes (unless both parties desire that), the relationship as a whole is affected, I would think.
I doubt you look so bad that an average-looking woman wouldn't be interested in you, especially because you are fun and a little wild. I'm hoping your hopes come true regarding SM04554 or anything that can save your--everyone's--hair. I'd love for my son not to have to deal with this BS at 20, or ever.
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God, I do not look forward to getting old... Having to choose between being "fat" with a fuller face, or skinny with a drawn face... LOL. I really wish youth lasted forever!
It's not that you have to be fat; you just need to maintain a healthy weight all your life. I was too thin last year, and someone commented that she saw it in my face. I could've gotten away with it younger, but now I'm dealing with some loose neck skin and nasty jowls starting, so they became more apparent because I was underweight.