I haven't done any more research, but I do have a question: if the mechanism of action of kcz is to act as an AA (and somehow affect local DHT levels) how come it is effective as a shampoo? That is, being applied only 5-10 mins and then washed away, every 2-3 days?
Short contact therapy is effective because topically applied ketoconazole persists in hair for an average of 3 days and in the epidermis for an average of 7 days. The full texts of the aforementioned research articles investigating ketoconazole's anti-androgenic effect can be accessed through Library Genesis. In short, ketoconazole impacts hair through both androgen-dependent (inhibition of AR activity and upregulation of genes involved in follicular differentiation) and androgen-independent (suppression of microbial-induced inflammation) mechanisms.