DOJ: Sexual assault is any sexual contact or behavior without explicit consent of rec


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The idea of a trial is to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, as it should be. This is the bedrock principle of our justice system. Half or quarter penalties, "some small penalty" as you put it, for "something suspicious" would throw everything into chaos and the justice system would not be unlike a Soviet state. You are right that sometimes people are convicted wrongly of crimes. But the solution to that is not to establish a "suspicious but not sure" penalty system, which would make things much worse. This is why you are an army of one, advocating for this.
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Well, federal law requires all companies and schools to do their own investigations, and they use the more likely than not standard to decide heinous crimes. The reason employers are forced to do this instead of letting law enforcement handle it is everyone knows that proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt is so hard. So now, the people doing the hearing have an incentive to convict, so that they are not sued by the accuser for failing to end a hostile situation.

My proposal would at least return things to less partial court system that is not trying cover its own butt.

I think at a minimum, companies should be allowed to bring in arbitrators who are not liable, and the government should let their decision stand.


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In my office if a girl grabs a guys butt she hilarious and a "character" but if it's the other way round all hell breaks loose.