Don't worry too much about finasteride side effects...


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Harie said:
Have any of the people that got the ED side effect tried to counteract it? My guess it they have not.

I've been taking 5mg of finasteride for almost a year now and just this month finally had trouble getting and maintaining an errection. Simple fix. I just started taking ZMA & Iodine. 5 days later, problem fixed.

I don't think my inability to get and maintain an errection was from finasteride though. Prolly was deficient in Zinc and Iodine. Would have to be deficient in zinc for ZMA to work anyway.

No problems using finasteride. Been on it for 8 yrs. No shrinkage of penis and horny as ever. Dick is still hard as a rock and have not grown any man boobs.


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lol 3days...anywho..

take finasteride before going to bed...then you'll have no sides to "worry" about during the day.

I had this exact problem when I started finasteride 2 years ago. I was worried all day that I had brain fog and that my dick was limp and my thoughts turned into reality not b/c of sides, but b/c of my own thinking.

Now I take finasteride at night...have no problems during the day and my c*** is as hard as a rock when needed.

Mane Man

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rheinblick03 said:
When I started finasteride heres what happened.....

I was so horny that I masturbated maybe like 19 times a day to pornos at you y o u j i z z .com i was pumping them out like every 35 mins, i even was sneaking away at work and rubbing them out over the toilet and was bad, it lasted for 6 weeks....

then my balls started to ache ALL THE TIME. My left nut felt like someone jabbed it with a sword or something, it hurt like hell.

Then my a*** hairs started growing to unimaginable 6 inches a piece, but i weedwhacked them down....

then i started to have bad headaches and was on ibuprofen all the time.

Now im feeling better....shew....

sh*t sounds exactly like me! Super horney for a couple of weeks - thinkin wow this finasteride is great sh*t!
My balls then started to ache more - thought, better ease d jackin off to once an hour(@. That didnt help, but went away eventually, replaced by a low libido and an uneasy feeling that my IQ was in d double digits.
Needless to say d fins in d bin, so its toppik for now, till i can grow hair with willpower.


My Regimen
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brentx, look, if you think finasteride is the right thing for you then go for it.

I for myself never experienced that kind of brain fog (similar to being drunk; feeling distanced) except when I was on finasteride. I couldn't possibly imagine how I could take an exam (and since I am a uni student, I have many of them) when having this feeling.

Everyone can have his own opinion. Some people say finasteride is good for some and bad for others. My opinion is that finasteride is bad for everybody IN THE LONG TERM.

Look, I have nothing to gain; I even thought that finasteride is the cure to my male pattern baldness a week ago. But my experience proved otherwise. My personal recommendation is that it's not worth using finasteride for hair loss no matter whether you experience side effects right now or not. I'd rather have mental healthiness in the years to come (of course, I say this as someone who experienced mental sides (though I never believed they could happen)).

Each to their own...
Hey man how long after you stopped for the fog to go away?


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Insular posts like the op in this thread make me laugh. Just because you don't experience sides doesn't mean you can just tell people it's perfectly safe and everyone who takes finasteride will have the same happy experience as you. What about the studies that tell you otherwise? Maybe most people don't get bad sides but for the ones that do it's no joke. It's also apparent that ther's a lot of grey areas with Finasteride with a lot of scary long term sides unproven. Really, the best advise for someone going on finasteride is to be aware of the sides and read up on them before making a decision.
Conversely I also think it's unfair to advise everyone not to take finasteride just because you have a bad experience. People need to start looking at the bigger picture.