Bad hair uk I gotta couple of questions for you if I may?
Do you think there were any other factors other than choice of doctor in which you feel contributed to your getting such a good result?
The choice of Dr is the number 1 factor in my opinion and being prepared to travel to get the best work is the main thing. For me as a repair patient, I went to a Dr that specialises in repair patients like myself.
The other considerations for me were just to try and get as much hair back or 'packed' in as much as possible. This again is something certain Dr's will be able to do more than others. The last thing is if you have a virtually bald area, keep in mind that its not always only going to take 1 hair transplant to reach the desired results, so keep an open mind on this which is again down to your own needs.
Are you on finasteride or dutasteride etc to maintain/ You got plenty of spare donor hair for 20 years down the line?
Yes, this is really important in my opinion. I was against the idea of taking meds daily to hold onto my native hair (before I had a hair transplant). But there is nothing better than keeping your own existing hair than having to go through further hair transplants in the future. I have held onto my crown with the help of taking...
1/5th finasteride. (started 15th April'08)
MSM 1000 x2 (only for 1st 6 months after hair transplant) to help speed up the re-growth.
Being as your transformation was quite extreme, in a very positive way of course, but due to the severity of change in your appearance you must have gotten a reaction from many people, allbeit i'm sure positive ones. How was that and how did you deal with it?
This is quite a strange one. This is down to the fact I hardy ever took my cap off for over 10 years!! I wouldnt even leave the house without it. Even my own brother or mother etc hadnt seen me without a hat for over a decade!! For the 1st few years I would be asked why I never take it off!
But after this people just got used to me with a cap on. I would like to say... I hated every single day of wearing a cap. My head doesnt look good in a cap and I found it very degrading and difficult to find one that fitted me so I always wore it till it had to be changed for a new one!
It was really sad. I remember people I had never met before or neighbours, would ask me whats under my hat?! I was really embarrassed as I knew I had thick ugly hair transplanted plugs and I couldn't let anyone see them at any cost!
at this stage I had lost all contact with any friends who stopped calling me as I never went out or anyone to go out with so I had nobody to compare me 'before and after' expect my mother!! and brother. I was a recluse... but not my choice... I used to be the partying kind and up for fun every weekend.
So for me taking off my cap and leaving the house for the 1st time just to walk into the town was VERY strange feeling. I felt naked to start off with but at the same time I felt incredible!! In the last few years without a hat I have not had one person look up at my hairline, when I 1st started losing my hair in my early 20's, everyones eyes used to go up to my hairline when they were talking to me! But this has never happened again since I took my hat off. I really am grateful to be able to have this 2nd chance again is quite special.. before I really do get old!
Sorry for the long reply, but I was trying to say... the response is great but I never uncovered my balding head to anyone before this... I was too ashamed.
The most common comments I get from people that didnt know me before, are 'You look younger than me and I'm only 27 not 37!' I had a builder around the other day who said 'If he new he could have stayed looking as young as me he would never have got married!' lol.
The last thing I heard recently was my mum telling me my brother told her he thought I was really lucky to have such a full head of hair' she is the only one that knows I have had a hair transplant in my family.
These are some amazing comments I hear for people I have never met before.
If I am being too personal that's fair enough just you are a few years older than myself and if I go the same route I don't really know what I am gonna say or how I am gonna handle it.
I hear you, I told a 2 girls that I have had a hair transplant just to see there reaction and they didnt care one bit!! One reaction was ' so what, you should see all the things us girls do with our hair' I wanted to hear the opinion of someone that knew nothing about hair transplant's and it was really nice to hear they thought it was great. I almost think its cool now! lol.
Anyway cheers for the feedback bearing in mind you really don't need to be here anymore. Fair play and congrats