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Donewithit, you can change that around as people have in worse situations. When you become so negative, the body starts to manifest itself and its probably a reason your hairloss started. Don't be selfish and take the easy road out. There are people in your life that will feel bad and have regret that they didn't do something. I know someone who's mother committed suicide and he hasnt been the same since. It's that negativity that keeps being repeated over and over in your head, that's all you see and miss out on the positive things. You should have more hope and in vision a bright future. Fight for yourself like other people, look into a diet that works. Maybe a paelo diet with organic food might help as I have seen food taking away stress and anxiety alone. You might have some food sensitivities that affect your mindset and stress levels.
Do some research. The truth is, there is no one who is completely healthy in a developed country anymore. All the toxins and bad soil makes us deficient in some nutrients at least. I have also never met a girl, no matter how "attractive" that is not insecure about herself. That's the truth. I also find that female hair loss is usually easier to treat due to hormones I guess. Definitely keep researching, make sure you have no mold in your house or high EMF radiation. Eat more vegetables, grass fed beef, krill oil or fermented cod liver oil. Practice positivity and believe in yourself that you can accomplish what you desire with enough hard work and patience. It goes a long way and your life is worth fighting for. There are already so many treatments coming up in the medical field, there is also so many things you can do naturally that will improve your life. There are also experimental things going on like dermarolling and scalp messages that are helping some people. No matter what there is hope and I am confident that you can improve if you learn enough.
Keep yourself busy when you're sad such as art, hobbies, studying, etc. I would also recommend to practice mindfulness meditation.
People are in DIFFERENT situations yes, but who are you or anyone really to judge which are "worse".
I only know my situation and to me it's unbearable.
Something I've learned is that anxiety and depression as severe as mine has been and is, today, multiplied by a thousand,
does manifest itself in your body and gives physical symptoms.
I've been through them all; insomnia, stomach problems, headaches, muscle aches, rashes, fatigue, dizziness, problems concentrating, back pain +++.
I've suffered from something called Generalised Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, and the best way I can describe it is being in a constant state of fear 24/7. People are affected to varying degrees, and I've been told mine is severe.
On top of this I've ALWAYS, since a child, suffered from very low self esteem, and low self worth in general.
I had problems long before my hair loss started, and believe me I tried treating my disease with various anti depressants,
going to several shrinks etc.
It never helped because although I knew that the advice the doctors and shrinks gave me made sense,
it's like my mind always told me differently. I just couldn't let go of the fear no matter what.
There was a time when I told myself enough is enough, and started living a very healthy life like what you are talking about,
with healthy food and very regular exercise. Even did yoga to relax my mind.
After a while I developed serious fatigue, which sent me right back into anxiety mode, and forced me to stop exercising.
Shortly after that the hair started falling out. I had plenty of triggers for my hair to start shedding,
including anxiety/depression, a thyroid problem etc.
But none of those factors will cause balding. Maybe they set it off early, sure, but balding is genetic and it would have hit me anyway.
It is not my fault I'm balding, it's my damn genetics.
Before hair loss I suffered severe anxiety and mild depression, hair loss turned it into severe depression.
As of now the anxiety is slowly letting go as I'm resigning to the fact that I am, indeed, balding.
I've spent months and months doing research on hair loss, trying to find out if I was actually balding,
going to a dozen of doctors and so called "specialists", trying out different treatments, foods etc. that is supposed to help.
What I'm left with in the end is the fact that I am rapidly balding, and it's probably nothing I can do about it.
The fear of going bald has turned to some sort of acceptance, where I am no longer afraid,
just exhausted, and incredibly depressed. I have no fight left in me whatsoever.
When you reach a point where you are so depressed you no longer "care", and I don't mean in a way where I don't give two sh*ts I'm going bald, nothing will ever satisfy you.
I used to love photography, music, dancing, makeup, clothes, shoes, laughing, painting, reading, sex...
None of those things give me even a fraction of joy anymore.
When I force myself out of my house about twice a month to hang out with friends, all I wanna do is go home anyway.
You become so resigned you just wanna give up and give in, if you know what I mean?
Thanks for your advice but I've tried it all and none of it has helped even a bit.
Also about hormones I've tested mine like 100 times and they are always "normal".
I just have some really bad hair killing genetics, I guess.
Without comparing my situation to other problems I do wanna say though,
personally I think mental problems are some of the worst things in this world.
You can't really speak until you've been there.
Imagine not having ONE second of peace inside your head for months, even years.
There's always a war going on inside my head, with millions of thoughts on top of each other.
Can't expect someone who's not been there to understand though.
And I'm not saying you've never been depressed or anxious because we all have,
but it becomes a disease when it never lets go, and I mean never,
even when I sleep all I have is nightmares about hair.